
Extending Visual Studio 2003 C++ debugger using autoexp.dat and DLL

I know a solution would be to use VS 2005 or 2008, but that's not an option at the moment. I am supposed to write an extension to the VS 2003 C++ debugger to improve the way it displays data in the watch window. The main reason I am using a DLL rather than just the basic autoexp.dat functionality is that I want to be able to display thin...

"detach all" vs "stop debugging"

When using the "Attach To Process" feature in Visual Studio 2008, what is the difference between "detach all" and "stop debugging"? ...

Can I prevent the CLR from optimizing away debugging information?

I've written an abstract base class for unit tests that sets up just enough environment for our tests to run. The class exposes some of the runtime environment bits as properties whose types vary test by test (the property types are type arguments specified in the inheriting, concrete test class). This is all well and good, except a co-...

Debugging private access objects

Hi There, I am wanting to find out if it is possible to easily debug a private access field in an object? Here is a scenario for example sake: An application is running a WebBrowser class that is accessed privately from a class. Is it possible to stop the application, change the Html of a page and continue the application? Thanks, K...

std::vector visualizer doesn't work properly on std::vector<boost::variant>

The visual studio std::vector visualizer in the VS2008 autoexp.dat file doesn't seem to work if I have a std::vector<boost::variant<...>>. It does work on other types of vectors I have tried (e.g std::vector<int>, std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<..>>) Here is the visualizer code: std::vector<*>{ children ( #array ( expr : ($e._Myfir...

What is the priority on NoStepInto entries in VS2008?

I've been looking into the NoStepInto feature of Visual Studio. Andy Pennell's post How to Not Step Into Functions using the Visual C++ Debugger has been extremely helpful. But as far as I can tell, in VS2008 the string name of the rule no longer has to be an integer, and no longer has any effect on the priority of the rule. I have ...

Tomcat failed to shutdown

when i add the following java opts to enable debugging: JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -noverify -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" i get the following error whenever the try to shutdown the tomcat: ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use ["transport.c",...

How do I get the VS debugger to display the type name of an object member?

The Visual Studio autoexp.dat syntax allows you to display ‘the name of the most-derived type of the object’ with the 'special format' <,t>, which is very helpful if you have lots of derived types. From the syntax, I assumed that you could do the same thing for members, such as <member,t>, but when I try that the preview only shows ??? ...

How to run XDebug and Zend side by side?

Hello I am using a PHP shopping cart which requires me to use Zend Optimizer. I am using Netbeans as the IDE, and it requires Xdebug, but that's incompatible with Zend. These are the lines in my php.ini zend_extension_ts = "D:\xampp\php\zendOptimizer\lib\ZendExtensionManager.dll" zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts = "D:\xampp\php\z...

Prevent DebuggerStepThroughAttribute from applying to my non-xsd-generated partial class?

I used the xsd.exe tool to generate a class based on my xml schema. It created a public partial class with DebuggerStepThroughAttribute. Well, I created another partial class file for this class to write my custom code and want to be able to step-into this code I've written but it appears the debugger is applying the step-through attri...

gdb searching for source directories

how do i mention to gdb in unix to search for source files inside a single directory recursively for example if there are some different buiding blocks in one module. a is parent directory for b, c, d where b,c,d are child directories. and source files are distributed in b,c,b. i just have to mention to gdb that all the source files are...

PHP Debugger with Unit Testing

Hello All, I have gotten the Zend debugger to work with PDT 2.1. On the project I'm working on, I do unit testing with PHPUnit but running the debugger won't catch any of the breakpoints until I make some instances of the test class and then run the tests manually. This is an issue, as I'd like to have the code base remain independent...

netbeans php debugger

Hi, I am using Window VISTA, XAMPP server. The X-debug is working. It stop when I put the xdebug_break().. after which it doesn't stop on any break points. nor it will do stepinto or any of those.... what am i missing.. THnks Cool ...

Watch windows not updating correctly when debugging C++/CLI 2D arrays

I'm debugging a C++/CLI assembly. In the assembly, I have a 2D managed array declared like this: array<char, 2> ^classifications; I have four variables I'm using to access positions in the array: int x, y, dx, dy; In the Watch window, this expression works: classifications[y, x] However, this expression does not update when the...

Breaking into the debugger on iPhone

Hi everyone, For assert macros in my iPhone project, I'm looking for a way to programmatically break into the debugger. On Windows (MSVC++), I can use __debugbreak() for this purpose. Invoking this function will stop my program, launch the debugger, and display a callstack of the line that called __debugbreak(). Is there anything simil...

Unable to load one or more breakpoints error in Visual Studio.

Hi All, My Visual Studio is behaving strangely.Actually I have no breakpoints in my projects but whenever i start my Visual Studio an error message comes up showing that it's unable to load one or more breakpoints. Second , i have 10 projects in my solution i make one projrct as a startup project but Visual studio is not saving this in...

How to use WINDBG debugging tool for debugging??

Hi Can any one tell me how to use the WinDbg . I am created an Application it is works fine in one machine.when i try to run on another machine it fails how can i debug it using windbg. ...

Step Through Debugging of PHP on Windows

Is there any good way to do this, or should I just bite the bullet and either a) buy an IDE for PHP on Windows, or b) find out how to do this on Linux and run Cygwin? ...

How can I load a package and keep the debugger working?

I'm using TJvPluginManager in the JVCL to create and load BPL-based plugins for my program. Problem is, one of the plugins isn't loading properly, and I can't debug it. Every time I try to trace into the loading sequence, it gets as far as the LoadLibrary API call, and then the debugger seems to forget what it's there for. It complete...

Visual Studio Debugger - Automatic Variable Assignment

I am working on a multi-developer project and the application being developed is launcher through a launcher application which passes parameters such as the user logged in, their location, etc. Right now when I debug the application I set a breakpoint on the code that parses the input parameters and I assign the username variable my user...