
Java Reading Undecoded URL from Servlet

Let's presume that I have string like '=&?/;#+%' to be a part of my URL, let's say like this: where myString is the above string. I've encoded critical part so URL looks like

C++: Remove all HTML formatting from string?

Hi, I have a string which might include br or span.../span tags or other HTML characters/entities. I want a robust way of stripping all that and getting the remaining UTF-8 characters. This be should be cross-platform, ideally. Something like this would be ideal:

SQL decode on column4 but only when column5 is distinct

Hi folks, I need to change the sum(decode()) expressions that are like SUM(Decode(vcon.WAGON_TYPE_CODE,'MS',1,0)) to something that counts rows with vcon.WAGON-TYPE-CODE = 'MS' but only when wag.ACI-TAG-NO is distinct. So if two columns look like this vcon.WAGON_TYPE_CODE wag.ACI_TAG_NO MS HI1111 SS ...

Java: How to decode HTML character entities in Java like HttpUtility.HtmlDecode?

Basically I would like to decode a given Html document, and replace all special chars, such as "&nbsp" -> " ", ">" -> ">". In .NET we can make use of HttpUtility.HtmlDecode. What's the equivalent function in Java? ...

Extracting data from jpeg files

Hi, I want to extract some kind of bmp/rgb data from jpeg files. I had a look at libjpeg, but there seemed not to be any good documentation available. So my questions are: Where is documentation on libjpeg? Can you suggest other c-based jpeg-decompression libraries? thanks in regard ps: I am using GNU/Linux, and c/c++ ...

ExtJS: DecodeVaule in PHP

Is there any way that I could enjoy a decodeValue() function in PHP, too? I am posting those encodedValue values to a PHP file and I need to work with them in PHP as an array. How can I end up with a PHP array or something from the encoded state in Ext? Or, is there any other way that I could work the encoded values to be able to easil...

Is it possible to decode EventValidation and ViewState in ASP.NET?

How to decode the ASP.NET EventValidation and ViewState? ...

How can I reverse engineer the encode/decode method used here?

I have the page to encode and I have the page to decode. I don't, however, have the knowledge on how to do it myself without the web pages. What I'm trying to do is figure out how to encode a hoplink like: into The encode/decode pages ...

Why doesn't my decrypt function work?

This was not written by me; it was written by someone who passed it down to me. I lost contact with the author of the code. I have been using this code for a few years and just now realized this error. It seems that the letter sequence rkey1 messes up the output. For example turkey1 outputs as decryption as tur79y1. This Perl code shou...

Decoding double encoded utf8 in Python

Hi, I've got a problem with strings that I get from one of my clients over xmlrpc. He sends me utf8 strings that are encoded twice :( so when I get them in python I have an unicode object that has to be decoded one more time, but obviously python doesn't allow that. I've noticed my client however I need to do quick workaround for now be...

How does Noah Classifieds encrypt their passwords?

Here are some examples: db: 35273f5c7b3fb45a actual: 5093625 db: 272beab9517a8835 actual: 7091343 According to it's not MD5 or SHA1. ...

Code for decoding/encoding a modified base64 URL

I want to base64 encode data to put it in a URL and then decode it within my HttpHandler. I have found that Base64 Encoding allows for a '/' character which will mess up my UriTemplate matching. Then I found that there is a concept of a "modified Base64 for URL" from wikipedia: A modified Base64 for URL variant exists, where no paddin...

utf-8 decoding problem in php

I got a .vcf file with parts encoded as UTF-8: CATEGORIES;CHARSET=UTF-8:Straße & –dienste Now "–" should be a "-" and "Straße" should convert to "Straße". I tried utf8_decode() iconv() mb_convert_encoding() And have been playing with several output encoding options like header('content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); mb...

Proper replacement for usage of the Sun internal com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package?

We have some code kicking around that uses this old internal Sun package for manipulating images, essentially encoding JPEGs to a specific size and quality after reading in / decoding from an inputstream. Code examples below. I would appreciate a best practice replacement example using proper java.* or javax.* APIs. private void encod...

AJAX POST and Plus Sign ( + ) -- How to Encode?

I'm POSTing the contents of a form field via AJAX to a PHP script and using Javascript encode(field_contents). The problem is that any plus signs are being stripped out and replaced by spaces. How can I safely 'encode' the plus sign and then appropriately 'decode' it on the PHP side? ...

Request Object not decoding UrlEncoded

C#, ASP.NET 3.5 I create a simple URL with an encoded querystring: string url = "http://localhost/test.aspx?a=" + Microsoft.JScript.GlobalObject.escape("áíóú"); which becomes nicely: http://localhost/test.aspx?a=%E1%ED%F3%FA (that is good) When I debug test.aspx I get strange decoding: string badDecode = Request.QueryString[...

Encrypt in C# decrypt in JavaScript

I am looking for way to encrypt string in C# and to decrypt it using JavaScript. JavaScript in this case is a scripting language for internal system, so I should not worry about people accessing private key/password which will be required for decryption. Searching online for solution it seems that AES encryption should do the trick. I’...

Proper way to decode response in Dojo cometd java client

I want to push arbitrary XMLEncoded java objects back and forth using Dojo cometd channels, and I have a problem decoding the payload properly. In order to do this I have this send method in a stripped down version of the chat room client demonstration program: private void send(String string) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<...

PHP return value from decoded object

Hi, Can someone please tell me where is the error in this code?, I use a mobile iphone application to call a php script tha will send information to apple. Apple then will return a JSON object containing several values in an associative array. I want to reach the 'status' value but every time I run the code in the phone, the php script...

Convert from hex string to unicode

How can i convert the 'dead' string to an unicode string u'\xde\xad'? Doing this: from binascii import unhexlify out = ''.join(x for x in [unhexlify('de'), unhexlify('ad')]) creates a <type 'str'> string '\xde\xad' Trying to use the Unicode.join() like this: from binascii import unhexlify out = ''.join(x for x in [u'', unhexlify('d...