
Missing PID file when using a process manager to start delayed job

I am using BluePill to manage processes such as delayed job for Rails. In the BluePill log, I am getting this message: W, [2010-09-27T01:23:20.447053 #19441] WARN -- : [fsg_distro:delayed_job] pid_file /srv/fsg_distro/shared/pids/ does not exist or cannot be read W, [2010-09-27T01:23:20.447368 #19441] WARN -- : [fsg_di...

rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'jobs:work'

Hi all: I'm on Heroku, installed delayed_job and am getting the above error when I attempt to run a background job. I've tried filing a ticket and scouring the net to no avail. Thanks...Chris ...

delayed job and monit

Can't seem to get delayed job to get running with monit. here is my delayed_job.monitrc file.. check process delayed_job with pidfile /var/www/app/shared/pids/ start program = "cd /var/www/myapp/current && script/delayed_job start RAILS_ENV=production" as uid deploy and gid www-data stop program = "cd...

Seemingly successful start of a process does not show up in a "ps" command

rails@george:/srv/fsg_distro$ /usr/bin/env HOME=/home/rails RAILS_ENV=production /usr/bin/ruby /srv/fsg_distro/current/script/delayed_job start delayed_job: process with pid 23622 started. rails@george:/srv/fsg_distro$ ps -ef | grep 23622 rails@george:/srv/fsg_distro$ Is ps lying to me? Probably not. I would imagine the delayed job s...

Getting ""AWS::S3::NoSuchKey"", only from Production Server..

The Error : 2010-10-06T04:40:41-0700: * [Worker(delayed_job host:domU-12-31-39-0C-CC-64 pid:21517)] acquired lock on PhotoJob 2010-10-06T04:40:41-0700: * [JOB] delayed_job host:domU-12-31-39-0C-CC-64 pid:21517 failed with AWS::S3::NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist. - 1 failed attempts Paperclip matches the ID, but the ID sud...

How do I test DelayedJob with Cucumber?

We use DelayedJob to run some of our long running processes and would like to test with Cucumber/Webrat. Currently, we are calling Delayed::Job.work_off in a Ruby thread to get work done in the background, but are looking for a more robust solution What is the best approach for this? Thanks. ...

Delayed::Jobs keeps sending emails if it fails..

I used Delayed_Jobs to send emails. Except I think that if it fails to send to 'every single email' then it tries and reruns the entire batch again. How do I make it skip an email address if its not correct? ...

Which is the best route to take when uploading images from my Rails app to Amazon's S3?

I have a web app in which users can upload an avatar under 700kb. That's the only part of the application dealing with uploading images (so I won't be dealing with an exceptionally heavy load). I was wondering what the best way is to go about this. Currently I'm using Paperclip and I wan't to store all of the images on Amazon's S3. Opti...

Is delayed_job work for rails3? which version?

when i run rails g delayed_job,i always get the "Couldn't find generator delayed_job",i already add the "get "delayed_job"" to my gemfile... is there someone tell me why? how can i resolve this problem,thanks... ...

I'm getting an 'undefined method' error while using delayed_job

I'm using delayed_job and for a method I keep getting this error: undefined method 'shorten!' for #<Status:0x6ce8c6c> Delayed_job works for my other methods such as sending users a confirmation email when they sign up. This is the only method thats giving me the error. The method works when called on directly but it spouts out that erro...

rake jobs:work error, uninitialized constant ...

i am using delayed_job 2.1.0.pre2, and in my lib i have a class which named MailingJob(mailing_job.rb),and it has one method named perform. In my controller , i put a new MailingJob object in my delayed_job queue as the doc said. but when i run the "rake jobs:work" command,it always told me that it can't find "MailingJob", is it necessar...

rails delayed_job memory consumption problem

Hi, We're having huge problems with the delayed_job plugin - When we start tasks with "ruby script/delayed_job start", the process never lets go of RAM it acquires. So it starts with 10%, 25%, gets to 80% and never lets go of the ram, even if it has no jobs to process. Any ideas how we ca...

Debugging Delayed_Jobs

I'm looking to debug a delayed jobs class. First off I added the config/initializers/delayed_job_config to move my logging to my log/production.rb file. Delayed::Job.destroy_failed_jobs = false Delayed::Worker.logger = Rails.logger Then in the actual file I'm doing in the actual file class TestJob < logger.debug("test ...

What are the best practices in monitoring DelayedJob?

What is the best way to get alerts of some kind (email, HTTP callback, etc) about failed jobs in DelayedJob? I'm running in Heroku, so keeping the workers alive (god, monit, etc) is taken care of. NewRelic's error tracking functionality apparently doesn't register fatal errors in Delayed::PerformableMethod, but I do get performance met...

Profile a delayed_job task in a Ruby on Rails app/Memory leak

Hi, One of my delayed_job tasks has a serious memory leak and I'm having a hard time solving it. Can anyone recommend a good tool for profile a delayed_job task in order to solve this memory leak? Regards, Rubem ...

Uploading to S3 on Heroku with Paperclip (delayed_job question)

I'm trying to upload to a portfolio app I've built, specifically trying to find where to hook delayed_job into the process. It all works otherwise. Right now it returns undefined method 'call' for #<Class:0xae68750> on app/controllers/portfolio_items_controller.rb:18:in 'create' so here's my model and that portion of the controller... an...

Can't Run Delayed Job in the background on ruby 1.9.2

rake jobs:work works just fine But RAILS_ENV=development ./script/delayed_job start (or any of its permutations) doesn't work on 1.9.2. I can run it just fine on 1.9.1. Anyone have a solution for this? ...