
Is there any term by the name 'consultation' in software engineering?

Is there any term by the name 'consultation' in UML? If yes please explain or point to some resource. (Am writing the the paragraph below because may be you know it by some other name.) From the very limited knowledge that I have is that it is related to 'delegation'. My guess is that in delegation you transfer the task as it is to ano...

Delegation, some example of code? How object delegate to other

I would like to gain a better understanding about the delegation. Can somebody please paste a good code sample of delegation and explain how it works? ...

How to configure a system-wide package in osgi?

I need to made available a library to some bundles. This library makes use of RMI, so it needs (as far as I know, at least) to use the system class loader in order to work (I tried to "osgi-fy" the library, which results in classcastexceptions at runtime). So what I did was to remove the dependencies from the bundles that use that librar...

PInvoke LogonUser and Delegation with Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)

Hi all, There are lots of examples of using the LogonUser Win 32 API for impersonation/delegation. What I can't seem to extrapolate from all of this is what sort of security token is returned from LogonUser when I set the logonType LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE. All I know is that it doesn't seem to work with Integrated Windows Authenticati...

ASP.NET passing along Windows Authentication credentials

I've got an ASP.NET web application which uses Windows Authentication. This application needs to connect to another ASP.NET web service (which also uses Windows Authentication) and use the same credentials that it received from the user's browser. Can this be done and how? ... kerberos dropping down to NTLM sporadically

Background (just the relevant pieces): We have a large intranet 2.0/3.5 app. Web servers are Windows Server 2003 on an AD domain. Clients are on Windows, IE 6-8. Windows Authentication, with a custom principal created from the Windows Identity. Web servers sit behind an F5 NLB which forwards the user to a specific web server. (T...

Kerberos, delegation and how to do this correctly?

I've got two separate homemade applications that need to communicate among themselves. One is a frontend application ( actually), the other is a backend interface to an accounting application. The backend interface was not created specifically for this frontend - it is a generic interface that many other applications use to integr...

Powershell v2 remoting and delegation

I have installed Powershell V2 on 2 machines and run Enable-PsRemoting on both of them. Both machines are Win 2003 R2 and are joined to the same active directory domain and I can successfully run commands remotely. So PS remoting is working between the local server and remote server. But when I try to access a share on a 3rd server (di...

Delegation in a NSThreaded Design? (iPhone)

Hi Im using a large amount of very small web services in my app and I have been down a couple of roads that does not scale or work as desired. The Design approach Im thinking about: The task for the viewController is to ask for a set of data from a general webServicesClass, this task is started in a new NSThread -> this will instantiat...

Access problem in java

I am working with a 3rd party framework and it turns out I need to wrap some of its objects as a delegate to one of my classes. class Foo { // 3rd party class. protected void method() {} } class FooWrapper extends Foo { private Foo mDelegate; public FooWrapper(Foo inDelegate) { mDelegate = inDelegate; } pr...

Objective-C Delegates: Have another class I call that parses XML. Need to know when its done externally

Hi guys, I have a class that calls another class to parse (NSXMLParse) from a URL. Now I would like for the class calling this one to know when it has finished, so that I can populate the UI. I am guessing a delegate would be the way to go but ive never worked with one and would need some guidance as to how this would be wired. Thanks ...

Objective-c asynchronous communication: target/action or delegation pattern?

Hello folks, I'm dealing with some asynchronous communication situations (Event-driven XML parsing, NSURLConnection response processing, etc.). I'll try to briefly explain my problem: In my current scenario, there is a service provider (that can talk to a xml parser or do some network communication) and a client that can ask the servi...

C++ Class Delegation Constructor Problems

Thank you for reading. The to delegate Class is called Sensor. It need a reference to be set in the Constructor like: class Sensor { Sensor(other *ref);} I have a Class testFactory. If i now type class testFactor{ ...stuff... private: Sensor mySensor;} I get ALL the Problems. It cannot alloc an abstract Object. Or it cannot decla...

centralizing my objective C app's networking code

I am trying to centralize my app's networking code. Basically, in any of the various places that need information from a server, I create an object serverRequest of my class ServerRequest to get the information. When ServerRequest is done, it needs to send the information back to the calling object. Of course it should work asynchrono...

ASP.Net web application trying to use Impersonation and Delegation to connect to SQL Server

I'm trying to use Impersonation and Delegation in an intranet ASP.Net web-app in order to pass authenticated users' credentials onto a SQL Server. The web server and SQL server are two separate machines, but in the same domain, so Delegation is required. I've done the following: set <authentication mode="Windows"/> and <identity impe...

Composition vs. Delegation

Hi, Is there any difference in terms of implementation as how a composition design can be different from delegation. For example the code below seems to be doing delegation since the user cannot access the composed object (i.e "a") without using b. Hence, the user would need to invoke interfaces of class b and then "class b" invoke appr...

How is a delegate object called?

my protocol: @protocol ElectricalSystemEngineDelegate -(void)didRequestMainMenu:(id)sender; @end I designed this protocol in order to handle dismissal of a modal View Controller inside my rootView controller. My rootView controller adopts this protocol and is declared as follows: #import "ElectricalSystemEngineDelegate.h" @interface...

Save after delegation

When using the delegation feature of Ruby in Models: class A def foo ... end def foo=(arg) ... end end class B < A belongs_to :a delegate :foo, :foo=, :to => :a end How can I force B to save A after setting"what_ever"? Oh and should be called only if is called and was used - just ...

Delegate OpenID to Google (NOT Google Apps)

OK, I searched this question on SO but no good answer. After spent some time I figured out how to do it. I'm going to answer this myself as a way to share it. ...

Calling UITableViews delegate methods directly.

Hi I was looking for a way to call the edit method directly. - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)theTableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath I have all my logic for animating manipulated cells, removing from my model array etc. in this method. It is getting called...