
dnscmd remote call from ASP.Net (Impersonation, delegation and all this funny stuff)

Hi! I've always suposed that I was facing a permission problem, but I'm not sure now. We are trying to manage our Microsoft DNS Server via ASP.NET in different servers with the "dos" command "dnscmd". How? It may seem easy with: System.Diagnostics.Process runner = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); runner.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = fa...

Mootools 1.2.4 delegation not working in IE8...?

Hey there everybody-- So I have a listbox next to a form. When the user clicks an option in the select box, I make a request for the related data, returned in a JSON object, which gets put into the form elements. When the form is saved, the request goes thru and the listbox is rebuilt with the updated data. Since it's being rebuilt I...

WCF Fails when using impersonation over 2 machine boundaries (3 machines)

These scenarios work in their pieces. Its when i put it all together that it breaks. I have a WCF service using netTCP that uses impersonation to get the callers ID (role based security will be used at this level) on top of this is a WCF service using basicHTTP with TransportCredientialOnly which also uses impersonation I then have a ...

WCF Custom Delegation/Authentication without Kerberos

I'm building a simple WCF service, probably exposed via HTTPS, using NTLM security. Since not all users are going to be capable of using the service directly, we're writing a simple web front-end for the service. Users will auth with HTML to the web front-end. What we want is a way to delegate the user of the web site all the way to th...

innerHTML and event delegation

Hello, I have a containing div that has multiple divs within which is updated every 25ms using innerHTML (for performance reasons). I have tried using event delegation to capture events but nothing I seem to do captures the click event. I think this may be due to the speed that the contents are getting updated. Any ideas would be very w...

delegating into private parts

Sometimes, C++'s notion of privacy just baffles me :-) class Foo { struct Bar; Bar* p; public: Bar* operator->() const { return p; } }; struct Foo::Bar { void baz() { std::cout << "inside baz\n"; } }; int main() { Foo::Bar b; // error: 'struct Foo::Bar' is private within this con...

Help with c# event listening and usercontrols

OK so I have a page which has a listview on it. Inside the item template of the listview is a usercontrol. This usercontrol is trying to trigger an event so that the hosting page can listen to it. My problem is that the event is not being triggered as the handler is null. (ie. EditDateRateSelected is my handler and its null when debug...

UIView layoutSubviews delegation

I find myself wanting support for delegating the responsibility of layoutSubviews for a UIView. This to avoid having to make a specific subclass just to implement the layoutSubviews method. I'm suspecting the reason I found my self wanting this alternative might be because I've missed some fundamental UIKit design considerations, or? Or ...

C++ question: feature similar to Obj-C protocols?

I'm used to using Objective-C protocols in my code; they're incredible for a lot of things. However, in C++ I'm not sure how to accomplish the same thing. Here's an example: Table view, which has a function setDelegate(Protocol *delegate) Delegate of class Class, but implementing the protocol 'Protocol' Delegate of class Class2, ...

How to prevent delegated handlers on a parent without preventing default in jQuery?

Is there any way to prevent a click from an <a> triggering delegated click handlers on its parent, while allowing the the <a>'s default behavior to occur (navigating to the href). Here's an example that illustrates what I'm asking. <div class="top"> <div class="middle"> <a href="" class="link">link</a> </div> ...

Code reuse when parsing XML using NSXMLParser (iPhone dev)

In an iphone application that I am building, I am parsing XML in a number of view controllers when they are loaded by a user. Every time I do this, I am doing the following: establishing an NSURLConnection (in viewDidLoad) storing the data retrieved and error handling (connection delegate methods) creating an NSXMLParser parsing the ...

Delphi: How delegate interface implementation to child object?

i have an object which delegates implementation of a particularly complex interface to a child object. This is exactly i think is the job of TAggregatedObject. The "child" object maintains a weak reference to its "controller", and all QueryInterface requests are passed back to the parent. This maintains the rule that IUnknown is always...

how to ensure that our site authenticates with kerberos

I am working with HttpWebRequest in dotnet. I am using delegation (impersonation) to do this, request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; request.ImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation; in webconfig file identity impersonate="true" for Impersonation Kerberos is required... So ...

Stop propagation with jquery delegate/live function not working

Heres the problem html: <ul id="update-list"> <li class="update" onclick="window.location('some_url')"> <h2> some header </h2> <p> some paragraph </p> <div> <a class="popup-link"> <span> Show Popup </span> <span> + </span> </a> </div> </li> // this repeats n times //... </ul> When i click on .popup-link li...

how is the control flow to findClass of

In the parent delegation model for loading classes, I know that loadclass() is invoked on the parent, all the way to the top of the class-loader hierarchy (assuming the class is not loaded). At which point the topmost parent classloader's findClass is invoked. If this class is not found, how is the control transferred to the next classl...

How can a method's Javadoc be copied into other method's Javadoc?

I know that there is @inheritDoc, but it's only for methods which override others. I have several classes with many delegate methods (which do not override others). Can their Javadoc be "inherited" (more exactly: copied)? /** here I need the copy of wrappedMethod's Javadoc */ public void delegateMethod(Object param){ innerSomething....

No OpenID endpoint found

hi, Got a problem with my openID. A couple weeks ago I noticed I could no longer log in with my URL delegating to an underlying OpenID provider (getopenid). I checked their server and it was returning and error, so I switched over to I'm still not able to log in anywhere though (luckily, my browser hasn't pushed me ou...

Objective C - delegation question ???

I need to create a class that gets a delegate does some calculation and then calls the delegate. Where am i suppose to release the object I allocated? Is it possible to init the MyClass object without allocating it, so that way I don't have to release it. What is the best practice to do such a thing? (I am trying to create a web servic...

How to actually implement the paging UIScrollView from Apple's example?

I found an example of a paging UIScrollView in Apple's developer docs and it's just what I want for my application. I have a main view with a "Help" button that I want to present a view that users can page through to see all the help topics. The sample is at:

jQuery's delegate() not running properly in Safari, works fine in all other browsers

I'm working on a JavaScript-based banner for a client and have hit a wall. The banner runs fine in Chrome, Firefox, IE7 and 8. Safari, however, allows the user to close the banner once and open it once, then it stops responding to clicks. The user should be able to open and close the banner as many times as they'd like. Rather than c...