
jQuery: how to use dialog-modal confirmation before deleting?

This is the 1st time i'm use jQuery dialog_modal confirmation. i want to use this before deleting data inside ajax function. i'm still confuse how to put this script correctly. Before use this dialog i have some script like: $('#delete').click(function() { var params = $('#deletedata').serialize(); $.ajax({ ...

update a field to null or delete row if another field is null MYSQL

I am looking for the most efficient way to update a table in the following way. If field A has a value in it and the contents of field b are being removed (null)then just update field b to null If field A has no value in it and field b is being updated to null then delete row. I'm a MYSQL newbie and am aware of insert/update/delete bu...

How do I delete multiple rows with different IDs

I want to do something like this: ... DELETE FROM table WHERE id IN (SELECT ....) How can I do that? ...

"An unexpected network error occurred." happens occasionally, unable to isolate

I have a VB .NET Application which I have written for my company which occasionally throws a message “System.IO.IOException: An unexpected network error occurred.”, that I have been unable to figure out the issue. The application is a Backup program which to simplify for this post does the following: 1) Checks for H drive or external d...

flex4: removeAllElements removes the element from the stage but does not delete it completely

I have a container (vgroup) that has some timers and event listeners attacked to it. when i remove the element from the page i can see that it's still running (by having a timer that sends a trace message). how can i make sure that the object is completely erased ?! kfir ...

MYSQL delete from tasks where project.find(project_id) is null

Hi all the title of this question is a very rough version of the query that I'd like to execute. I've deleted project tasks without a user id, and I now want to delete tasks related to the projects that I've just deleted. Of course I probably should have just done it all with one query ... will take any suggestions for that query als...

how to delete the records from a table after a limit.

I have a table like this: CREATE TABLE vhist ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, userId varchar(45) NOT NULL, mktCode int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, insertDate datetime NOT NULL, default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; A user can have more than one record. I need an SQL statemen...

Is it necessary to delete elements as an array shrinks?

Hi I'm a student writing a method that removes zeros from the end of an array of ints, in c++. The array is in a struct, and the struct also has an int that keeps track of the length of the array. The method examines each element starting from the last, until it encounters the first non-zero element, and marks that one as the "last ele...

C++ object created with new, destroyed with free(); How bad is this?

Hello, all. I am working on modifying a relatively large C++ program, where unfortunately it is not always clear whether someone before me used C or C++ syntax (this is in the electrical engineering department at a university, and we EEs are always tempted to use C for everything, and unfortunately in this case, people can actually get ...