
How should I delete hash elements while iterating?

I have fairly large hash (some 10M keys) and I would like to delete some elements from it. I usually don't like to use delete or splice, and I wind up copying what I want instead of deleting what I don't. But this time, since the hash is really large, I think I'd like to delete directly from it. So I'm doing something like this: forea...

Detecting when a "new" item has been deleted

Consider this program: int main() { struct test { test() { cout << "Hello\n"; } ~test() { cout << "Goodbye\n"; } void Speak() { cout << "I say!\n"; } }; test* MyTest = new test; delete MyTest; MyTest->Speak(); system("pause"); } I was expecting a crash, but instead this happened:...

Hibernate many-to-one relationship delete not working as expected

Hi I have 3 tables as following 1) User has userId 2) UserProductEntitlement has userId and productId and a boolean 3) Product has productId This is my class representation : @Table(name="User") class User { @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, targetEntity = ProductEntitlement.class, cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(nam...

Why can we delete arrays, but not know the length in C/C++?

Possible Duplicate: C programming : How does free know how much to free? How is is that it is possible for us to delete dynamically allocated arrays, but we can't find out how many elements they have? Can't we just divide the size of the memory location by the size of each object? ...

Can a loaded JAR be deleted by the Java-Process?

Hello I have following Problem: Within an uninstall-process I load a JAR (jdbc-driver). URL pDriverJar = jarToDelete.toURI().toURL(); URL[] lURLList = new URL[]{pDriverJar}; URLClassLoader lLoader = new URLClassLoader(lURLList, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoad...

how can i make on delete cascade using sql developer in oracle 11g

i am trying to delete a record from one table in my db , but the table has forign keys to another table in mu db , so i want to make on delete cascade using sql developr in oracle 11g , how can i make it? ...

How do I invoke the nothrow version of delete?

I have the following code, which doesn't compile: int *p = new(nothrow) int; delete (nothrow) p; //Error The error I get is: error C2440: 'delete' : cannot convert from 'const std::nothrow_t' to 'void*' Does a nothrow version of delete exist? If so, how can I invoke it? In C++: The Complete Reference, it's given that it exis...

Android - why ContentObserver invokes itself?

Hi, I am trying to delete received SMS in ContentObserver (on "content://sms/") onChange() method using contentResolver.delete, but after deleting ContentObserver is invoked one more time. Could you explaing my, whe ContentObserver invokes itself despite deliverSelfNotifications() returns false? I foud soultion to uregister ContentOb...

NHibernate One-To-Many-To-Many-To-One Not Deleting

I have three classes: Login Role LoginsInRoles Login is one-many to LoginsInRoles and Role is one-many to LoginsInRoles. This is not a traditional many-many relationship because LoginsInRoles has to be a first class entity because it has additional properties that are unique to it. I have set the cascade to delete for login and rol...

Does itoa delete char?

Why does this give me a memory error? char* aVar= new char; itoa(2, aVar, 10); delete aVar; Does itoa delete the aVar? How to know if a C++ function deletes the pointer, is there a convention about that? If I do this then error doesn't occur: char* aVar= new char; delete aVar; ...

Get a 0KB file after using PHP unlink() method

I'm trying to delete a file on the server. Below is the code I use. function ServerDel($file){ $file = realpath($file); echo ($file); $fh = fopen($file, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fclose($fh); if(unlink($file)) echo"Delete the file successfully."; else echo "Fa...

How to delete a client side file using PHP?

I have a PHP app and I need to delete a client-side file. How can I achieve that? I'm new to PHP. Hope someone can help me. Thanks. ...

dojox - Datangrid with jsonRestStore - Delete button

Hi, i have a dojox.grid.datagrid connected to an everything works fine, but i cant get the delete-button to work: i have a formatter-function: function getDelete(item) { var url = "if (confirm('Sind Sie sicher, das der Eintrag gelöscht werden soll? Diese Aktion kann nicht Rückgängig gemacht werden!')) { s...

how to automatic deleting files to a folder in ubuntu?

hello. how to automatic deleting files to a folder in ubuntu?, I need to do a script to delete files from a folder that is filled with the execution of a process on my server. thanks for your answers and hel ...

mysql: delete data not working

i want to delete some data use: $dbc=mysql_connect(_SRV,_ACCID,_PWD) or die(_ERROR15.": ".mysql_error()); $db=mysql_select_db("qdbase",$dbc) or die(_ERROR17.": ".mysql_error()); switch(postVar('action')) { case 'changedata': changedata(postVar('id'),postVar('chlotno'),postVar('chrange'),postVar('chS'),postVa...

delete element in c++ array

Please tell me how to delete an element from a c++ array ? my teacher is setting its value to 0, is it correct ? ...

using nhibernate ,to delete entity with details cascade-delete-orphan,why do I have to get the entity with all details, in order to delete them too ??

let's say i have the following entities: public class Order { public int OrderID {get;set;}; public int Version {get;set;}; public IList<OrderDetail> Details {get;set;} } public class OrderDetail { public int OrderDetailID {get;set;} /// Some other properties } when i want to delete the entity like this: Order order = ne...

programmatically delete a widget on home screen by click listener in android

Hi I've a widget which i would like to delete programmatically if the user gives the command by clicking on some button or so.. But as per my knowledge the app programme and the widget programme will be running in different processes. So how is it possible to get the controll of another process remote view and delete the same clearing al...

jsonreststore.deleteItem() dojox.grid.datagrid not updated

Hi, as long as i know, the dojox.grid.datagrid should be "data aware" wich means, if i delete an item from the jsonreststore, it should get deleted from the datagrid too... but - the grid is updated only if there is an error in the json-resonse from the delete-Request. If i return 204 as status code, nothing happens (in the grid, the d...

PHP MySQL - Delete Multiple Records Using Checkboxes

Hello, I am trying to figure out how I can delete multiple records using check boxes. I have a table on my page that gets the data from the database. The first column for each row has a check box that looks like the following: <input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value='.$row['UserId'].' class="checkbox" /> My code looks like the f...