
assigning a value to a global variable (Delphi)

I am trying to access a global variable on a form that is one in an Array of Forms, I have tried using this: max_forms := 3 setlength(form_array, max_forms); form_array[1] := frm1; form_array[2] := frm2; if current_form > 0 then begin form_array[current_form].fNumber := Number; form_array[current_form].ShowModal; end; The above...

Delphi 2006 system.delete for widestrings?

Hi all, is there a counterpart of the Delete procedure that could be used for widestrings? Or should I just use copy and concatenate the resulting WideStrings? ...

TIWMenu and TIWRegion hides Submenus

When I put a TIWMenu and a TIWRegion on a TIWAppForm with IWMenu.align := alTop; IWRegion.align := alClient; the submenu of IWMenu is hidden behind the region. That means, when I click on File, a submenu should come up with Open, Save, Save As ..., and it does, but I only see the upper border as the rest shows up behind the IWRegion....

Delphi 6 -> Delphi 2006 dbexpress weirdness?

I have an older application (written in Delphi 6) that has to be ported to Delphi 2006 (update 2). The application used to connect to an Interbase 6.x database using DBExpress, but the new version needs to connect to a Firebird 2.x Superserver. Porting went OK, no real problems. But now, when I try to connect to the new Firebird server ...

Delphi 2006 refactoring keyboard mappings

How do I change the default refactoring keyboard mappings in Delphi 2006? ...

Parsing XML references in Delphi

I used Delphi 2006 data binding wizard to create a interface for an XML configuration file. Later on I realized that some repeated parts of the XML can be separated from the main file and referenced where needed. The resulting XML looks something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE module [ <!ENTITY Schema65 SYST...

Deleting IWTreeViewItems causes exception on form release

On my form I have a IWTreeView and two buttons. One button deletes some IWTreeViewItems, the other releases the form: procedure TIWForm1.IWButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin IWTreeView1.Items[0].Subitems.Clear; end; procedure TIWForm1.IWButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Release; end; Releasing the form after deleting the IWT...

Approaches for caching calculated values

In a Delphi application we are working on we have a big structure of related objects. Some of the properties of these objects have values which are calculated at runtime and I am looking for a way to cache the results for the more intensive calculations. An approach which I use is saving the value in a private member the first time it is...

Can IntraWeb forms be synchronized on demand?

Scenario: I have a Delphi Intraweb application that has some edit components and buttons on a screen. In the TIWEdit.OnAsyncExit and TIWButton.OnClick a flag is set, and another thread in the application sets the enabled properties of the buttons depending on the flags and some other application data. By the time the TIWButton.Enabled ...

Form redesigning itself in Delphi 2006

I have a form with a lot of components overlapping each other in a Delphi 2006 application. Sometimes when viewing the form designer the form gets redesigned with components moving around. What may cause this and how do I stop it? It seems to happen when part of the form is covered with some part of Delphi itself, like the message view....

Is WSDL sort order relevant?

I'm refactoring an existing C# .NET Web Service that is consumed by existing Delphi 2006 (non-.NET) clients. I don't want to rebuild/redeploy the clients. My goal is to keep the WSDL identical so that the proxy classes won't change. I used a tool (Regionerate) to region and sort the methods/properties based on our current standards. Thi...

Using LMDWebHTTPGet downloads the file to the Temporary Internet Files directory only

Using LMDWebHTTPGet1 from LMD Innovative downloads the file to the Temporary Internet Files directory only I would like to get it into a directory of my choice ...

Focus an IntraWeb IWTreeView on a selected item

I have a rather lengthy tree view (IWTreeView) in a IWRegion (ClipRegion:= True) with one node selected. How do I focus that node such that it is visible for the user after a render? The What I do so far: In Delphi tree.Selected:= itemToFocus; tree.ScrollToName:= tree.Selected.Name; This generates this on my website (done by IWTr...

INDY 10.1.5 - Which SSL dlls work?

I'm trying to connect to google documents (following Marco Cantu's excellent REST example) but I am getting the following SSL errors: 1) If I use the SSL dlls from I get the error: "Could not load SSL library" 2) If I use the SSL dlls from I get the error: "Error connecting with SSL"...

Delphi 2006 Application messing up the GUI on Windows 7

Hi. I've been searching the Internet for a solution. Also here on Stackoverflow. But I haven't had any luck so far. We're having a problem with a Delphi 2006 application running on Windows 7. Some ComboBoxes are not shown. The exactly same application runs fine on Windows XP. I been trying to locate any patches. Do any one of you kno...

Strange attribute value reported by FindFirst(), Attr = 2080

When searching for files with FindFirst() I get an attribute value in the TSearchRec.Attr field of 2080. It is not specified in the help as there are only these values available and no combination of them yields 2080: 1 faReadOnly 2 faHidden 4 faSysFile 8 faVolumeID 16 faDirectory 32 faArchive 64 faSymLink 71 faAnyFile Does anyone kn...

widestring compatibility problem in Delphi

In a dll build with Delphi 2006 Foo(aPath: widestring); begin _rootPath := aPath; end; In an executable built with Delphi 2010 _Foo := GetProcAddress(FooModule,’Foo’); _Foo(‘123456’); Stepping into the dll, aPath = '123'. In fact any string I pass gets cut exactly in half. 1.) Why is my literal being halved? 2.) How do I fix it...

How do I add XML namespace prefix only on root tag with Delphi 2006 ?

Hi , I am new to XML and want to create an XML file using IXmlDocument having namespace prefix only on root tag using delphi 2006. I tried following code for append namespace prefix on created file xmlDoc := TXmlDocument.Create(nil); try xsiNS := rsxsiNS; lNS1 := 'urn:dnspXML:' + 'r2'; lNS3 := lNS1 + ' dnspXML/dn...

Derive IntraWeb forms from parent and not TIWAppForm directly - error in IDE

I have forms in my application that I derive from a common ancestor, like: TAtFormBaseIW = class( TIWAppForm ) and TAtFormExplorerIW = class( TAtFormBaseIW ) This works for certain forms, but not for others. Let me make a wild guess: it seems to work for all forms that where created in Delphi prior to IW 10, but not for forms I crea...

Intraweb application in IE8 loses IWEdit.Text in OnAsyncChange

I have an application using IntraWeb 10 and Delphi-2006 that works perfectly using Firefox or Chrome, but misbehaves using IE 8. I am using templates on my forms to give the designer some freedom over the placement of the main components on the screen, mainly regions and menus. Within the regions I do not use frames. Several components ...