
Delphi 2007 generating incorrect SOAP messages

I am writing an application in Delphi 2007 which consumes a web service. I used the WSDL importer to generate the necessary code to communicate with the service, but I'm getting "unexpected subelement (elementname)" errors when trying to use the service. Using Fiddler 2, I've found that the problem is that an xmlns is being added to an...

Are there issues with running the Delphi 2007 and Delphi 2010 IDEs on Windows 7?

The Windows Upgrade Advisor has told me there are 'known' issues with running Delphi 2010 on Windows 7, but I can't find them, does anyone know if there are, or if they've been fixed already? ...

Export a VirtualStringTree to excel, csv ?

Is it possible to export a VirtualStringTree to Excel or CSV? I am using Delphi 2007 and trying to save my VirtualStringTree data records as Excel or CSV format. ...

Intraweb+Delphi: Installing multiple instances of the service

Before I spend what is sure to be many hours tracking down a problem, I wanted to find out if anyone else has successfully installed the same Intraweb service multiple times on the same server (running on different ports, of course!), and if you had to do something strange to get it going or if I might have done something strange to prev...

Remote Registry Service

Hi I can copy files remotely and connect to remote registry. But in OS like Vista and Windows 7 the remote registry service could be inactive. So I want to chech if the service is active if not then start it, so how can i start or stop the remote computer remote registry service using Delphi 2007 ? ...

Problem installing Delphi 2007 on Windows 7 64 Bit Enterprise

I have an issue installing Delphi 2007 RAD Studio Professional onto Windows 7 64 Bit Enterprise. Everything is fine until I enter the serial number for the installation. After I enter it and click the next button in the installation wizard I get an installation script error at line 906. OKing that error closes the installer. I have don...

Changed behaviour for filestream with Windows 7 ?

I have written a utility that search logfiles for exceptions and it have worked fine with Vista 64 bits. Now I have upgraded to Windows 7 64 bits and it could sometimes hang forever when reading a filestream. I think it hangs only if the log file is active and the user write to it. But this works fine before as I use fmShareDenyNone flag...

How do I avoid to call Application​.CreateForm twice ?

I stumbled on this page Why shouldn’t I call Application​.CreateForm. Now I have some code like this: SplashForm := TSplashForm.Create(Application); SplashForm.Show; SplashForm.Update; // force update Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TClientData, ClientData); SplashForm.Update; // force update Application.CreateForm(TClie...

Incorrect "Unable to start debugging...Unable to attach to ASP.NET worker process" message in Delphi 2007 for .NET

I have seen this for a long time, and finally decided to put the question up here. I have some applications that I need to maintain that were written in Delphi 2007 for .NET (ASP.NET 2.0). Normally, the first time I run the application (using IIS) I get the classic "Unable to start debugging on the web server. Unable to attach to ASP.NET...

Why does line count change so much from D2007 to D2010?

Our app at work is a huge project with over 3000 units, weighing in about 3.5 million lines of code. ...or at least it was when we were compiling it under D2007. We recently updated to D2010, and now if we run a full build, the line count finally stops at about 4.9 million. Same DPR, same code base, same everything, but the compiler's...

Enumerate systray icons

How can i enumerate systray icons including the tooltips in delphi? Thanks in advance for your help. ...

How do I install the latest Indy10 in Delphi 2007 for .NET?

Can someone please point me to instructions for installing the latest Indy10 in Delphi 2007 for .NET? I'm not exactly sure how that works for the .NET side. Currently, I use the Indy10 assemblies that shipped with Delphi 2007. I have the latest Tiburon branch of Indy10. My preference would be to build directly from the Pascal source...

Painting TPaintBox during Drag&Drop with DragImage

In my application (Delphi 2007) I want to drag items from a ListView to a PaintBox and highlight corresponding areas in the PaintBox's OnPaint handler. However I always get ugly artefacts. Do you have any advice how I can get rid of them? Test project: Just create a new VCL application and replace the code in Unit1.pas with the followin...

How to show hint for a disabled TDBEdit?

I have a TDBEdit that is not enabled and thus not showing the Hint. What would be the best way to have it display the Hint while staying disabled? ...

how does Resource dll's work in delphi

I need to understand the use of resource DLL's in Delphi, as i am still new to this industry. ...

What's the cause of this Access Violation when concatenating strings in D2007?

I have a procedure that accepts 2 string parameters, one of them has a default value. Inside the procedure, I want to concatenate one and the other and some literals to form one larger string. Somehow, I'm getting an AV... any ideas? code is something like this {$WRITEABLECONST ON} constructor MyClass.Create(s1: string; s2: string = Gl...

How to Prevent dialog (Basic Authentication prompt) during call of Webservice

Hi In a delphi program (running as a service) i need to call some webservices. The calls works fine if basic Authentications is not requerired. The calls also works fine if Basic Authentication is requerired and username/password is provided (in BeforePost) using: InternetSetOption(Data, INTERNET_OPTION_USERNAME,... InternetSetOption(...

Layout of panels with splitters

I have a question about layout with TPanels and TcxSplitter from DevExpress. The main form has some panels A to G. A - F is collected in one panel ABCDEF. ABCDEF contains 3 panels: AB, CDE and F. Panel CDE contains panel CD. Between all limits between panels there are a TcxSplitter from DevExpress. The problem is that the user can tak...

Overload Add operator for three extended records

Delphi 2006 introduced operator overloading which was then bugfixed in Delphi 2007. This is about Delphi 2007. Why does the following not compile: type TFirstRec = record // some stuff end; type TSecondRec = record // some stuff end; type TThirdRec = record // some stuff class operator Add(_a: TFirstRec; _b:...

How does the Delphi / Borland Pascal STR procedure round

Both, Borland Pascal 7 and Delphi 2007 have got the procedure STR which takes a number, a length and precision and converts it to a string like this: str(9.234:5:1, s); // -> s = ' 9.2' All is fine if the rounding is non-ambiguous, but if it isn't (0.5 -> up or down?) there is a problem: It seems to depend on the floating point data ...