
Upgrade from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2010?

What should I worry about if I move to Delphi 2007 to 2010? I've checked this article and there was a lot of interesting stuff but not precisely for this jump that I need. To clarify my question and situation: I have all 3td party components' code. I will need the unicode, but not this year. I need win 7 support - themes, form resiz...

How to get font size in delphi

Hi, I am looking for a function which should take parameters as Font name, sample character, width, height of the sample character and should return Font Size. It must look like this: GetFontSize(<Font Name>, <Sample Character>, <Sample Character Width>, <Sample Character Height>) which must return the font size,...

Optimize included files and uses in Delphi

I try to increase performance of Delphi 2007 and Codeinsight. In the application there are 483 files added in the DPR file. I don't know if it is imagination but I feel that I got better performance from Codeinsight by simply readd all files in the DPR. I also think (correct me if I'm wrong) that all files that are included in a uses s...

When should I add a file reference to a Delphi project ?

Unit files for standard VCL files like Dialogs, StringUtils etc is never referenced in a projects DPR-file. But when should I add a reference to the DPR-file ? Now I have own sourcefiles and source of own components. What about source files for Ravereport, Devexpress, Indy, Gnostice etc ? I want as fast codeinsight as possible, but of c...

How Unicode strings can be passed from a managed to an unmanaged function...

I will really appreciate anybody's help about how a Unicode string can be passed (marshaled) from a managed (Delphi .NET) to an unmanaged (Delphi's Win32 DLL) function. The managed environment (Delphi .NET): ... interface ... const TM_PRO_CONVERTER = 'TM.PROFileConverter.dll'; function ImportLineworksFromPROFile(FileName :...

File combo box in delphi

Hi, I want to have file combo box in delphi. It must behave like this: If i enter C:\ in combo box, it should show all the files & folders in C: Drive If i proceed further i.e., if i enter C:\Pro, then all the files & folders starting with C:\Pro should be shown in combo box. Simply it should behave like the File Name Combox Box t...

Converting LogFont height to Font size in points

Hi I have a LOGFONT structure. Now all i'd like to do is get the associated font size in points from the LOGFONT height. Thanks in advance ...

Backward compatibility in dlls

I do have three dlls. a.dll - released many years ago b.dll - released not so many years c.dll - released shortly Each one contains the same function - unfortunatelly with different parameters. so I do have the following Methods aMethod(param1) aMethod(param1, param2) aMethod(param1, param2, param3) My Task is to make a new dll (o...

How can I share an OnEnter event for a TcxGrid ?

I want to standardize the behaviour on an Devexpress TcxGrid. So I have a unit ClientData with a event: procedure TClientData.grdOnEnter(Sender: TObject); begin mnuCxGridStandardMenu.Grid := TcxGrid(Sender); end; If I try to use that event from a TcxGrid.OnEnter event in another unit it refuse to work. If I paste in ClientData.grdOn...

How to create a telnet connection in Delphi applications

I want to create a telnet connection in Delphi that will allow me to connect to the command prompt on my computer. ...

Who's setting TCP window size down to 0, Indy or Windows?

We have an application server which have been observed sending headers with TCP window size 0 at times when the network had congestion (at a client's site). We would like to know if it is Indy or the underlying Windows layer that is responsible for adjusting the TCP window size down from the nominal 64K in adaptation to the available ...

Reading a tag name from an IXMLDOMDocument2 object in Delphi

I have something like this: uses MSXML2_TLB; type TDocumentType = (dtOrder, dtInvoice, dtStatus, dtError); // And a few more, actually function DetermineDocumentType(doc: IXMLDOMDocument2): TDocumentType; ... It must do something simple: determine what kind of XML is contained in the doc parameter. The XML could be something like: <Or...

Image not displaying in ms word after converting it from Bitmap to RTF (but displaying in wordpad)

Hi, I am trying to convert a bitmap file to rtf using Delphi 2007. I used below code for conversion. function BitmapToRTF(pict: TBitmap): string; var bi, bb, rtf: string; bis, bbs: Cardinal; achar: ShortString; hexpict: string; I: Integer; begin GetDIBSizes(pict.Handle, bis, bbs); SetLength(bi, bis); SetLength(bb, bbs)...

Register custom form in delphi 2010 with ToolApi

Hi, I have custom form which is descendant from TForm. I used ToolApi to register custom module and add it to repository. So far so good. But when I click on File->New I can see my category with icon for my custom form but it is disabled. Icon is grayed and I cannot select it to create my custom form from menu and add it to project. ...

Mimic outside click on a popup menu

You know how in a popup menu if you click outside of the menu the popup disappears? Well I would like to reproduce that. Currently I am having a panel created with some components on it when a button is clicked. The panel and sub components go away when you click a certain button on the panel. However I want it to go away if you click ...

fmShareDenyWrite mode doesn't appear to work

I'm using a TFileSteam to open a log file. I would like to be able to read through this log file from other processes. I thought the fmShareDenyWrite mode would allow this. However if I try to open the file from other processes, I get an error. For example, if I try and type the file from the command line, I get "the process can not acc...

Replace string that contain #0?

I use this function to read file to string function LoadFile(const FileName: TFileName): string; begin with TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite) do begin try SetLength(Result, Size); Read(Pointer(Result)^, Size); except Result := ''; Free; raise; end; Free; ...

TNTUnicode components problem

I downloaded and tried installed the TNT Delphi Unicode components. I use Code Gear Delphi 2007. Then I opened the TntUnicodeVcl_D70.dpk and tried to build it. The following message appeared **The following changes must be made before this package can be compiled. Choose OK to apply these changes and continue compiling Remove TntAc...

try/except doesn't seem to capture exceptions - Delphi Service Application

Hi all, I have a service written in Delphi 2007 in which I'm trying capture any unknown exceptions. Assigning a method to the on exception doesn't seem to work ('Forms.Application.OnException:=UnknownApplicationException'). The 'UnknownApplicationException' doesn't appear to get called - I attribute this to the fact that there is no form...

How do I copy a form as an image to the clipboard

I need to copy a form (Delphi 2007) to the clipboard as an image to paste what the user can see into a word document. The clipboard part is not really a problem. The questions is how to get a bitmap for the form. Searching has turned up multiple options. Call GetFormImage Use the PrintWindow API function that is part of the GDI+ ...