
Get the offset of a field in a delphi record at runtime

Given a record type: TItem = record UPC : string[20]; Price : Currency; Cost : Currency; ... end; And the name of a field as a string, how can I get the offset of that field within the record? I need to do this at runtime - the name of the field to access is decided at runtime. Example: var pc : Integer; fieldName...

Covnerting PDF's to TBitmap image

what is the easiest method to convert a PDF into a TBitmap image in delphi? if there are any commercial available tools for delphi, I can buy one if it is reliable and or not expensive... I am thinking of some kind of viewer which I can browse pages.. zoom... and export in the desired resolution.. ...

Error in installing JEDI.

I downloaded JEDIVCL package.... according to its help i have to run install.bat from jcl folder and then run install.bat from jvcl folder. i launched install.bat from jvcl folder but i received this error: and if run install.bat from jcl folder receive this error: How can I solve this problem? if its possible give me steps to ins...

IDAPI , BdeAdmin and Windows 7

After many months of postponing it, this week, I finally started using a new Windows 7 Professional PC for actual development (which is 90% still done in Delphi 7 with some of these programs still using the Borland IDAPI to access Paradox files). The previous development pc was still an XP-one. Every thing works except for one thing: so...

Indy is not working anymore after update

I had all kind of problems with Indy and following someone’s recommendations (at stackoverflow) I have updated to the latest version of Indy - at least this is what I intended to do. Before starting the installation, I have manually deleted all files containing the "indy" word from my Delphi and from registry. Then I have followed the ...

How to set "Align left" to have predominance over "Align Top" in Delphi 7?

I want to align a certain component to Align=alLeft on the panel, occupying the whole left side of the panel. Then also have another component set to Align=AlTop, but not having predominance over the component aligned to the left, so that it will only occupy the top of the panel where the component that is aligned left is not occupying. ...

Set Delphi 7 project "Version Info" from code?

Is it possible to set the "Version Info" settings from code? I'd like to set the version numbering and the value for the "Comments" property without using the project options dialog. ...

Are there any 'gotchas' involved when invoking BDE through a Delphi COM server or DLL from .NET?

I'm asking this as a follow-up to my previous question: It was suggested that I called upon a Delphi COM server instead of passing data though standard input/output, and I totally agree that such a solution is very limited. Basic...

Why does my parameterized query with Integer fields fail?

I have a TQuery object, pointed to a dBase database and I'm wondering how I should go about parameterizing my insert statement. The following INSERT-query will will work fine with qry.ExecSQL: qry.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO KUNDE ' + '(FNAVN, ENAVN, INSTNR) ' + 'VALUES ' + '(:FirstName, :LastName, ' + IntToStr(InstructorNo) + ' )...

RaveReport - Print Non Database Information

Im using Rave report tool to making reports for my applications written by Delphi 7. I want to send a parameter from an edit box to my report. some runtime given information that has no any relation to my database. How can i send them to rave report for printing? ...

How do I properly pass a Delphi Record to a C# struct with Interop?

In Delphi I have a structure like this: TCustomerInfo = Packed Record CustomerNo: Integer; FirstName: String[50]; LastName: String[50]; End; With a dummy-proc like this: procedure GetCustomer(CustomerNo: Integer; var CustomerInfo: TCustomerInfo); begin CustomerInfo.CustomerNo := 19901; CustomerInfo.FirstName := 'J...

TPanel color is black no matter what

Hi. I just activated the themes in my Windows XP (usually I work using the classic Win9x look) and I have seen that two panels are pure black. Other panels are ok (color = clBtnFace). What these 2 panels have in common is their parent. Both are placed directly on a TForm. If I move them to a different parent (another panel for example) t...

TPanel color is black when I drop a XPManifest control on my form

This is a continuation of a previous post: TPanel color is black no matter what The problem is this: All TPanels that have a TForm as parent, turn black when I use a XPManifest. Anybody knows why? ...

Organize windows in a SDI Delphi Application

In an Delphi MDI application i can use the Tile,Cascade and ArrangeIcons procedures to organize my child windows, this methods only works when the FormStyle property is set to fsMDIForm, How i can produce the same effect in an SDI application, i mean how i can organize my open windows in a non MDI application? ...

Why would something fail in FormCreate, but work fine in FormShow?

I'm using Delphi 7. When I try to create an object in FormCreate, it fails (actually it just hangs). When I try to do the same thing in FormShow, it works. Please note, I'm not talking about creating a visual component like a TEdit. It's a database abstraction object. Any ideas why this might happen? Are there any guidelines about this t...

How to check if OleInitialize has already been called?

I want to write a Delphi function to register a dll. I want the function to check if OleInitialize has already been called before it does so. I guess I'm trying to avoid the consequences of initializing twice because I'm not sure what they might be. I'm worried that my function won't handle as wide a variety of dlls as regsvr32.exe. ...

Is there an easier way to convert Delphi 7 to Delphi 2009?

Is there an easier way to convert Delphi 7 to Delphi 2009? or is there a way to use a Delphi 7 unit in a Delphi 2009 project? I have a unit in Delphi 7 but the behavior is all messed up when I try to use it in my Delphi 2009 project. It has a lot of differences like: Hangul = 'ㄱㄲㄴㄷㄸㄹㅁㅂㅃㅅㅆㅇㅈㅉㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ' + 'ㅏㅐㅑㅒㅓㅔㅕㅖㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ'; Sho...

Execute antivirus program programmatically using delphi

I wrote an small app to transfer files using the indy components, now i want start the antivirus program when the transfer is finished to check the files. how i can execute the antivirus program installed in the client side, when the download finish? UPDATE I need implement something similar to firefox when download a file and then ex...

How to centralize Windows Exception dialogs in Delphi?

I'm trying to center all message dialogs, including any exception dialogs on the parent form rather than having them always appear in the center of the screen. I'm using Delphi 7 i note that using MessageDlgPos allows the params of X an Y to locate the dialog on screen, and thats fine for any messages i wish to display to the user. Bu...

Installing a delphi 7 isapi web service

Hello guys, I have developed an isapi web service in delphi 7 and I need to install it in a server so it can be consumed by a c# application. I copied the dll of the isapi in a folder and created a virtual directory in the IIS of the server. When I call the web service from the browser (http://localhost/webservice/ws.dll) the website ...