
How can I read values' names and data from the registry?

I have stored a list of items from gridView into the registry as below: frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.First; while not frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.Eof do begin RegItemSetting.WriteString('stk Group\Candy', frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItemsCODE.Text, frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItemsSPHOTO.Text); frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.Next; end...

How does one detect the action of adding/removing of a UNC share with Delphi? (Prev D7)

Hi How does one detect the action of adding/removing a UNC share? I basically just need to know if a share has been added/removed not details about the share itself. A working example would be greatly appreciated. Thanks SB ...

Delphi gone mad: Says TstringList.sorted is an "unideclared identifier"

My code is exactly like the example in the help file: myStrings := TStringList.Create; myStrings.Sorted := True; myStrings.Duplicates := dupIgnore; The compiler tells me that both "sorted" and "Duplicates" are undeclared identifiers. But, how can that be if it correctly reconizes the TStringList.Create? I have not redifined stringList...

32 bit color version of TImageList for Delphi 7.

I'm hoping someone knows of an enhanced TImageList for Delphi 7 that supports 32 bit (alpha channel) bitmaps (for a TTreeView). Ideally free . Or perhaps how to extend/configure the stock TImageList to handle the alpha channel properly in 32 bit color bitmaps. ...

BDE table sorting

Im using BDE.... How can i sort a table by given field? ...

How to get the sub-key's name?

How to get the sub-key name (eg. Stk Group\ BISCUIT) from registry? ...

ListBox Filtering

I Have A ListBox With 10,000 Items And Many Many Duplicate Items! I Wonna Save It To A File Without Duplicate Items (One Item Instead All Copies!) And I Use This Way: Function TMain.List_ExistsIn(ListBox_NAme: TListBox; EParameter: String): Integer; Var i: Integer; Begin EParameter := LowerCase(EParameter); Result := -1; For i:=...

HowTo use Windows Authentication with MSSQL 2008+Delphi 7+ADO but users would still enter their password?

Hi Guys! Does anybody know if it's possible to set up MSSQL 2008 to use Windows Authentication but users would still have to enter their windows password to log on (this would have to be accomplished by using Delphi 7+ADO)? [Edit]: Just to clarify, the sql-server and the clients are all within the same Windows Domain. [Edit 2]: I don...

Can you use VISTA sized icons when you use 'Load icon' in Delphi 7 ?

I cannot load icons which contain Vista sized icons when using the 'Load icon' in the application tab of Delphi 7. Does someone knows how to display icons bigger than 48x48 in Vista and Windows 7 using an application developed in Delphi 7? ...

Table Is Busy??!!

Short Time Ago, I Asked A Question About Sorting A Table And Mr. Tim Jarvis Answered Me Nice. I Searched The Keywords Given By Him And Found This Procedure In This Site. But When I Used This Procedure The Error "Table Is Busy" Raised. How Can I Solve This Problem? Thanks. ...

Delphi 7 Enterprise or Delphi 2010 Professional

At work I have used Delphi 6 & 7 Enterprise for several years. A few years back, I bought a personal copy of Turbo Delphi Professional. Because of this I am eligible for Delphi 2010 Professional upgrade. But I am not eligible for Delphi 2010 Enterprise upgrade though. Is it worth buying Delphi 2010 Professional Upgrade or should I look...

Sharing a folder programmatically and revoking it. (Delphi 7)

Hi How does one programmatically create a UNC share from a known directory? How does one revoke it programmatically? I don't want the user to fiddle with the Share dialog. Additional info such as changing the share name, comment, user limit is also welcomed. Thanks SoulBlade (Using Delphi 7) ...

how to wordwrap the button text?

i have created dynamic button with code below, the button caption is too long so i have to change the size of the caption to fit the button width but the wordwrap seen to be not function at all. var Reg: TRegistry; lstKey, lstSubKey : TStringList; sKeyName, sSubKeyName : string; i, j, iSize, iSize2, iTop, iSpace, iComp : integ...

Bypass OutputDebugString in Delphi 7?

I'm wondering if it's possible to bypass the OutputDebugString? I'd like the OutputDebugString output showing up in DebugView and not in the internal Delphi Event Viewer window. But i can't find a way to tell Delphi not to swallow the OutputDebugString. Any ideas? regards ...

Delphi 7 Personal: class wizard extension?

Hi, I'm wondering if there's any class wizard extension (maybe GExperts extension?) for Delphi 7 Personal? The most important feature for me is to automatically generate properties getters / setters... ...

how to step into RTL/VCL using Delphi 7

When debugging using the Delphi 7 IDE how can I step into code in the program files/borland/delphi7/source folder? Sounds like a dumb question, but inquiring minds want to debug. (not that I think anything is wrong with the source, I just want to know why for the 9000th time I can't assign a TJpegImage to a TjpegImage). ...

handling CMYK jpeg files in Delphi 7

hi here! I am trying to access files that are stored as Jpeg files, is there an easy way to display these image files without performance loss ? ...

Make a control transparent

Is there any way to make a control transparent like button, edit, panel or etc...? I mean something like capacity or alpha blend that we have in form property. ...

Set Of String??!!

You are familiar with this block: Var mySet: Set Of Char; C: Char; begin mySet := ['a', 'b', 'c']; If C In mySet Then ShowMessage('Exists'); end; Is there any way to declare Set Of STRING? or is there similar code that i can use instead? The important part of this block is If C In mySet Then ShowMessage('Exists'); I wanna use...

Delphi 7 - best way to save & restore a form

So, I have a form with a few dozen controls and someone would like to save & later restore their contents & settings - which radio button was selected, what was the Position of that up/down, etc What's the simplest way to do it? DfmToString & reverse? Write/read a .INI ? Something else? ...