
Delphi 7 tguid compare

Hi, Is any other way to compare 2 TGUID elements, except transform them into strings (the guidtostring function) and after evaluate the expression, in Delphi 7? Best regards, ...

delphi adoconnection econvert error

hi, I have the following code wich is raising an EConvertError - "can not assign TAdoConnection to TAdoConnection" var wTmpADOConn : TADOConnection; begin // Result := nil; try Result := TADOConnection.Create(nil); wTmpADOConn := afunc(aNameConn);//aFunc-Function which returns a pointer to a TADOConnection objec...

Twitter Oauth Delphi 7 home_timeline getting 401 unauthorized.

I am using Oauth for Delphi from I am able to get a request token, then call with my callback url and put in my credentials. I then get redirected correctly to my callback url in a TEmbeddedWB component. I then get an access token (at least I believe I am) since screen_name and user_id come back in the response. When ...

Delphi7 CustomImageList problem

Hello all! I've run into the following problem: My Delphi7 program runs smoothly on most computers running WinXP/Vista/7 BUT on some older Windows XP installs (only a few) I'm getting the following problem: I have a system image list, and I'm adding my own icons to a copy of the system image list. Upon adding my icons I get an "Invali...

holding dataModule with many ADOQuerys how to know if changed?

In a form we have several ado query(s) that hold connection to db. In case the user hit the Save button, we want to save the data to the database. in case the user never asked to save a thing , we need to roll back the changes. So concluded that a transaction should be in place. For each change that is made, i save the table. my que...