
Wierd error "Type information missing for class Tmyclass"

Getting this error on a call inside the Delphi Initialization section of an Impl unit on a line like. TAutoObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TmyClass, Class_myclass, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment); the type is defined as Tmyclass = class(TAutoObject, IConnectionPointContainer, Imyclass) and it results ultimately in a "Runtime error...

which is fastest win32 or SQL query?

Hi, I'm writing a client-server win32 application in Delphi 7 and in a section i need to bring aprox. 100k (less or more) rows with data from an Oracle database. Everything ok so far, but one of the fields must be calculated (a simple division with a large number). My question is, how is less resources consuming and optimum, to make th...

Custom Control Creation in Delphi

i used to this on a form and create it like 10 times, that was ok, until i tried to pass this number, it started eating system resources, is there anyway i could create a component like this? it for a Simulator project, 8bits needed to indicate the value of the register in binary any help, comments, ideas are really appreciated. ty. ...

Delphi7: Get attached monitor properties

Hi all How do I get my monitor's properties? I'm mostly interested in the manufacturer name and model type. I also don't want to get it from the registry. (Some PC's like my work PC has restricted access to the property key so I'd rather want to scan a system bus or something other than the reg.) Any ideas? Thanks SoulBlade ...

Delphi Grid Visible Item

HI all, I am working with Delphi 7. I am facing a problem with Grid. My Grid having 100 rows, I am appending some more after that. For example, I am selected item is on 1oth. The grid shows 20 items on screen at a time. I scrolled the grid to downward. I reached last one. Here grid's Itemindex= 10; Please note the selected item is no...

Component published property as array of TQuery

hi, i'm developing a custom component, and i'd like to add a published property that would be an array of TQuery (it should be visible in the object inspector). the main feature would be to drop the component on a form and then visually select the queries that are present on the same form, or on any other project form. is that doable? ...

i need help in delphi-7

i was wondering if anyone could by any chance help me. i have a school project due in 10 days and to be honest i have no idea what im doing =/ what is expected of me is that i program a memory game. where i am currently stuck is that i have to time how long it takes the person to play the game and then display how long it took them as a ...

after saving delphi form, it loses accented characters...

Hi, I got some forms in Delphi 7 which I open in my IDE. Certain accented characters are not displayed correctly in the form and when I change a form containing such a character , the accent is lost. E.g. something encoded as #337 a in dfm becomes u in the saved dfm Can you tell what may be wrong? ...

Bresenham's line drawing in Delphi - problems with Sign(x) function

I've been tasked to draw eight lines, forming something like a regular eight-point star, with Bresenham's line drawing algorithm. It was to be done in Delphi language. As I'm not really good at canvas drawing, I simply copy-pasted the algorithm from Wikipedia for Object Pascal, with minimum changes. But the Wikipedian algorithm had the ...

I get an error incompatible types TFormClass and Class reference

Hi, I am improving a Delphi program... There is a procedure that expects a TFormClass argument (class of TForm). I passed in TForm1 or like and it did not like. E.g. procname(TForm1); There are other forms in the program that are passed in similarly in the program, yet there is no such compilation errors for them. E.g. there is anothe...

How would you change the colour of the current selection in cxGrid?

Hi, How would you change the colour of the current selection in cxGrid? Thank you. ...

Access violation while the program was idle - not trace information to track down the bug

Hi. I have a program that just popped up an AV. Until now the Eureka Log could find the source code line that generated the error but now it displays only this: Access violation at address 7E452E4E in module 'USER32.dll'. Read of address 00000015. Call Stack Information: ----------------------------------------------------------------...

Drawing Flow Charts in Delphi

what should i look for to start writing a software to design flow charts in delphi? is there any example out there? any library or code sample? thanks; ...

How can I pass an instance of a .NET COM object from Delphi to another .NET COM object?

I have a legacy app written in Delphi 7. We are adding new modules to the app. The modules are written in Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, C#, and exposed to the app through COM. I have successfully defined a class, registered the assembly, exported the type library, imported the type library into Delphi, created the COM client in Delphi a...

Delphi : dinamiclly Create TClientSocket

I am trying to create a Tclientsocket at runtime but I can't assign the events. I use var cs:TCLIENTSOCKET; procedure OnReadx; begin end; procedure intsok; begin cs:=Tclientsocket.create(nil); cs.OnRead:=OnReadx; end; It doesn't work. what is the right way to do this? ...

Why can't I set fonts on TSpeedButtons in Delphi 7 with themes enabled?

Very strange thing happening: I had a whole bunch of TFrame's (might have been TCustomFrame, don't remember because I made an intermediate class between the 40 odd frames and the parent) that I was inheriting to make up the configuration part of a 'really cool' HL7 formula editor. What was weird, but not to the point, was that the DFM o...

OnColumnChanged and OnRowChanged events to TStringGrid

I need to know when the row/column property of a grid was changed in order to do some processing. In TStringGrid Row property is property Row: Longint read FCurrent.Y write SetRow; But, unfortunately I cannot override the SetRow as it is private. SelectCell is not private BUT it is called BEFORE the new column and row attribute is...

Partial Search In Table(BDE)

I made a database with paradox 7. The usual search I do is a syntax like this: Table.Filter := 'Country=' + QuotedStr(Edit.Text); This returns rows those country field is same as the entered text in edit. when I want to search for countries are beginning by "L" i use this syntax: Table.Filter := 'Country=' + QuotedStr(Edit.Text + '*'...

Twitter OAUTH and a Win32 EXE Desktop Application

I have been coding against a Delphi EXE (win32 desktop app) to access twitter and do certain functions. It used to use Basic authentication with the api limitation. I know I have to convert this to OAuth. I have been reading over the documentation trying to determine the best approach. I understand the best method is the Web browser...

Intraweb question about improperly working (radiobutton)?

HI, I created 4 radiobuttons in a intraweb application. One is checked by default, the rest is not. The belong to the same group called group. (I set the group properly of each TIWradiobutton) There is twiimage image which has click event. In that click event, I tried to set the radiobuttons. E.g. radiobutton1.checked:=true; The probl...