Hello there,
The application I am now trying to support (a former creation of mine) is a complete mess, and so I programmed an extension to it as a separate executable which I then launch, call application.minimize; and WaitForSingleObject (the recently created process). Right after that I call application.restore to get me back to wher...
I am looking for a Windows API that I can call from Delphi 2010 which will allow my application to determine if a specific folder has content-indexing enabled. In other words whether there is a tick in the checkbox named 'Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed in addition to file properties' which is in the Advanced Attribut...
I currently have an SDI application that is build with Delphi 7, I want the final user to choose the type of interface between SDI and MDI at runtime. my question is how can I change the behavior of the application between SDI and MDI at runtime?
Currently I know a couple of applications build with delphi that allow this: EMS SQL Manage...
With DataSnap 2009 i seems to be possible to use a remote database connection in the client datamodule, using a TDSProviderConection and an associated TSQLConnection. The client side is easy to set up, I drop a TSQLConnection on the form and link it to the TDSProviderConnection component.
But what are the steps in the remote datamodule ...
According to a recent blog post by Allen Bauer:
As we’re working on Fulcrum, the next
RAD Studio release with a focus on
cross-compilation for Mac and Linux,
I figured someone would mention it in the comments, but I thought Mac/Linux support was a few releases further off. Maybe it's just me, but this is huge news.
hi all
can anyone tell me how to
create nodes
enable/disable a node
I want to know how to add nodes at application run-time (in the main form's OnCreate event)
Hi All,
I'm kindly asking you to help me with this problem:
There's a byte array (data: PByte) containing DIB data AND DIBHeader:
TDibHeader = record
size: Cardinal;
width: Integer;
height: Integer;
planes: Word;
bits: Word;
compression: Cardinal;
image_size: Cardinal;
x_res: Integer;
y_res: Int...
Hello folks,
Someone can tell me how to get the client ip of a connected session from the server side?.
I would like my Delphi program to send email message via Outlook which will contain table (like the ones in Excel). I know how to send emails using Outlook through Delphi, but do not know how to include tables in it. I guess this should be something related to html code inside email body, but do not know exactly. Can anybody help?
I am trying to write to ports 0x60 and 0x64, with no luck.
Delphi code:
procedure PortOut(IOport: WORD; Value: BYTE); assembler; register;
Upon calling PortOut, I get an EPrivilege Privileged instruction exception, because IN and OUT may only execute as Ring0.
I would like to know how I can get Ring...
What is difference in memory management of variables a and b?
Are they both similar static variables but visibility of b is local?
Is it ok to declare static variable in procedure or function?
a: string = 'aaa';
procedure SubMethod;
b: string = 'bbb';
a := a + 'a';
b := b + 'b';
I am writting some class, that is for handling security in my exe (checking serials, trial date check etc). After I compile exe even in Release build with all debug and RTTI generation turned off, when I open my exe in NotePad and search method name in a raw data, I can see all the name of the methods, that assemble my class. There is no...
I developed an application using also third party components (developed on D7, WinXP).
When I deploy this application on XP everything works fine. When I run it on Vista, the application cease to work properly:
Toolbuttons on Toolbar does not size equally, when I switch visibility on/off, thats why (third party) skins are not pr...
So, issue is with the thing Delphi progies scare to death - Rich Edit in Windows ( XP and pre-XP versions ).
I have added EM_AUTOURLDETECTION in OnCreate of form. Target -> RichEdit1. Then, I have form, that is "collapsed" after showing form. RichEdit Control is sattic, visible and enabled, but it is "hidden" because form wi...
Recently I've found TPngImageList component ( http://cc.embarcadero.com/Item/26127 ) which is very good, but it handles only png images ... I'd like to have some imagelist that allows combining of pngimages with bitmaps, as I'm using lots of bitmaps, and I do not want to spend coming week converting those bitmaps to pngs, yet I want to u...
Hi all.
I have this code below, and I want to translate it to ASM, to use in Delphi too.
FunctionAddressList: Array of Integer;
type TFunction = function(parameter: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
function Function(parameter: Integer): Integer;
ExternFunction: TFunction;
ExternFunction := TFunction(FunctionAddress...
I need to put a calendar control in an option. It must fit in a very small place.
The control must show date number, and color by day if we have something schedule.
Must be able to navigate and select:
Should integrate with database, or manual.
Simple, light, fast
I have a simple TStringList. I do a TStringList.Sort on it.
Then I notice that the underscore "_" sorts before the capital letter "A". This was in contrast to a third party package that was sorting the same text and sorted _ after A.
According to the ANSI character set, A-Z are characters 65 - 90 and _ is 95. So it looks like the 3rd ...
I've got error if I don't run my program "As Administrator"
Access violation ... in module ... etc...
Got error when trying to work with my ini file.
How to avoid error or make a request Administrator rights.
(using C++Builder6 , but Delphi code is readable for me too)
working with ini by default
TIniFile *FormCllient;
I stumbled on this page Why shouldn’t I call Application.CreateForm.
Now I have some code like this:
SplashForm := TSplashForm.Create(Application);
SplashForm.Update; // force update
Application.CreateForm(TClientData, ClientData);
SplashForm.Update; // force update