Importing NetSuite WSDL into Delphi-7 results in errors:
// The following types, referred to in the WSDL document are not being represented
// in this file. They are either aliases[@] of other types represented or were referred
// to but never[!] declared in the document. The types from the latter category
// typically map to p...
Our app at work is a huge project with over 3000 units, weighing in about 3.5 million lines of code.
...or at least it was when we were compiling it under D2007. We recently updated to D2010, and now if we run a full build, the line count finally stops at about 4.9 million. Same DPR, same code base, same everything, but the compiler's...
I have an array declared as:
const A: array[0..3] of ShortString = (
var B: array of ShortString;
I would like to clone the string array A to another array B. Using Move or Copy function doesn't work. Is there a fast and easy way to clone the array without using for loop?
My application uses unicode characters and i have several text fields where i want to restrict user from inputing special characters like :'";
if not (Key in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z',' ','0'..'9',#13,#8]) then
Key := #0;
if Key = #13 then
So at this point it lets user add spaces and use a b...
I'm trying to store a set inside the object property (and read it) of a TStringList (I will also use it to store text associated to the set) but I get a invalid typecast for the set.
What's the best way to store a set inside a StringList object? Also, will this object need to be freed when destroying the StringList?
Here's some exampl...
How can I determine the background color of a TTabSheet when running on a OS with themes like XP and above?
How do you validate XML with XSD in Delphi without using MSXML?
I am limited to MSXML3 which can't do XSD.
Googling gave me little to nothing at all.
Please help me, thanks.
Someone can explain me what is the use of ADO component TRDSConnection.y give an small example of use.
Thanks in advance.
I need to read a blob field from a database into a c# app.
However the blob field was written to the database by a Delphi App using the following method:
procedure WriteABlob(Blob : TBlobField; var Buffer; size : integer);
s : String;
Blob.Value := S;
When building a project there are two places where source line count is reported:
On the compile progress dialog
Under Project | Information
In Delphi 2007 these two numbers were identical for the project we are building.
In Delphi 2010 these two numbers are wildly different. The (1st) count is larger by a count of 1 million lines o...
In the following answer Robert Giesecke describes a way to export managed code to native applications without the need of COM registration:
Answer on stackoverflow from Robert Giesecke
I downloaded the from and built the samples using Visual C# 2008 Express Edition for the .net part and delphi 2010 for the w...
I coding a service application that have two threads.
First thread, show a form with label.
Second thread, query ADO.
First thread always freezing with Hourglass cursor and no label caption.
Please help.
While debugging my application with Delphi 2009, I sometimes get the following exception occurring:
This only happens occasionally, but after pressing OK, then my IDE and program both may freeze. If I am lucky I can sometimes do a File/SaveAll in Delphi, but sometimes I can't. Either way I am stuck and then the only thing I can do is ...
In my project there is a TADOQuery tdm_Company that gets filled with a set of fields, provided with proper labels and fields set to visible=false where appropriate.The query returns a single result.
I have a detail screen that needs a bunch of labels and edit textboxes for these fields.
Is it possible to auto generate these in the editor...
I've installed Delphi 2010 and Quick report 2010 recently. the problem is finding DCU files of the quick report packages when i'm trying to compile the project although the path of the installed package of Quick Report has been added to "Include file search path" of resource compile.
How i can specify the path of installed packages in ...
I have a commercial app that is developed with Delphi 6. Ive been developing under windows xp 32 bit, but am about to get a new development machine with Windows 7 64 bit.
Will Delphi 6 install and work in the new environment ?
The developed app also uses the BDE, on vista I couldnt get it to work at all, which meant my customers had t...
Hi guys.
The scenerios is like this:
We have some SQL table. We are perfroming an SQL query on this table and we have results in TADOQuery object.
qryOryginal, qryClone: TADOQuery;
//setup all the things here
qryOryginal.Active := True;
qryClone.Clone(qryOryginal, ltBatchOptimistic);
qryOryginal.Delete; //delete i...
I'm trying to copy a table that is created in our software into an excel spreadsheet.
Some of the title headers in our application are too big to fit in a column so they are separated by a #13+#10 (CR+LF) so they sit on the next line. e.g.
Strain SpikeConc Spike
ng/g dpm/g
Blah 20.0 5...
Is it possible to paint on the scrollbars of standart controls like TMemo, TListbox, etc..?
All I need is to draw some basic shapes on the scrollbars and I'm trying to avoid implementing whole scrolling stuff from stratch. Any pointers? TIA!
Does anyone know of a utility that can will automatically detect/remove unrequired units from the uses clause?
Preferably it can be run againt a unit and/or a project.
Preferably free and works with Delphi 2010.
Thanks in advance.