
Windows Explorer Context menu opening already running Delphi app

Hi, If I right click on several files and choose windows context menu, how to send the selected name of files to my program. My program has already running and I dont want my program to be executed again because my program use mutex and uac. I am using delphi, if you have clues, reference or sample code, really appreciate. ...

Provider selection, when trying to access Excel table in Delphi 7

I am trying to connect to excel table from Delphi 7 using TAdoConnection component. The problem is when I select Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0, Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;", I sometimes receive error, that external table is not in the expected format. When i select: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;...

Share Memory Manager between Application and Package

This question is a follow up of this question. How can I achieve that my application and my runtime package use the same memory manager? I thought that this was the case by default but since I get strange access violations and invalid pointer exceptions, I inserted calls to GetMemoryManagerState just before entry to the runtime package ...

How would I convert this Delphi Set code to C#?

I've got the following Delphi code that defines a set and then a simple if statement that checks if a passed value of the set type falls within certain values. TOverwriteMode = (omNone, omDateAndSize, omDateOrSize, omDate, omSize, omForce); ... if OverwriteMode in [omDateAndSize, omDateOrSize, omDate, omSize] then begin end; I've co...

How to refresh dbgrid without close and open dataset in delphi?

I need to refresh dbgrid constantly, in real time. Close and open dataset works fine, but blink the dbgrid. What can I do to avoid this? I'd like a solution like Ajax, that update only the necessary. Thanks ...

Is There a way to update/refresh only one record in delphi dbgrid?

Is it possible? How? ...

Delphi 2010 accessing to frames inside a TIFF

Hello, I just tested I can access to TIFF images in Delphi 2010 with the classic image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(MyTiffFile); Simply using this line of code I can load the first frame of a TIFF file into a TImage component. But when a TIFF file is a multiframe one. How can I get the rest of images contained in a TIFF file? ...

Delphi ADO Query

Hi. Is there any faster way to iterate through an ADO Dataset than while (not ADOQuery1.Eof) do begin /* Do something */ ADOQuery1.Next; end; I need to scan a dataset of around 9000 items and only extract records matching a pre-defined set of branch numbers. Thanks, Pieter. ...

how to get the google list of dangerous sites

Hello, I need to check the url against Google list of dangerous sites, how I do that for windows application ? I will use Delphi. thanks ...

Delphi Build Automation and Continuous Integration feasible using MS Build only?

I am looking to implement a tinderbox, (a build server that does clean version control check-outs and full system builds of everything in a given source repository or project), and something like "continuous integration" for small teams, with Delphi. I am loathe to commit to a commercial "build server" product and am hoping I can do a l...

MQ (from an iSeries) and Delphi

Has anyone had any experience of talking between an iSeries (using IBM's Websphere MQ) and PC code - hopefully using Delphi 2009. Modification: I have a large PC based program (that talks to an iSeries) that I need to rewrite. One option would be to do most of the tricky and processor intensive processing on the iSeries and then have t...

Delphi Getting 'Ctrl Tab' and 'Ctrl Shift Tab' in application

In my application I use tabs, my own component, like Google chrome sort of. Each tab reference an explorer component so it is basicly a tabbed browser/explorer. My problem is that I want to use Ctrl Tab and Ctrl Shift Tab to navigate tabs. Setting forms.KeyPreview will not help since the tab key is special key. How can I, in an easy way,...

Delphi: How to use windowless controls?

i know that windowless controls are not magic. A windowless control can have input focus (e.g. Internet Explorer). Input focus is nothing more than drawing either: a blinking cursor a dotted line around the perimeter a slight blue tinge on a button and when the user begins mashing keys, reacting appropriately. You know the keystrokes...

How to disable maximize button in delphi program?

How to disable maximize button in delphi program? ...

Reading DataSet structure without reading it's data.

Scenerio: I want to add a calculated field to given (any) dataset during runtime. I don't know any other way to obtain a dataset structure other than performing DataSet.Open method. But the Open method causes that atleast one row of a data needs to be transfered from server to client. Then I need to close the DataSet, add field and reo...

How to fire KeyPreview Event when form has a TActionMainMenuBar

When I set the property KeyPreview = TRUE on my main form (MDI Parent) the OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp or OnKeyPress events don't get fired. When pressing keys, I can navigate the main menu (TActionMenuBar). It seems the menu bar has the control over the key events. How can I fire an event, when the user is pressing a key (e.g. the VK_RETURN key...

An efficient cache in Delphi

I'm creating a cache which is going to contain records in Delphi 2007. Each record contains a String, 2 Dates and a value. Type MyRecord = Record Location : String; Date1 : TDateTime; Date2 : TDateTime; Value : Double; End; There are no guarantees on what the maximum size of the cache will be. It is highly likely tha...

Sorting a table physically in Delphi

Delphi does not seem to like multi-field indexes. How do I physically sort a a table so that I wind up with a table that has the rows in the desired order? Example: mytable.dbf Field Field-Name Field-Type Size 0 Payer Character 35 1 Payee Character 35 2 PayDate Date 3 Amount ...

Why is EnumUILanguages returning only one language?

I'm using the Win API function EnumUILanguages on a Windows XP Embedded build that has Chinese and French shell language packs (MUI) installed, however the API call only returns one language code: 0409 (the base en-US installed language). If I look in the registry under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\MUILanguages\ then I can ...

Overload Add operator for three extended records

Delphi 2006 introduced operator overloading which was then bugfixed in Delphi 2007. This is about Delphi 2007. Why does the following not compile: type TFirstRec = record // some stuff end; type TSecondRec = record // some stuff end; type TThirdRec = record // some stuff class operator Add(_a: TFirstRec; _b:...