
How does a .NET program behave differently when run with and without debugging in Visual Studio?

I'm getting an Access Violation in DBEXPSDA40.DLL (Dev Art MS SQL Server dbexpress driver) on closing down my .NET application. My application (VB.NET) calls a Delphi written COM Server which uses dbexpress to connect to SQL Server. If I do the same thing, but my host application is a native Delphi application, or Excel VBA, then I do n...

How to connect to an OpenLDAP server using ADO (or else) and Delphi

Hello, I'm trying to connect to an OpenLDAP server 'clone'. I've tried using Synapse Library but I was able to get only a part (about 50%) of our public contacts. I'm trying now the ADO way (I've read that ADSI was compatible with other LDAP servers) but I can't get it working. ADOConnection provider connection string looks like this ...

Delphi 6 command line compile: NO DCU’s

When using dcc32 against the .dpr file it produces a dll but no dcu’s. The project level .cfg is using the –N switch to set the path but nothing is in the directory specified. It must see the .cfg as the –E switch is working. I tried to use brcc32/brc32 against the .dpr file before a call dcc32 but either one gives me the Error projec...

How can I use Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript interpreter from Delphi?

I'd like to embed the V8 JavaScript interpreter that ships with Google Chrome within my Delphi application. I'm aware of the chromium embedded open-source project from Google, but I'd like to know if anyone was aware of any Pascal/Delphi wrappers? There is an example project included with the zip file on the site I linked, which is writ...

Converting a stand-alone Delphi-made .tlb file to .ridl

How does one convert a stand-alone .tlb file created in a pre-2009 version of Delphi to a .ridl file using Delphi 2010? .tlb files that are part of projects get automatically converted, but this particular file is not part of any project. ...

Delphi datasnap with Apache

Hi Has anyone ever managed to get a datasnap system (BDS2006) running in apache? I have set up my apache to acceot cinnections to the httpsvr.dll as per this article . My TWebConnection objects connects perfectly but as soon as my clientDataset becomes active I get an error saying...

Relative paths in Delphi projects and ITE in particular.

I've a bunch of projects with some common libraries in a SVN repository. The repository has some branches for in-production versions. For this reason (checking out several versions on one computer, and minimizing swap time), I tried to configure all projects as much as possible with relative paths within the repository. (....\libraries...

Delphi RES files and Git

Hi! I have a big project written in Delphi and I want to manage it's sources using Git. I created Git repository, which includes my application's sources and 3rd party components. All that stuff is automatically building using msbuild. The biggest problem is RES files. Some of them are updated every time I rebuild my application, some ...

Need a way to periodically log the call stack/stack trace for EVERY method/procedure/function called

I'm working on a very large application where periodically I'd like to log the ENTIRE call stack up until the current execution point (not on an exception). The idea here is that I want a map of the exact code path that led me to the point that I am. I have been working with madExcept, tooled around with jclDebug and while I can get so...

Build automation for Delphi + Oracle

Hi all, at my work we are presently looking for a automated build tool. We have googled quite a bit, but there are so many possibilities we are not sure which tool is the best option, to be honest. We are not even sure there is one that fits our needs. It should have as many as possible from following features: Integration with Subv...

Language complement for Delphi

If Delphi is the primary language for my development, what is the ideal complement to Delphi. which should be my next step? C# for .net and web development Java C++ for Know Win32 in depth. Ruby Perl What is your recommendation? ...

DLL Search Path only partially searched

I just set up a new faster computer to be my development station. I'm having a problem with a DLL not begin found when I run an application I'm working on using Delphi 6 Pro, but I don't think the problem is with Delphi. Keep in mind, I have the exact same setup as far as directories and tools on my old computer and on that computer th...

Insert a button in an ToolbarWindow32

I have the handle of a window in an external application, This window has a control type ToolbarWindow32. is possible add a button (or item) in this ToolbarWindow32 control using delphi. i found a similar sample (This tool allows to alter the order of the window buttons in a ToolbarWindow32) in this link

Delphi,VCL... rendering web components on form

Hi, how can I render a part of website to a bitmap using delphi? recently I've seen Raudus framework which is ExtJs binding/wrapper for delphi. However what is unique about that, it does render components to look exactly like in the browser. Simply, it works like kind of WYSIWYG designer for Javascript components in delphi IDE. I was un...

Delphi Gecko SDK - did anyone succeeded with that + XULRunner 1.9?

Hi, I did a checkout of d-gecko SDK from ( ). I wanted to try it with Gecko (XULRunner) 1.9, however when running simple application each time I get error in stdcall function, pointing to WebBrowser.Paint line ... My question is - did anyone succeeded to run GeckoSDK Delphi app in XULRunne...

TSQLConnection connection editor dialog at run time ?

If I double click a TSQLConnection at design time I get a dbExpress connections dialog allowing me to select connections or create new ones. Is there anyway to use that connections dialog at run time ? I would love to present it to my users so they can select a connection. That particular dialog looks more useful to me than PromptDataS...

How does the Delphi / Borland Pascal STR procedure round

Both, Borland Pascal 7 and Delphi 2007 have got the procedure STR which takes a number, a length and precision and converts it to a string like this: str(9.234:5:1, s); // -> s = ' 9.2' All is fine if the rounding is non-ambiguous, but if it isn't (0.5 -> up or down?) there is a problem: It seems to depend on the floating point data ...

TListView with CheckBoxes and SubItemImages

Using the standard TListView component (ViewStyle = vsReport), I have attached a TImageList and have successfully added images to both the first column (Item.ImageIndex := 0) and to the subsequent columns (Items[0].SubItemImages[1] := 1). If I then set the CheckBoxes property to True, the images on SubItems disappear. The main image rem...

CredWrite returns Win32 error code 2 (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) "Incorrect function."

i'm trying to call CredWrite, but it is returning ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION. i can call CredRead to fetch credentials out of the password store, and i can store new credentials by using CredUIPromptForCredentials. But i cannot figure out how to get CredWrite to work. The code i'm using is: var Target, Username, Password: WideString; b...

Combobox in Grid Delphi Object Pascal

Looking for a component or easy way to have a grid with 1 column strings and the other combobox. ...