I have two units unitA and unitB.
Class TFoo is declared in unitB.
Is it allways safe to call B.Free in finalization of unitA?
How does it depend on in which order unitA and unitB are in dpr?
Can I be sure that unitB exists when unitA finalization is executed?
unit unitB;
TFoo = class
// code...
// code.....
I am aware of Indy, ICS, Synapse and Clever InetSuite, none of which support IOCP. Is there anything else out there?
I found iocpclasses , It's written in Delphi5. Better than nothing I suppose.
I have an application in where I let the user select a file from a TOpenDialog.
When I have UseLatestCommonDialogs set to true (default), my application will crash after the user has click the button 10-15 times.
The problem is isolated to this unique function, it the user avoids this step the application will not crash.
When it crashe...
Currently, our database uses Win1252 as the only character encoding. We will have to support Unicode in the database tables soon, which means we have to perform this migration for four databases and around 80 Delphi applications which run in-house in a 24/7 environment. Are there recommendations for database migrations to UTF-8 (or UNICO...
Hi, this is my third question here, so far excellent responses ^^
I'm having no problems in browsing, editing the data, but insertions...
Here is my doubt:
In a finance/stock software i have a form to create a new order,
naturally i need to insert a new row in t_orders table
and insert items in t_orderitems table with orderId field lin...
I'm setting up my window like this:
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glLoadIdentity ();
glOrtho (0, form1.Width, form1.height, 0, 0, 1);
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
And my drawing routine looks like this:
tempdist:=0.3 / distance(i,0,1,2);
xunit:=1 div 90;
zunit:=1 div 74;
case players[i...
I have a relatively complicated data structure to model. I would like to do this with a record structure in Delphi, and the structure is complicated enough to justify splitting this into nested records. A simplified example:
TVertAngle = record
strict private
fDecDegrees: Double;
fDegrees: integer...
I'm using the following code to make my form entirely transparent so that clicks can go "through" it to other windows.
SetWindowPos( handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0,0,
SetWindowLong(form1.handle,GWL_EXSTYLE,WS_EX_TOPMOST or WS_EX_LAYERED);
Is it possible to use a font directly from resources in Delphi and how?
I have a problem with the very first steps.Example I cannot include Segoe UI Light font in resources of a project,an exception occurs.And that is only if the file's extension is 'ttf'.
If the written above is not possible then how do I use an external font ...
I want to execute a database query in a background thread. The OmniThread library will help me with all the thread stuff, but there is one thing I don't understand so far:
Every thread needs a separate database connection. The background thread therefore creates the DB connection, creates the query and then executes it.
Now I could acc...
How can i convert string character (123-jhk25) to ASCII in Delphi7
Please help! I need this conversion to write wrapper for some C headers for Delphi.
As an example:
function pushfstring(fmt: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl; varargs; external;
function PushString(fmt: AnsiString; const args: array of const): AnsiString;
Result := AnsiString(pushfstring(PAnsiString(fmt), args)); // it's inco...
I am trying to create a binary tree for use in a knockout tournament. The tree consists of TNodes with Left and Right pointers.
This is the code that I have come up with (below); however, it runs into difficulties with the pointers in the CreateTree section.
Once this creates an empty tree of large enough size, I need to add the names ...
I have the following piece of code to read Japanese Kanji characters from UTF-8 format Text file and then load it into Memo.
Var F:textFile;
While not EoF(F) do
But instead of characters I see some set of totall...
The following code (constructed only to demonstrate the problem) compiles and works in Delphi 2010. In Delphi 2009, compiler fails with "E2035 Not enough actual parameters".
program Project50;
TMyProc = reference to procedure(param: integer);
a: TProc;
b: TMyProc;
b := proc...
We have a large Delphi project (1.5 million lines of code), and we're moving to using agile processes.
We already have a continous integration environment (FinalBuilder) which I've updated to include unit tests (dUnit) and code metrics (CodeHealer) in the e-mails to everyone in our development team. Our unit test coverage isn't great...
I frequently find myself declaring a simple procedure type
TMessageProc = procedure(const AMsg: String);
in Delphi. The purpose is to allow passing callback procedures to processing functions so that they can update the user interface without having to be aware of the user interface.
Surely this must be a common paradigm in Delph...
We plan to sell a Windows portable application. By 'portable' I mean that it can be run from any Windows computer without installing it. For example from an USB stick etc. However the application while (theoretically) it can work anywhere, is targeted to LAN environments.
What solutions do you see that while keeping this advantage ...
Since I have been running in a lot of difficulties when trying to use DLLs, I decided to try out runtime packages (mainly to avoid the memory manager and type registry problems).
From my application I do something like this:
HandleList := TList <THandle>.Create;
PackageObj.DoSomething (HandleList);
FreeAndNil (HandleLi...
Hi all, can anyone explain why the code below fails?
type TIDEThemeObserverFunc = reference to procedure(foo: integer);
var fObserverFuncs: TList<TIDEThemeObserverFunc>
function RegisterEventObserver(aObserverFunc: TIDEThemeObserverFunc): Pointer;
Result := @aObserverFunc;
// line below ...