
Why Delphi compiler does not inline assembly functions?

Sometimes I write very short assembly functions like function SeniorBit(Value: LongWord): Integer; asm OR EAX,EAX JZ @@Done BSR EAX,EAX INC EAX @@Done: end; that seems to be the best candidates for inlining: function SeniorBit(Value: LongWord): Integer; inline; but Delphi compiler does not ...

Problem with Delphi 2009

i have a problem with Delphi 2009 when i am trying to execute rave with massage Access Violation at address 0040DF40 in module 'HDMS.exe" Read of Address 00200050 and another massage list index out of bounds (-1) this problem happened when i am trying to use the application with windows XP and does not happen with windows NT. what shout...

Limiting bandwidth - Delphi 2007 ICS components

Hello forum, Does anybody know how to limit/control the bandwidth of twsocket (client) in ICS components in Delphi? We have a small program that maps a port to squid. The software using ICS components that carries requests from the LAN arrives at one port to the port of squid, and returns the contents back to the originating IP. Can som...

Why would a module be unsavable until another module is loaded?

Most of the units I work on rely on a Data Module. One of the most annoying things I come accross is an error message telling me Module X references another module and cannot be saved until Module Y is loaded. Now, I'm sure there is a very good reason why CheckNoFixups raises this error while trying to WriteRootStream, and fails t...

Is there a way to change the default EXE icon in Delphi

Embarcadero just released a whole bunch of neat looking icons that I'd like to use to make my Delphi 7 and 2009 apps look fancier. Is there a setting (or hack) in those IDEs that lets me change the default exe icon? ...

Delphi: How to avoid EIntOverflow underflow when subtracting?

Microsoft already says, in the documentation for GetTickCount, that you could never compare tick counts to check if an interval has passed. e.g.: Incorrect (pseudo-code): DWORD endTime = GetTickCount + 10000; //10 s from now ... if (GetTickCount > endTime) break; The above code is bad because it is suceptable to rollover of the ...

Delphi: How do i use $OVERFLOWCHECKS OFF to disable overflow checks?

i have bit of code that causes an underflow: var t1, t2, delta: DWORD: begin t1 := 0xffffff00; t2 := 0x00000037; delta := (t2 - t1); The subtraction itself does generate an overflow (underflow), but i don't want Delphi to throw an EIntOverflow exception. So i try disabling the generation of overflow checking code by disa...

how many Delphi users over the world?

A few years ago, in a newsgroup thread, Michael Swindell revealed that there was about 1.75 million single users of Delphi (click Here for the thread). What is the status today ? Can somebody tell us how the Delphi community evolved? Michael again? Nick? Anybody else? Question reopened. The OP comment below helps explain the reason why...

Anyone know how to use TValue.AsType<TNotifyEvent> properly?

I'm trying to use RTTI to add an event handler to a control, that may already have an event handler set. The code looks something like this: var prop: TRttiProperty; val: TValue; begin prop := FContext.GetType(MyControl.ClassInfo).GetProperty('OnChange'); val := prop.GetValue(MyControl); FOldOnChange := val.AsType<TNotifyEvent...

Accessing Advantage Management Utility values for feedback

In our report generation application, there's some pretty hefty queries that take a considerable amount of time to run. User feedback up until this point has been basically zip while the server chugs away at their request. I noticed that there's a tab on the ADA Management Utility that shows progress on the query both as percent comple...

Cross-reference between delphi records

Let's say I have a record TQuaternion and a record TVector. Quaternions have some methods with TVector parameters. On the other hand, TVector supports some operations that have TQuaternion parameters. Knowing that Delphi (Win32) does not allow for forward record declarations, how do I solve this elegantly? Using classes is not really ...

Using [delphi] MadExcept errorhandling with MS Echange Server 2007

I currently use madExcept.MailAsSmtpClient to send my bug reports. However a couple of large clients have upgraded to Exchange Server 2007 and we can't get the SMTP support for our app configured (the app runs on individual workstations so the messages aren't all coming from one IP. We can configure an authenticated account in exchange a...

Delphi. Prevent controls repainting for a time.

For example I disable runtime two buttons. After I disabled first button it bacame gray, the second - it also became gray. But I do not know how to make the repainting simultaneous! I need something like that: freeze the Form (disable repainting) disable first button disable second button Enable Form repainting If someone knows how t...

Delphi: How to use TJvRichEdit to load or save text and images (not just .bmp) to file or firebird blob field?

Regarding TJvRichEdit and Delphi... How? Load/Save rtf (including text and images - not only .bmp) to/from a file? Read/Write rtf (including text and images - not only .bmp) to/from Firebird blob field? Automatically convert screendump pasted from clipboard (Ctrl-V) into .jpg format before it is inserted into the TJvRichEdit rtf? Gui...

Missing Right Click menu in Windows 7

We have a few different programs all compiled together in the same suite, recently we had a bug reported that "The Right Click Shortcut Menu was missing." So as with any bug I tried to reproduce it and couldn't. No matter what I did the right click menu appeared on my system. My first guess was that this was an OS issue. We know it work...

BCB / Delphi: I am doing something stupid - but what?

I have been away from BCB for over five years, and now I am having a st00pid n00b moment. I am using BCB, and using a VCL component package for which I have the Delphi source. I want to comment out a few lines in the Delphi source of the component (to not add a few toolbars in a form's OnCreat()). So, I comment it out, and the syntax ...

Delphi TADOQuery loadFromFile error: "The character '<' cannot be used in an attribute value"

I have a Delphi 2009 application that runs a query over a database using a TADOQuery component. When the query has returned data, I call the TADOQuery's saveToFile procedure, specifying "pfXML" as the format parameter, which obviously saves the data to an XML document. This works fine. To view the data, I have a screen that contains a v...

Delphi Indy: cannot load SSL libraries first time. A retry works.

Hello! I'm using the latest indy snapshot (installed yesterday) and newest SSL libraries. When trying to send a mail using idSMTP, the first time the component connects, I get an exception: Could't load the SSL libraries . Funny thing is, a retry works always. Debugging I found that the problem is in IsSSLOpenSSLHeader, function ...

Checksum an image in Delphi

Hey, I am trying to checksum an image, but it takes too long to give a result, tried add values, and Adler-32 but both finishes in a long time (approximately 2 seconds). Adding values: Function Checksum_CountryFlag(Img : TPicture):Integer; var j, k, Checksum : Integer; begin Checksum := 0; For j := 0 to Img.Width do For k := 0 to Img....

Get Current Pixel value using Scanline in Delphi

Hey, I am trying to get the current pixel in an image by a "OnMouseMove event" Using Scanline. something equivalent to this: Label1.Caption := IntToStr(Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[X,Y]); Any ideas ? ...