Delphi DB Aware visual attractive tag component available?
I need to implement a tag system for video program and before I build something myself, is there an attractive drag-n-drop tag component that will filter a table for me? ...
I need to implement a tag system for video program and before I build something myself, is there an attractive drag-n-drop tag component that will filter a table for me? ...
Hi! I am using php4Delphi in Delphi. In my PHP script I`m using the function: $ret = @socket_recv_from(....); In a normal PHP script ran by either PHP itselfs or Apache this would not give out a warning when the @ operator is present. But with my application it does anyways... I am using PHP version 5.3 and newest release of php4De...
We may use the following code to clear keyboard buffer: while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE or PM_NOYIELD) do; But how may I clear mouse click buffer? ...
I'm Delphi developer, and I would like to build few web applications, I know about Intraweb, but I think it's not a real tool for web development, maybe for just intranet applications so I'm considering PHP, Python or ruby, I prefer python because it's better syntax than other( I feel it closer to Delphi), also I want to deploy the appl...
Working in Delphi7 just now, I noticed that not only a VarIsEmpty function exists, but also a VarIsEmptyParam. Since the help of Delphi does not give much explanation: VarIsEmptyParam returns true if the given variant represents an unassigned optional parameter. If the variant contains any other value, the function result is...
I use a routine that can start and stop services via Delphi but I also need to be able to disable them, is it possible? ...
Hi, I have a TListView and TPopupMenu, and I want to show a context menu when I right click on a TListItem. I tried the "AutoPopup" by assigning the component, but on a right click the PopupMenu is shown only and the wanted element is not selected. So i tried to use the "OnMouseDown", but we need to click and click again to show the men...
Hello I am using HttpCli component form ICS to POST a request. I use an example that comes with the component. It says: procedure TForm4.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var Data : String; begin Data:='status=no'; HttpCli1.SendStream := TMemoryStream.Create; HttpCli1.SendStream.Write(Data[1], Length(Data)); HttpCli1.S...
I've been trying to debug the following problem for several weeks now - this method is called from several places within the same datamodule, but this exception (from the subject line of this post) only occurs when integers for a certain purpose (pickup orders vs. orders that we ship through a carrier) are used - and don't ask me how the...
Hallo. I am writing a tier2 ordering software for network usage. So we have client and server. On the client I create Objects of TBest in which the Product ID, the amount and the user who orders it are saved. (So this is a item of an Order). An order can have multiple items and those are saved in an array to later send the created ord...
The Arcana Elite Suite for Intraweb hasn't been updated since March 2008. Does this mean it won't work with any bundled Intraweb later than Delphi 2007? Anyone tried it with D2009 or D2010? ...
Does anyone know of some sample code that shows how Delphi 2010 can read RAW files using its new COM interface to WIC? I want to read Canon RAW images and then access specific pixels... ...
For the sake of the question, by 'shareware' I mean a software which is relatively small in size (up to few dozens of mb) and available for download and evaluation through a web site. I'm asking this question, because I don't understand something regarding the current state of windows commercial desktop development. It seems to me tha...
Hi, does Delphi 2010 have C# Style XML comments that show up when hovering over the method call? /// <summary> /// My comment here /// </summary> ...
is there a good and free PDF generator library for delphi ? I need one with multipage + graphics support. ...
Hello. I am using Delphi 2007 and I am trying to make record type file. In Delphi 7 there were no problems for me. Type Kompiuteris = record ... end; Failas = file of Kompiuteris; But in Delphi 2007 I get problem. Error says that: Type "Kompiuteris" needs finalization. So, what is wrong? ...
Sometimes a keystroke on a form can have different recipents, depending on the state of the application. See the following sample: unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, Buttons; type TForm1 = class(TForm) private ListView1...
I have the following record definition E3Vector3T = packed record public x: E3FloatT; y: E3FloatT; z: E3FloatT; function length: E3FloatT; function normalize: E3Vector3T; function crossProduct( const aVector: E3Vector3T ): E3Vector3T; class operator add( const aVector1, aVector2: E3Vector3...
Hi all, I depend on VirtualTreeView to display thousands of items which are bound to change occasionally and when this happens the tree is cleaned and populated again. Sorting is done automatically (toAutoSort flag set) but this has an unwanted effect of initializing all the nodes recursively and this is a very expensive operation as yo...
Hello. How do I control the "long strings" compiler option? I use Delphi 2007 ...