Filter AdoQuery_1 Record
SQL.Add('SELECT * from Med');
SQL.Add('Where Cliente Like ''%'+Edit1.text );
update AdoQuery_1 from AdoQuery_2 (master)
Update record´s of Table1 from Table2 (chield)
Update record´s of Table3 from Table4 (chield)
is there a faster way to update the selected record and do the sam...
how we can convert a value from TpenStyle to string...
I have a "ActiveX library" project created with Delphi 2007. The library interface return XML data based on input values. This is then used by a PHP script that displays the data on a web page. This works great!
The problem is that i can only run one instance of the dll process on the server. However, for security reasons, each of my cu...
I am trying to decode a base64 encoded EMF image from an XML document in my application and render it on screen, however, it never seems to appear.
If I copy/paste the data from the XML document into Notepad++ and use the Base64 Decode option and save the file as a .emf it opens fine in mspaint. So I think the issue is how I am decoding...
Is there a way of getting around circular unit references in Delphi?
Maybe a newer version of delphi or some magic hack or something?
My delphi project has 100 000+ lines of code mostly based on singleton classes. I need to refactor this, but that would mean several months of "circular reference" hell :)
I have a form that allows users to enter a date of birth:
ie: 4/16/40
Then when the user processes the form there's a function that checks it's length, adds leading zeros, parses the date and then uses FormatDateTime to just return the year of birth:
strTemp := strPostedByDOB;
If Length(strTemp) = 5
then strTemp = '0' + strTemp;
I´m trying to copy data from one master table and 2 more child tables. When I select one record in the master table I copy all the fields from that table for the other. (Table1 copy from ADOQuery the selected record)
procedure TForm1.copyButton7Click(Sender: TObject);
SQL.Add('SELECT * from ADoquery');
SQL.Add('Where numeraca...
I am creating a Delphi service. Is there any way to use controls derived from TWinControl within services? Ultimately the control and any controls I place on it will be saved to a bitmap. But anything I try I get "control has no parent window" error.
I have successfully created a TBitMap and can accomplish the same functionality. Bu...
how can i create dbgrid with composite columns,
example :dbgrid header
| name |
| first | last |
I am trying to remove duplicates in my listview.
This function:
procedure RemoveDuplicates(const LV:TbsSkinListView);
i,j: Integer;
LV.SortType := stText;
for i := 0 to LV.Items.Count-1 do
for j:=i+1 to LV.Items.Count-1 do
if SameText(LV.I...
I need to do some printing using TPrinter. The problem is I can not, for various reasons, use Global object Printer.
I want to be able to create my instance of TPrinter and print using that one.
I tried with:
MyPrinter := TPrinter.Create;
but this generates AV.
Any idea what does it take to print something...
Hello all,
I'm currently in the process of adding JNI functionality into a legacy delphi app. In a single-threaded environment everything works fine, but as soon as I move into multi-threaded environment, things start to become hairy.
My problem is that calling JavaVM^.AttachCurrentThread( JavaVM, @JEnv, nil ); returns 0, but puts the ...
I have a form with most of its functionality implemented using standard TAction. I have a menu, a toolbar, and some toobuttons. I have implemented clipboard copy/paste with no code at all, just using TEditCopy and TEditPaste actions. It works perfect in the TEdit and TMemo boxes I have.
Now, I want it to work with TListBox, too. Specif...
Hi all,
I used the same request with 2 differents client HTTP. One is accepted by server (java request in IE) and not the other (Indy Client in Delphi software) ? Is there a way to detect the request difference between the two request ?
Is there a way to hide I use Indy ?
Best regards
We are trying to shape up an old, 2 tier, Delphi based application. It originally uses database authentication, we'd like to transform the db user accounts to global users, so an OID server could perform the authentication instead of the database.
The Delphi program can no longer log into the database if the account is a global user. I'...
I looked already and could't find anyting good.
So a question is, are there any good web frameworks that would allow to easily develop GUI for the majority of high end phones? By this I mean
It would have to work "the same" on majority of high end phones (forget the low cost ones)
It would have to simplify the development and hide th...
Hi All,
I have been trying to set up local debugging for my ASP.NET app in Delphi and am getting the error above. I have used the aspnet_regiis.exe tool with the following:
Aspnet_regiis.exe -s W3SVC/1/ROOT/DevTest
but this hasn't helped. It added it to IIS as an application but I am still getting the error:
The project cannot be de...
hi all
I dont know what exactly i have to type in title for this ,i tried my best
anyway coming to topic
I am making one acc checker for that purpose ,i am sending user and pass from my bsskinedit1 and bsskinedit2
here is my code
but it giving some ...
we are developing a SOAP webservice (Apache/PHP). All run well for small size calls, but with a 1Mb soap call (the HTTPS call size is 1MB) our Delphi Soap client stop with a timeout on all PC but one, and our PHP clients run well with a default_socket_timeout=300, but stop with a "Error Fetching http headers" with default_socket_ti...
I requested a feature on Delphi's UserVoice, but I didn't understand Nick Hodges's answer.
What version of Delphi supports smart linking?
How do I enable this option?