
OleContainer - Opening a doc file from http ?

Hello everyone. I need some info about OleContainer. I embedded an OleContainer in the browser. And when I launch that html file,a microsoft word OleContainer is opened and I want to display content of a doc file from the web. For example, when I open html file, OleContainer should view the content of the whi...

Delphi Indy10: How IdTCPClient gets the response of Server,and the length of response is unknown.

host:; port:5001; ReadTimeout:3000; //Following codes to get the response procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var s:string; begin try while True do begin s := s+IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadChar(); end; finally showmessage(s); ....other operations... end; //.... When timerout the part...

How to check if stored procedure returned a field

I'm using some asp net stored procedures and I do not want edit them. The trouble is when ThisProcedure returns no Field I need. Query->FieldByName("RoleName") // delphi : Query.FieldByName("RoleName") (for TAG %D) and sometimes it works, sometimes I've got error : CommandText does not return a return set I can't avoid it using try c...

Delphi: How to get the query that is passed to the server when parameters are used

I have a query with parameters inside a Devart TMSQuery.SQL. Something like select * from customers where customer = :CustomerID in code I do // Delphi sqlcustomer.ParamByName('CustomerID').asinteger := 4;; I want to debug and see the exact sql command sent to the server, if I try to use TMSQuery.sql I just have th...

TThread.Execute is not called as expected

I am trying to display an activity indicating overlay (a spinning circle of dots) during a lengthy operation in my application. For this, i created a borderless transparent form with a TImage and an Imagelist, which i sought to update in a thread during the time the main thread is busy. The problem i encountered is that the lengthy oper...

Are there localized resource strings available for the JCL (JEDI Code Library)?

Is there a translation/localization sub-project for the JEDI Code Library? I'm especially looking for German, French and Italian versions of JclResources.pas and JclVclResources.pas (and might be able to contribute to a German translation myself). Is anything like that already in the works or did I even just fail to find it in the origi...

Can I nest critical sections? Is TCriticalSection nestable?

I want to have two procedures which can call each other, or be called from whatever threads are running, but only have one running at a time. How can I do this? Will this work correctly? var cs: TCriticalSection; procedure a; begin cs.Acquire; try // Execute single threaded here. finally cs.Release; end; end; proce...

Delphi:Want to override default KeyPress method in TEdit class in StdCntrls unit

To avoid entering single quotes. But got error while compiling the project - '[Fatal Error] StdCtrls.pas(1238): Unit Dialogs was compiled with a different version of StdCtrls.TEdit' ...

Is there an event in Delphi that fires when ActiveControl changes?

I would like to run a small routine whenever the ActiveControl changes. How can I do this? I thought about having a timer that checks the active control at certain intervals, and fires my routine when it changes, but is there a more elegant solution? ...

Delphi thread exception mechanism

Hello everybody, i have a dilema on how threads work in delphi, and why at a moment when a thread should raise an exception, the exception is not showed. bellow is the code with comments, maybe somebody cand explain to me how that thread, or delphi, is managing access violations //thread code unit Unit2; interface uses Classes, ...

In Delphi How can we find an open port?

We are using a Delphi TServerSocket and want to assign a port automatically. How can we find an open port in Delphi 7? ...

Delphi 2007 IDE crashes when I try to use "Find References" under Search menu.

After upgrading to Windows 7 all seems to work in my Delphi 2007 version except this one. I know that 2007 is not build for win 7 but I'm not sure that the OS is the reason. My friend is using it without a problem. When I use "Find Local References" all is fine. Do you know a fix for this? Some dll registration may be? ...

TreeView control and Nonrecursion

I can fill a TreeView control with particular Registry keys by enumerating registry keys recursively and put them in the TreeView control; then for performance reason, I attempt to use a nonrecursive/iterative approach to enumerate registry keys, but how can I fill the TreeView since a "tree" is naturally recursive (at least, in my under...

Check if we have write access to a folder? Delphi

Possible Duplicate: How can I use Delphi to test if a Directory is writeable? My program will download an update for the user if they request it. The user has to specify the location to save the installer. They might pick a directory which they don't have access to save something to. In this case the download starts (downlo...

Not receiving WM_NCHitTest on title bar

I noticed that the message WM_NCHitTest isn't sent to a form when the cursor is inside the caption bar (not on the border). I tried to intercept it using either procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST; or procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; According to MSDN I was expecting to receive...

Delphi how to determine which procedure called the another procedure ?

How can i determine who called the Showme Procedure? procedure Showme(str:string); begin ShowMessage(str); end; procedure btnclick(sender:TObject); begin Showme("test"); end; procedure btn2click(sender:TObject); begin Showme("test"); end; Edit : The Confusion Showme(654, '654'); // procedure name, string Showme(654, '564'); ...

Delphi 2010: No thread vs threads

Hello everyone, I'm user of delphi 2010, my current machine is intel core i7, running windows 7 x64. I've write the following codes: type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private FCount: ...

Issue with ftCurrency fields with ADODatasets

Hello I have an accuracy problem with a reporting tool that I'm using. The issue is that it is reading in data from a TADODataset on the fly but converting the ftBCD fields into doubles. This causes rounding errors when performing operations at the reporting level (sums, etc). I'd like to specify my currency fields as ftCurrency, not ...

Use C# DLL as COM under Delphi

Hi! We got a DLL written by C# programmers, compiled to usable as COM object. We consult these developers to get the function names, and syntaxes, and we can use it after we registered it with regasm. This is ok, but we have more questions to produce faster development (on changes), and some things are not understandable or not workin...

How to Detect when a CD / DVD / USB Inserted or Removed and Get Drive Letter ?

I want to detect when a Disk ( CD / DVD ) or an USB inserted or removed. I know that I should work with WM_DEVICECHANGE message , but my problem is getting the Volume ( Letter ) of the Drive , I tried to Get it by WMI Query and Win32_VolumeChangeEvent too but I could not! there is an Example and work fine , how can I do this by Delphi?...