
Component published property as array of TQuery

hi, i'm developing a custom component, and i'd like to add a published property that would be an array of TQuery (it should be visible in the object inspector). the main feature would be to drop the component on a form and then visually select the queries that are present on the same form, or on any other project form. is that doable? ...

Controlling the mail client from delphi

hi! I have an issue here where we need to control outlook from Embarcadero Delphi 2010. we used today some thirdparty components for opening the mail sending window, this worked some timeago. but now it seem to fail on newer outlook versions. are there any component out there dedicated to controlling outlook from Delphi, or are there ...

Delphi - application with activeX control causes "appcrash"

Hello, I have to use an ActiveX Object (QlikOCX.ocx). So I've created a very small sample application, which works fine, but when I close the application I get an error like this: "application.exe doesn't work anymore -> Search online for an solution and close the programm -> Close the programm Problem details: Problem-event-name: APP...

OpenOffice automation translate basic code to Delphi

Hello please help to translate the next line of basic code to Delphi for the OOoTools.pas interface. oChart.Diagram.SymbolType = I know that the SYMBOL1 part is an enumeration and I think I have to use the MakePropertyValue fumction but how? ...

How to change decimal separator for numeric key in my Delphi application?

Hi guys. In my country the decimal separator is ",". One of my clients would like to have it as a "." character. What should I do to change decimal separator to "."? I've tried this: procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin DecimalSeparator := '.'; Application.UpdateFormatSettings := True; end; But this code helps o...

how to refactor a Delphi unit with 10000 lines with no documentation?

I have been assigned the task to refactor a Delphi unit. Wow. 10000 lines of code, no documentation, tons of copy and paste code. THere are many methods made with copy and paste that could be refactored, anyway I am lost in all those lines, I have the interface section where I can "find my way", but in general what do yuo suggest for ta...

Google Chrome tabs style UI in Delphi

I am looking for the easiest way to implement Google Chrome style tabs over Windows 7 glass, in a Delphi application. It would be great if I could hybridize the Google Chrome tabs style, and one element of the Ribbon style (the ribbon button, a round icon button), together, like this: ...

i need help in delphi-7

i was wondering if anyone could by any chance help me. i have a school project due in 10 days and to be honest i have no idea what im doing =/ what is expected of me is that i program a memory game. where i am currently stuck is that i have to time how long it takes the person to play the game and then display how long it took them as a ...

after saving delphi form, it loses accented characters...

Hi, I got some forms in Delphi 7 which I open in my IDE. Certain accented characters are not displayed correctly in the form and when I change a form containing such a character , the accent is lost. E.g. something encoded as #337 a in dfm becomes u in the saved dfm Can you tell what may be wrong? ...

Decompressing gzipped files in Delphi 2009

Up until Delphi 2007 I was using DelphiZlib 0.2.99 for decompressing gzipped files. In Delphi 2009 the library does not compile anymore. Besides the conflict with Delphi's own zlib.pas unit, the code generates a number of string-related compiler errors and warnings which I don't think I can fix without a close understanding of the librar...

Memory Leak using VirtualTreeview and OTL

I had created a small multi threaded application and I am trying to convert it to use OmniThreadLibrary. I am using the Virtualtreeview to display a log and the status/results. The Vst Log only has two columns and the record contains just two string fields (extremely simple, no objects inside the record). Using a DEMO project that come...

Delphi - when to call DragAcceptFiles

I have procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin DragAcceptFiles (Handle, True ) ; end ; but the form does not accept dragged files - no drop cursor, no firing of WM_DROPFILES message. I had the following construct in my FormShow event (for a different reason - there was code I wanted to execute only once after the for...

Extract query definition from JET database via ADO

I have a program in Delphi 2010 that uses a JET (mdb) database via ADO. I would like to be able to extract the definitions of some of the queries in the database and display them to the user. Is this possible either via SQL, some ADO interface, or by interrogating the database itself (I don't seem to have rights to MSysObjects). ...

Delphi 6 : Detect when a Form is fully painted?

Is there a simple and convenient way to tell when all the Components, Frames, and Child Controls on a TForm are fully painted? I'm basically looking for the equivalent of the onload() event found in web pages but in the context of Delphi forms. Preferably this technique would still work even if some form elements aren't currently visib...

Can I create a clean URL using WebBroker and Delphi ?

Hi, Can I create a clean URL for WebBroker webpages/applications ? A typical WebBroker URL normally looks like: hxxp:// or hxxp:// What I would prefer is: hxxp:// Any idea how I can achieve this with Delphi/WebBroker ? (ISAPI/Ap...

Easy code sample for formula for simulating deceleration of a rotating sphere due to friction and gravity?

I have a rotating sphere that the user rotates by applying a virtual force, like a virtual accelerator. I want to be able to simulate a nice momentum effect so that when they lift off the accelerator the ball winds down in speed in a natural and realistic way, as if due to friction and/or gravity. I don't want to get into any deep phys...

OpenOffice Automation Delphi how create a scattered chart from non-adjacent columns

Hello, can someone please help me on how to create a XYdiagram from non-adjacent columns? I want to do this in Delphi using the OOoTools.pas interface. This is the working code where I can only select adjacent columns: User The_Fox helped me a lot with some issues I had, thanks for that. procedure TForm1.ProcessNewChart(aFilename: Stri...

Handling TUdpSocket

Hello. I'm trying to use the TUdpSocket in Delphi. What I want to do is connect to a UDP server, send some data and wait for answer. Data is sent correctly, but the control does not receive anything. I don't know why. I've been struggling with this problem for many hours now and I'm going to give up :-(. I tried to use TIdUDPClient, but...

is there any other way to view youtube video on delphi?

i see the on how to load flash video on delphi but its not for free. is there any other way? like html then TWebBroeser? sampleVideo.html //this will not work on TwebBrowser is there any other way? <html> <head> </style> <style type="text/css">.recentcomments a{display:inline !importa...

Delphi - Synchronize cxScheduler with Outlook 2007

Hi, I'm usingthe cxScheduler vom DexExpress and want to syncronize it with outlook 2007. The scheduler offers a method to do this work: cxSchedulerSynchronizeStorageWithOutlook Problem: When I call this method, I get an EOleSyserror : operation not available. So I checked the registered type libraries in delphi, and the "Microsoft Out...