
What component should I use to draw a dendrogram in Java?

Dendrogram is not a regular diagram. Should I use any component from javax.swing.* library, or just draw it with java.awt.Graphics? ...

Library or any API for plotting dendrograms

I have an MySQL database which contains some data,it interacts with JSP pages,the thing is that I have to plot dendrograms from various files stored in the database. I found some java API for this like JTree or others, but I'm not familiar with java, so I am wondering if there is an alternative to do it with a CGI or php pages that cal...

How do I color edges or draw rects correctly in an R dendrogram?

I generated this dendrogram using R's hclust(), as.dendrogram() and plot.dendrogram() functions. I used the dendrapply() function and a local function to color leaves, which is working fine. I have results from a statistical test that indicate if a set of nodes (e.g. the cluster of "_+v\_stat5a\_01_" and "_+v\_stat5b\_01_" in the lower...

Consensus tree or "bootstrap proportions" from multiple hclust objects

I have a list of hclust objects resulting from slight variations in one variable (for calculating the distance matrix) now I would like to make a consensus tree from this list. Is there a generic package to do this? I am hacking my way through some code from maanova and it seems to work - but it's ugly and it needs a lot of hacking s...

Embedding dendrogram in Java

Hello, I'm looking for a library capable of drawing dendrograms of data in Java (not calculating them, I can do it by myself).. do you have any clues? Already tried to search it over Google but haven't found anything that is not stand-alone (while I need to embed the generation inside my program). Thanks! ...

How do you compare the "similarity" between two dendrograms (in R) ?

I have two dendrograms which I wish to compare to each other in order to find out how "similar" they are. But I don't know of any method to do so (let alone a code to implement it, say, in R). Any leads ? Thanks, Tal ...

Generating dendrograms from genealogy data in R

Is there any way to generate a dendrogram where each level of the graph represents a generation and only sons of the same father are connected at each level? I'm attempting to use R's hclust and plot functions to generate a dendrogram of father-son lineage. The desired result is a dendrogram where each generation of sons is placed on t...

How do I manually create a dendrogram (or "hclust") object ? (in R)

I have a dendrogram given to me as images. Since it is not very large, I can construct it "by hand" into an R object. So my question is how do I manually create a dendrogram (or "hclust") object, when all I have is the dendrogram image ? I see that there is a function called "as.dendrogram" But I wasn't able to find an example on how t...

Dendrogram generated by scipy-cluster does not show

I am using scipy-cluster to generate a hierarchical clustering on some data. As a final step of the application, I call the dendrogram function to plot the clustering. I am running on Mac OS X Snow Leopard using the built-in Python 2.6.1 and this matplotlib package. The program runs fine, but at the end the Rocket Ship icon (as I underst...

dendrogram in C compatible with opencv

Hi Is there an implementation of dendrogram in C that can be used with an openCV matrix? If not, is there other implementation of a dendrogram that I can create a distance matrix to? Maybe openCV have anther algorithm that I can use? I've found an scipy-cluster in python which works with numpy. It says that the core is written in C so ...