



I have a list of hclust objects resulting from slight variations in one variable (for calculating the distance matrix)

  • now I would like to make a consensus tree from this list.

Is there a generic package to do this? I am hacking my way through some code from maanova and it seems to work - but it's ugly and it needs a lot of hacking since I am not doing "normal" bootstrapping (it's chemical data).

/Palle Villesen, Denmark

c1_list <- seq(10,100,by=10)
c2 <- 30
e<- 1
mboot <- list()
for (i in 1: length(c1_list) ) {
   c1 <- c1_list[i]
   cat("Doing C1=",c1,"...")
   x <- hclust(custom_euclidean(t(log2(data[, all]+1)), c1,c2,e), method='average')
   mboot[[i]] <- x # To get hclust object back use mbot[[i]] to get i'th object

#### Now extract the robust groups from mboot...

Hm, that sounds like a boosting approach applied to clustering, and a quick Google search reveals quite an existing literature on boosting clustering. Maybe that is a start?

As for R code, there are always the Task Views on Clustering and Machine Learning.

Dirk Eddelbuettel
+2  A: 

First, have a look at Allan Tucker's code for consensus clustering, related to his paper "Consensus Clustering and Functional Interpretation of Gene Expression Data".

Here are a few other pointers:

Thanks a lot, that sounds like what I'm looking for. And yes - I saw the consensus() function, but I needed to create the correct object of multiple hclust objects (+ some extra stuff)...Also it creates a condensed dendrogram, where I want "bootstrap" proportions...So that was why I was looking for a simpler function that simply compares n hclust objects and creates some kind of consensus...
Palle Villesen