
How do I color edges or draw rects correctly in an R dendrogram?

I generated this dendrogram using R's hclust(), as.dendrogram() and plot.dendrogram() functions. I used the dendrapply() function and a local function to color leaves, which is working fine. I have results from a statistical test that indicate if a set of nodes (e.g. the cluster of "_+v\_stat5a\_01_" and "_+v\_stat5b\_01_" in the lower...

Consensus tree or "bootstrap proportions" from multiple hclust objects

I have a list of hclust objects resulting from slight variations in one variable (for calculating the distance matrix) now I would like to make a consensus tree from this list. Is there a generic package to do this? I am hacking my way through some code from maanova and it seems to work - but it's ugly and it needs a lot of hacking s...