
replacing an attribute at WSDL file from a Deployment plan XML

I have two files WSDL file and Deployment plan file. I am trying to replace an attribute at the WSDL file from the Deployment plan file. WSDL file <wsdl:definitions name="Project" targetNameSpace="http://xxx/yyy/project" xmlns:ns0="http://xxx/zzz"&gt; <wsdl:types> <xs:schema> ..... </sx:schema> </w...

Websphere : deployment logs location?

I am a newbie to websphere. I am trying to deploy an EAR while i get the following exception: DeploymentDescriptorLoadException: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml When I searched about this error, the answers I got was to check the deployment log file to find the root cause of this error. I am not sure where the deployment logs would be. Checking ...

SharePoint script fails when run as a Visual Studio post-deployment command

I have written a script that inserts some test data into a document library. I intend to use it as a post-deployment step in Visual Studio 2010, so that the library is not empty after a retract & deploy. The relevant portions of the script are: Install.ps1: $scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Paren...

Glassfish v2.1.1 Deploy error

Error: Undeploying ... While undeploying, trying to stop application in target server failed; com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException: I/O error while loading deployment descriptor for: hello2 cause: C:/eepassion/UnZip/servletbasics/samples/hello2/build/web com.sun.en...

How can I transfer an Android application I have developed to another phone ?

I have developed my first small Android application using Eclipse and managed to transfer it to my Samsung Galaxy S mobile phone. My collegue at work has got another Android mobile phone running the same version (Android 2.1). How can I give him my new application without him needing to install an development environment? Is this possi...

OpenCV c++ application deployment with external libraries

Hi, I've tried searching A LOT for this with no luck (possibly because I'm not using the right technical terms). My issue is mainly to do with linking static libs, compiling and deploying. Before I get into details, my executables compile fine on my system; the main issue is how to deploy these as a working solution to others. I've wr...

TFS 2010: Copy Devel.Config to Web.Config

We are using TFS 2010 with visual studio 2008 so config transformations are not an option. Our solution builds four sites. In each Web site project there is a web.config we use locally and a config/devel.config and a config/live.config. Our current TFS 2008 build development build copies devel.config over top of web.config while it is c...

How to deploy multiple rails app on a single IP (Apache + Passenger)?

Hi, I want to deploy multiple rails app on a single server. If I had a domain name, I would have easily done that using subdomains as server name in virtual hosts. My problem is that I do not have a domain name. Can I do something like as one server name and as another. Or are there any other solu...

Computed columns in SQLCLR project in Visual Studio 2010

It appears that MS has a bug when dealing with VS 2010 SQL CLR project and computed columns. I am using Pre/PostDeployScript.sql to drop/add the computed column. However, if I try to deploy from VS2010 it, I get dependency errors. The same project works 100% in Vs2008. I am wondering what my options are in terms of deploying to work arou...

TFS 2010 and creating a package

I am running the build with the flags /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=true /p:DeployOnBuild=True The agent creates a the folder: C:\Builds\99\MyWebProject\Sources\WebProj\Web\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp that is used when the package is deployed. However, this folder does NOT have the files that are not in source control but are created ...

What are some alternatives to using Tomcat for Jruby Rack apps??

We're looking at some alternatives to our Tomcat based stack for a JRuby on Rails app. So far I've read about the Trinidad gem, which is actually Tomcat based, and the Glassfish gem. I can't however for either of these find production examples. Both of them it seems allow you to just run the command on command line, which is fine fo...

What is a good way to deploy a Perl application?

I posted this question looking for something similar to Buildout for Perl. I think Shipwright is what I'm looking for but I'm not really sure. I've played around with it and I created a project, imported all of my source and dependencies and I've exported everything to a vessel then the documentation sort of just stopped. What do I do w...

Is replacing strategies injected via a DI container a valid deployment mechanism?

I'm creating an application which uses a DI Container for injecting strategies into it. When deployed, if I require those strategies to change, is it a valid deployment strategy to deploy a new assembly with the new strategies and ammend the configuration file for instructing the DI container of which strategy to use? My concern is that...

EJBs 2.0 on OpenEJB - Where do I put the needed jars?

Hi everybody. We've been using WAS 6.1 so far to deploy our web apps. Now we need to migrate to an economics-savvy Tomcat + OpenEJB solution. The OpenEJB 3.1.2 container is plugged into Tomcat 6.18, no standalone OpenEJB server here. So here I am, trying to deploy my EJB 2.1 objects into OpenEJB... My problem is that the EJBs code req...

How can i deploy a .Net Application that uses ODAC Without installing the Whole Component to the user ?? !!

Hello Guys .. i have written a C# application that connects to an Oracle 10g database .. using Oracle Data Access Component 11.2 "ODAC" it works perfectly on my machine and now i want to deploy the application and install it in another "clean machine" that has the .Net Framework only!! and i dont want to install the whole ODAC compo...

iPhone: Document dir data does not survive a hard reset.

I have just uploaded my app and it was accepted. To my horror, I now discover that if I hold down the top right button for some time, to turn iPhone off and then repeat that to turn it on again (i.e. a hard reset), the contents of Documents has vanished. ...

Automatic inclusion of runtime library/framework into the installation package VS2008

Project1: A C++ EXE project with code generation option "runtime library" set to "Multithreaded Debug Dll". Project2: A C# EXE project developed with .Net Version, say, 3.5 Suppose I want to write an installer project for these projects. I naturally include their primary outputs (the exe's) in the installation package. But the exe's a...

Elementary Rails deployment

I am trying to deploy my app on Rails for the first time using Heroku. I have spent quite a lot of time but there's a gap somewhere. Git: created private repo, pushed to git successfully Heroku: created free app and pushed successfully (but app 'crashes') Local: rake db:schema:dump #success rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=production #...

ASP.NET connection string deployment best practice

I've collected a (hopefully useful) summary of the ways I've researched to accomplish the subject of this post, as well as the problems I have with them. Please tell me if you've found other ways you like better, especially if they resolve the problems that the methods I mention do not. Leave connection strings in web.config and use XD...

Release timetables in Agile Environments

Hello, We are currently utilising an agile environment in work. One of my tasks involve setting up a release timetable. A part of this is providing a time frame of how long a project would take to go from a development environment, to staging and then live. I have conflicting thoughts regarding whether such a timetable needs to be done...