
Visual Studio 2008 designer throws Error

We have a project that was migrated from VS 2005 to 2008. One form is using usercontrol. When I open this form I get following message from the designer: The variable '_usercontrol' is either undeclared or was never assigned. at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializerBase.Error(IDesignerSerializationMa...

How make Qt Designers autosize layouts work with Pyqt4?

I'm trying a simple example with Qt Designer and Pyqt4, when I preview the UI in Qt Designer (control+R) it looks good, but when I try to execute the generated UI code, layouts don't work properly and instead of autosizing widgets to the max they are so small that they can't be used. If I use fixed sizes it works well. The code used to...

Visual Studio 2008 Designer File Bug?

This has been driving me crazy for months. I have a multiple projects that compile without errors. If I start copying and pasting controls (or even just plain 'p' tags) the designer will fail 1/2 the time with the error "the method or operation is not implemented". The complexity of the page doesn't matter. The 'solution' is to delete th...

How to add enum properties to a WebControl

Edit: It looks like it might be a Visual Studio issue. If I restart Visual Studio it works until I rebuild the solution. I'm getting an "'B' could not be set on property 'MyMode'" exception in the designer when using this code: public class MyControl : CompositeControl { public enum MyEnum{ A, B } [DefaultValue(MyEnum.A)] public...

WinForms designer: generated code for a custom Collection<T> property

Hi, I have a control with a property that is inherited from the Collection type: public class MyCoolCollection : Collection<SomeType> { private string m_TestString; public string TestString { get { return m_TestString; } set { m_TestString = value; } } } and when I drop this control o...

ASP.NET MVC Spark view engine for designers, do they like it?

I am in the process of building a large Mvc project and have a question regarding the default rendering engine opposed to the MVC Spark engine in the context for designers. I am all in favour of reducing my tag soup and can see that the spark engine is neat, very neat and I for one would welcome it. However does anyone have an e...

Namespaces, aliases and Visual Studio Forms Designer

Hi. I'm having a problem with conflicting namespaces and code that gets autogenerated by the forms designer in Visual Studio 2008. I have search many forums and different documentation, but have not been able to find any solution to this problem. I have one assembly called Foo.dll with the following namespace/code: namespace Foobar.Sy...

What's the pattern for design-time validation in Workflow Foundation 4.0?

I'm unclear about when and how I should be doing validation in my custom activities/custom activity factories/custom designers in WF 4.0. The only place within my activity that seems to provide validation error support is within the CacheMetadata method (I believe this is called multiple times during the design process). Is this wher...

Changing properties for multiple controls in Visual Studio Designer at once

Generally, is there a way to change the same property of multiple controls at once in a Windows form? Specifically, I have many controls in a Windows Form with the private modifier. Is there a way to change the modifier for all the properties to protected at once, without having to click on each control? Thanks for the help. ...

JDO designer eclipse plugin

Is there an eclipse plugin for jdo which has a designer tab and a source tab like the xml editor? The designer tab would have a table for me to key in all the fields, each row per field, with columns defining if that field is String, persistent, etc. Then I flip over to source tab and, voila, is the java class source. Or something lik...

What approaches are available to dummy design-time data in WPF?

I am working without expression blend and just using the XAML editor in vs2010. The wisdom of this aside, I am increasingly seeing a need for design-time data binding. For simple cases, the FallbackValue property works very nicely (Textboxes and TextBlocks, etc). But especially when dealing with ItemsControl and the like, one really need...

How to use UDF output as LINQ to SQL entity class property value?

Just starting out with LINQ to SQL (you can probably tell - be gentle). I'd like to use the value returned by a user-defined function as an entity class property value and have the the value populated when all the other basic (column) fields are loaded. I know there are ways to use the UDF from a L2S query (here, and here), but I'd pre...

Start and End Divs Using Two Controls - mvc

In an MVC application I'd like to encapsulate the ugly wrapper code (just a literal html opening string and another closing string) we use to make corners and shadows compatible with older browsers (we don't use javascript for performance reasons) in a manner compatible with the visual studio design view. I'd like to put the w...

VS2008 / C# Close all designers when project is compiled?

The C# designers in VS2008 have some issues, e.g. they sometimes 'forget' a control when the project is compiled. The designer especially tends to forget usercontrols. I googled a while back to work around this - found this hint: Close all designers before compiling the project. Does this really help? And is there a way to to it autom...

Sharing Data Between User Controls

How do I share data between user-controls in .Net, using datasets, without ditching the designer? A simple example: I have two separate user-controls; Control1, which contains a textbox, and Control2, which contains a label. Both the textbox and the label are bound (using the designer) to the same property in the same datase...

“Could not find type” error loading a form in the Designer

This is the exact same question as this one: “Could not find type” error loading a form in the Designer Before anyone goes closing my question please read that one. You will realize that it did not get a real answer. I hope to get a full answer (rather than a workaround) from this question. When I create a class that descends from Co...

Visual Studio 2008 Winform designer fails to load Form which inherits from generic class.

Hi, i have a winforms project, and i created a class on assembly A that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Form to serve as a base class for various forms on my project, the base class is something like: public partial class DataForm<T> : Form where T : class { T currentRecord; protected T CurrentRecord { get ...

Display multiple UserControls with the same name in the Visual Studio WinForms designer toolbox

In my WinForms project I have multiple UserControl-s with the same name ("View"), in diferent namespaces. If I understand well, the designer hides the controls with the same name as the designed control from the toolbox. So when I'm in design mode on one of the "View"-s I don't see the other ones. Is there a way to change the name disp...

How to update design-time UserControl interface based on property value?

I've created a UserControl with the following public property: [Browsable(true)] public string Text { get { return pnlLookupTable.GroupingText; } set { pnlLookupTable.GroupingText = value; } } pnlLookupTable is, as you may have guessed, a Panel control. I can change the value of the Text property in the Properties window and ...

.net special button design control

Hi, I have the following programming task (Visual Studio .net - no web application) where I wonder if there is maybe some sort of custom control (Third Party?), which could be useful: There is a rectangular layout and it should be possible to create and move around rectangular buttons. The user should be able to create button and adjus...