
Effective workflow to allow designers access to portion of SVN repository

We have a team of developers and a team of designers. Let me be very clear. The developers are NOT artists and the designers are NOT all that code-savvy. The developers work on a web application in an SVN repository locally on their machine. We have Windows 2003 workstations which allow each developer to host each website in IIS for ...

System.ComponentModel.IContainer components not used?

Dear all, I'm trying to clean some warnings in my C# project, and I've a couple of them saying: Warning 1 The field 'Namespace.Class.components' is assigned but its value is never used E:\WorkspacePath\Sources\Project\WorkItems\Class.designer.cs If i look into the code, I can find: /// <summary> /// Required designer variable. ///...

How to provide custom code for InitializeComponent?

When you modify column headers of a ListView at design time, the designer generates code to serialize column headers at run-time: private void InitializeComponent() { this.listView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView(); this.columnHeader1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader(); this.columnHeader2 = new System.Windows.For...

Triggering workflow automatically by a particular date

Hi, I am new to Sharepoint. I have a list where the date is given in a column and on that particular date the workflow must automatically trigger. I went to sharepoint designer but couldn't set the value to date. How do I trigger a workflow automatically by a particular date?? Please help. I would really appreciate your help. Than...

<Subtype>Designer</Subtype> Added then removed by Visual Studio on load/unload

Anyone see this before? I have a large Visual Studio project that keeps adding [Subtype] Designer[/Subtype] to my .vcproj then removing it on the next open and close of the project. There is only one class defined in StoredImageControl.cs. Anyone know how to shut this off as it is really messing up my revision control. This is befor...

How to "bypass" constructor call if instance is not null (WinForms designer code)

Hi, When we place a component on a Windows Form, the default behavior for the designer is to serialize a contructor call in the IntializeComponent method of the form. Is there any way to have a custom serializer output the following code: if (componentInstance == null) componentInstance = new componentClass(); instead of just: c...

How do I make an object's variable name editable in the designer?

I've written a custom control which mimics the appearance of a table header. The columns it draws are given by a collection of objects with a Text string property and a Width int property. Both have Browsable, Category, DefaultValue and Description attributes added. In the designer, the collection is editable and the user can set the ...

Fix embedded resources for generic UserControl

During a refactoring, I added a generic type parameter to MyControl, a class derived from UserControl. So my class is now MyControl<T>. Now I get an error at runtime stating that the embedded resource file MyControl`1.resources cannot be found. A quick look with reflector shows that the resource file is actually called MyControl.resourc...

Imagelist and .net designer problem

After some testing, I found out that streaming of ImageList using CF WinForms designer is different from streaming using WinForms designer. If images are added using designer and form is reopened using winfrorms designer an exception "Method 'System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageListDesigner+OriginalImageCollection.Add' not found. " i...

Problem with set related property in designer at first time

Hi I Develop a Form Designer, also develop some custom control that inherit from standard control like button. Also, i have some property that related, for example user must select department first, and then select person. and after user select person, I set Text of my custom control (that inherit from button in this case). Note: use...

Is there a way to add event handlers for controls in c# without using the designer?

I just recently started working with c# and was wondering if there is a simpler way to create event handlers for controls. For example if I have a button on a webform that i want a click handler for, I simply open the designer and double click it and it gets created and wired up for me. If I did not have have the option of using the desi...

.NET Component for Floor Plan Designer application

My next project is a kitchen designer application (CAD). Something like MS Visio or Home Suite app. I am looking for a component that I can use as a design editor. Front view is a must, view from the top and 3D are desired. I want to be able to: Drag'n'drop components on the floor plan. Select and change size and color of the compon...

Visual Studio Dataset Designer Null

Visual Studio 2008 has a bug in that you cannot use the dataset designer to set an int type field to be nullable. (There are error reports going back to Visual Studio 2005 but it seems this has never been addressed.) The only selectable behaviour is to emit code that raises an exception if an null value is passed back from the database...

Re-hosted workflow designer - read-only view

Hi I have re-hosted the workflow designer in my own application. Now I want to make the workflow view read-only. I know I can disallow drag&drop but delete and move should also be disabled. I still want the user to be able to scroll in the view. Can anyone help. Best regards, Michael ...

How do/can designers work with ASP.NET

On most projects I've been one, designers has produced HTML code, then developers turned it into ASP.NET, including master-pages etc that should really be a part of design. After it has become ASP.NET, designers could not work on the code with their tools. I know that a lot of the design of ASP.NET is made with the purpose of separatin...

Editing a xaml icons or images

Is it possible to edit a xaml icons or images in the expression design or using other tools? Is it possible to import a xaml images (that e.g you have exported) in the expression designer for editing? ...

Designer serializes my user control collection property incorrectly (duplicate items w/o clearing it)

I have MyTreeView : TreeView component. And Nodes collection is filled in this component. When I place this component on the form, the Designer duplicates all Nodes items. So I need to force the designer not to serialize this public (non virtual) Nodes property, or force designer to clear Nodes collection before enter items there. Is i...

C# show browsable child properties in designer

Hi, I'm using .NET C# with standard WinForms, not WPF. I have this situation. I'm creating a user control for a month calendar, similar to the .NET one but with a little more functionality. I have a user control form, that fills with button objects representing dates. The buttons can be colored with different color depending on their st...

C Prototype scope

I learnt that the type specifier that declares the identifier in the list of parameter declarations in a function prototype (not part of a function definition), the identifier has function prototype scope, which terminates at the end of the function declarator. Please see the C program mentioned below. void fn (struct...

How do I make VS2008 open Compact Framework forms using CF winforms designer.

I have a problem with opening CF.NET forms using VSTS 2008. It uses the regular windows forms designer instead of the smart device one. Everything was fine under VS2008 Pro, but after installing VSTS this seems broken. Is it possible to modify this behaviour somewhere in the settings or should I blame this on a broken install and reins...