
How to make pyuic4 automatically set tabs to "MainWindow"?

After adding a new label and textEdit to a grid right above these tabs, When I generate the file with pyuic4, It generates the the following lines for many different tabs which gives errors about not having enough arguments. self.tcTab.setTabText(self.tcTab.indexOf(self.tab_6),) However the .ui would generate this fine before I...

Unable to attach multiple styles in Visual Studio 2008

Helo! I create in my project a folder named 'Templates'. In this folder I store all my DataTemplates declared in various ResourceDictionary files. I am attaching it (so it becomes a StaticResource and I can use it everywhere in the <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> ...

Error in XAML: Type reference cannot find public type

In my WPF application, I have a TreeView control defined in my XAML. I've added a TreeView.Resources section that looks like this: <TreeView.Resources> <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:FileGroup}" ItemsSource="{Binding protXMLFiles}"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=groupName}"/> </HierarchicalDataTemplat...

Visual Studio underlines existing Dependency Properties

How is it possible, that some custom Dependency Properties from a Custom WPF Control are in Visual Studio WPF Designer underlined like a Non-existing properties, but in reality they are defined and everything works well ? Thanks ...

Data binding causing WPF designer error

Hey guys Does anyone know why this binding is causing an error in the WPF designer? ("Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.") XAML (partial): <Window xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MyAppNamespace"> <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Static local:Clients.Instance}, Path=Cli...

Asp.Net WebForms designer auto update

When we work over Asp.Net Forms (like .aspx pages), the source view gets updated automatically when we edit designer. On the other hand, disigner is not bothered about changes made at mark-up/ sources. We have to click synchronise view after every bit of change we make in source to be available in the desighner. Are there some sett...

NetBeans form designer: Change layout after call to initComponents

I have a class that extends javax.swing.JPanel, it contains a single JButton. I've created the class in NetBeans designer. As such, I have a initComponents() function thats called from the class constructor. What I want to do is when/if a function is called, I want to add a second button, and change the layout of the two buttons. Doing ...

Cannot integrate custom widgets dll into Qt designer

Hi, I created a dll with custom Qt widgets implemented, this dll can be recognized by Qt designer and all the widgets works well in the designer. But when I add some additional references for this dll, it cannot be recognized anymore. I tried to add the referenced dlls into designer folder, but still failed. Could anyone give me any s...

VS 2008, ASP.NET: Generate Local Resources

Hi! I've build an simple control called Menu: namespace MyControls { public class MenuItem { public MenuItem() { Visible = true; } [Localizable(true)] public string Text { get; set; } [Localizable(false)] public string Link { get; set; } [DefaultValue(...

MissingMethodException when opening a form in the designer; runtime works fine

Hi, Let's say I have a projoct A with a class A that has this property: public bool IsConnected { get { return m_isConnected; } private set { m_isConnected = value; } } In the same solution, I have a project B that references project A and has a user control called Login. This control has this attribute:...

Custom Designer for a Control

I've got a custom class which derives from SplitContainer: namespace Builder.Components { public partial class ProjectSidebar : SplitContainer { public ProjectSidebar() { InitializeComponent(); } } } Now when I right-click and select View Designer I'd like to see the SplitContainer and e...

Custom Property Default Value & .NET Designer

What's the best way to avoid (or control) the initialisation by the designer of a heavy custom property in .NET? Sometimes it is important to have a property set to something initially without that setting being acted upon when initially set. In the imaginary example below, I want to achieve the flexibility of having something like Upda...

.Net designer.cs not updated when control is in ItemTemplate

I have a simple form. Let's say one textbox and a button. If these items are placed on the aspx page, they are automatically added to the *.designer.cs file and they can be referenced in my C# code behind. Just like it's supposed to. The problem occurrs when I take these items and place them within an for a FormView control. At that p...

Framework to develop own forms/UI designer

I have application which consumes XML and based on this creates a GUI. Basically this is declarative language in form of XML to design the GUI. Now I want to create a visual GUI designer to edit forms and screens on the screen and output will be that XML. I need a suggestion what can help me in my development, may be there is some kind ...

Open Source Form Designer

Hi, We want to find a web/browser based form designer which can be used by an End User for designing the forms as per their requirements. They should able to connect to database (MySQL) and retrieve table fields and records. Somewhat similar to formassembly . com/ . More closer would be OpenLink Ajax Tool Kit (OAT) Form Designer d...

XAML Designer "cannot find type" when converters are in UserControl.Resources

I have a WPF UserControl with binding converters referenced like this: <UserControl x:Class="MyControl" x:Name="MyControl" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:TheMainNamespaceOfThisAssembly"> <UserControl.Resourc...

Hide resize markers in designer using C# ?

Usually when you select a control in designer it will show resize markers (little white square boxes) around it. I want to make my control non-resizable , and I partially implemented it by setting the size in OnPaint but the markers are still being shown and you can still drag them (but the control returns to it's previous size immetiate...

How to change language of designer files in Visual Studio

Does anybody know how to change the language of the (automatically generated) designer files in Visual Studio without changing the language of the UI? Background: the members of my team use german and english Visual Studios. The problem is (svn-) merging the designer files with comments in two different languages. Whenever a member chan...

WPF Designer - Update attached property when control is added/dragged

I have made a custom panel which has attached properties for each childs position (Left, Top). When I drag a control from the toolbox onto my custom panel, it draws at 0,0 as these are the default values for the attached properties. If I try and move the control around the panel it just stays at 0,0 as moving in the designer does not upd...

XAML in VS Shell: Loading an assembly without reference

Hi, I'm currently trying to customize a Visual Studio Isolated Shell so it opens a XAML file and its designer without a solution or a project. Therefore, for the designer to load, Visual Studio need to recognize every xaml tag in the XAML file or it won't load telling me that the document contains errors. I'm currently trying to manual...