
Is it feasible to virtualize developer machines?

It's budgeting time and Corporate is balking at the cost of replacing a coworker's machine who is due for it, needs it, and deserves it. Our group is a small ISV/SAAS that exists as a division of a larger media group. We are not a cost center, we make money, even this year. We are owned by a mid-size media group whose business model i...

Oracle SQL Developer How To Default To Other Users Tables?

Hi Guys, In order to see all of the tables in our companies DB I have to go find the main sys account. Is there a way to default my connection so that it shows the other users tables? ...

Is it the best way to have a "software development project manager" who is a great developer himself?

Hi, How does it work in the market? If possible to generalize, is it a critical point to have a project leader to be a developer himself? If he is not so much in coding, how can he understand what the rest is really talking about. If he is so much good on programming he might have difficulties on leading probably. If you think about t...

need help generating CSR using my developer program

My professor has got a iphone standard developer program and has given me the credentials to login. I am unable to create a CSR following the steps in the program portal. The email id in the profile shown in the apple developer site is different from the id that was used is for registering to the program. My professor has never logged in...

Multiple accounts on iPhone Developer Program

I am a developer at iPhone Developer Program assigned to the project for the company. I would like to buy my own licence to develop as an independent programmer. How to do it? Do I need another Apple ID? ...

How do deal with developers that over complicate projects

Hey, So I think every team has one of those developers that is always "cutting edge" or wants to over complicate something that can be kept simple. My preference is why build a rocket when you only need a bike? So how do you deal with those team members? What if they have the mentality that since you are telling them its to complicated...

2 Developer Licences -1 iPhone

Hello, can i develop with 1 iPhone on two developer Licences,... best regards, Andreas ...

Build application in Xcode and NASM support (my application will use NASM)

Hello, I want to create simple Cocoa application with Xcode. But i need to add NASM assembler functionality to my application (to compile assembler application). NASM is shipped with developers tools but not everyone have installed developer tools. Is it possible to ship NASM with my application bundle and how would I make such a projec...

Facebook Developer ToolKit: How should I construct this app?

I have created a simple desktop application that I want to use to post status updates for the users of my app. Here's the kicker though that I am having trouble figuring out, the desktop application runs as part of a batch process every night, in which I update the status of certain users. I use the following code to accomplish this: (c...

Two macs. One iPhone Developer License. Possible?

I work for a company that is interested in building iPhone apps. However, we are not clear on one issue: Does the iPhone developer certificate work on more than one computer at a time? ...

How to attach Chrome developer tools to the same window?

I'm trying out the developer tools on Chrome for Mac OS and I'm finding a huge annoyance. I don't see an obvious method to make the tools window attach to the bottom of the page I'm inspecting like in Firebug and Safari ...

Any advice for a PM wanting to go back to development

I have been an interactive project manager for about 7 years now and considering going back to my first passion which was HTML. As a producer I am up to date on how technology has progressed in the 7 years I have been away from TextEdit but my development expertise in now pretty much gone. What should I do to make the move back? Does t...

Use tnsnames.ora in Oracle SQL Developer

I am evaluating Oracle SQL Developer. My tnsnames.ora is populated, and a tnsping to a connection defined in tnsnames.ora works fine. Still, SQL Developer does not display any connections. Oracle SQL Developer Soars mentions, that if you have Oracle client software and a tnsnames.ora file already installed on your machine, Oracle S...

Google Developer Phone

Hi, Do I need google developer Phone to be an android developer? If I purchase a phone from Rogers with Android OS, is that ok for me to write applications and try it out? Let me know what is the best practice? Thanks Naeem ...

SQL 2008 Encryption compatiblilty

My client use SQL Server 2008 I Develop my stored procedure in SQL version 7. before I send my stored procedure to my client. my stored procedure has been ecnrypted (with encryption), then I generate sql script for this stored procedured. (content script file has been encrypted). but Now, this script cannot run on sql 2008. why ???? t...

Cost of ColdFusion Developers vs. ASP.NET Developers & PHP Developers

I'm having a hell of a time trying to find information on the comparative costs of developers between these three platforms. I would expect PHP and ASP.NET developers to be in the same ballpark due to the size of both development communities. However, Coldfusion has what, a half million developers? That's a medium size, but it's a relat...

Developer News site for every day reading?

I would like to know your favorite every day reading sites (like etc). Let's dig up some gems. ...

android developer question

I am looking the file and I saw this under the app_name 0x7f040001. I know that is some kind of encryption because it displays hello world i believe. There are other ones there but I was just wonder what encryption that is. Thanks for any help ...

What are the top 10 best podcasts for developers?

I listen to podcasts quite a bit. Two of the best that I listen to are: Python411 StackOverFlow What are the other 8 essential podcasts that I need to be listening too? ...

Tips for switching from A Project Manager to a Developer

I am currently trying to make the transition from a technical PM to a Developer. Obviously this depends very much on current level of knowledge / experience, but are there some key things that a PM (who also codes regularly) might have missed from not strictly working as a Developer. Also would a course like this help in the right dire...