
Could a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) be used for a dynamic web application? Another P2P design?

Could a Distributed Hash Table be used for a two-way web app with a pub/sub type application? I'm investigating building a forum type application but with a DHT architecture and P2P (although a central lookup server would be OK to improve performance). Think of a Gnutella/Kazaa type application on the client side but, rather than hittin...

Is there an open-source Chord DHT implementation for .NET?

I'm looking for a high level, decentralized, robust, scalable lookup/message passing package I can use with .NET 2.0. I believe Chord is the correct base algorithm for this use. Explicit, proven time guarantees are a must (e.g. lookups resolve in at most log(n) messages or steps). Chord routing looks sufficient. Suppose I want to prov...

Looking for information about DHT algorithem used by bittorrent (Mainline DHT)

Hello, I'm curies how trackerless torrent tracking works. Tried to search for information (presentation of something) about the DHT torrent protocol but couldn't find valuable resources. Could someone please provide description or a link? Thank you, Maxim. ...

How does consistent hashing work?

Hello, I am trying to understand how consistent hashing works. This is the article which I am trying to follow but not able to follow, to start with my questions are: I understand, servers are mapped into ranges of hashcodes and the data distribution is more fixed and look becomes easy. But how does this deal with the problem a new no...