
Unable to understand how Git's difftool configs are set

I needed to use in my old Git similar settings to the following to be able use difftool. The settings are not exactly the same, since I by accident removed my old .gitconfig. [merge] tool=opendiff [mergetool] tool=opendiff [difftool] difftool=opendiff I have an empty .gitconfig at Home. I can use still the opendiff...

Is Git's auto-detection scripted or is it within some Git executable?

This question is based on VonC's comment at the thread. Is Git's auto-detection for difftool or mergetool scripted or is it within some Git executable? ...

git difftool, open all diff files immediately, not in serial

The default git diff behavior is to open each diff file in serial (wait for previous file to be closed before opening next file). I'm looking for a way to open all the files at once - in BeyondCompare for example this would open all the files in tabs within the same BC window. This would make it easier to review a complex set of chang...

How can I get full filenames from Git difftool (for Microsoft Word "Compare Documents" feature)?

I am using the latest version of Git (1.6.6) on a Mac. My wife wants to use Git to manage her fiction writing as long as she can still use Microsoft Word 2008 (Mac). Instead of pushing her into saving everything as plain text, I would like to use Git Difftool to pass the files to Word and use Word's Compare Documents feature. She wouldn'...

git difftool problem: not setting LOCAL, REMOTE variables

According to doc and various answers here git difftool will invoke the specified executable (usually a shell script) with environment variables LOCAL and REMOTE set to the file paths. But when I try, LOCAL and REMOTE are not set. I've tried the following test: git config --global diff.tool mytest git config --global difftool.mytest.cm...

git-difftool: full file tree compare using meld?

Is there an easy way to compare the file tree of an old git commit with the working file tree, in meld? git-difftool does something very similar, but I don't want it to actually do any diffing; the whole point is that the tool it is calling can provide a better interface for that. ...

Using a visual tool to view changes on git repository

I'm coming to an existing project in which people used git to track everything from scratch. I want to have a tool to view the differences between several commits. gitk does a good job, but talking about human readability, it's does not facilitate me much. Is there a better solution? I'm looking for a set of tools that allow me to easily...

Comare and Edit Branches in Git with a Mergetool

I have 2 branches that I can compare/diff using my difftool (Beyond Compare). However, the files used for the diff are temporary copies and not the actual files from the current branch. This means that if I want to make a change to an existing file, I cannot do it via the difftool. I would need to make a copy of the files of one branch, ...

Getting Beyond Compare to Diff 2 Branches Simultaneously

>>git difftool branch1 branch2 opens my difftool (Beyond Compare:BC) with every file that has a diff between the branches. I have to close BC after each file just for it to reopen with the next file. BC can diff whole directories and multiple files. Is there a way to get git difftool to open all files simultaneously, or diff the whole...

Git difftool -- how to ignore images?

i'm a git / osx / unix newbie but in my current job, i'm using them all. i run "git difftool" a lot to compare changes in a commit, but any time it runs into an image, i get an error from FileMerge and i have to make a few unnecessary clicks to skip it....sometimes 10 or 20 times for any commit. i looked but haven't seen any easy way t...

How do you change the program team explorer uses for comparisons?

I would like to have team explorer use BeyondCompare or SourceGear's diffmerge in order to do my conflict resolution in team explorer. I know its possible, but where is the setting for that and what is the syntax for it? ...