
Merging with "git mergetool"

I've found git mergetool to be a handy utility for merging diffs visually, but the way I'm going about it seems really wonky. Essentially, my process looks like this when conflicts are reported: Execute a git mergetool At the prompt, hit Enter to launch my diff tool (Meld or FileMerge, depending on which computer) Resolve the conflict...

Is Git's auto-detection scripted or is it within some Git executable?

This question is based on VonC's comment at the thread. Is Git's auto-detection for difftool or mergetool scripted or is it within some Git executable? ...

console UI tool for resolving merge conflicts in git... like vimdiff but 'easier'

i'm looking for a console UI tool for resolving merge conflicts in git... like vimdiff but 'easier' ...

Can I rename LOCAL, REMOTE and BASE as used in git mergetool?

Lets say I'm doing a rebase B of a branch onto master and there's a conflict. git opens up the default merge tool with 3 files as input : file.LOCAL, file.BASE, file.REMOTE (they're named a little differently, but LOCAL, BASE and REMOTE are in the file names and is how they are distinguished). Now, according to the mergetool man page: ...

Is there a way to make Git mark a file as conflicted?

It's possible to commit files that contains conflict data. Is there a way to mark these files as conflicted again, so that running git mergetool will generate the necessary files and run the merge tool? ...

Merge changes when a file on a branch has split into two files on the master

This is basically the result of a massive class C on the master having been refactored down the line into two smaller classes, C1 and C2. C was then made a subclass of C2 and cut down to a skeletal version for backward compatibility. So from that point on, master contained C, C1 and C2. On that master commit git said C was renamed to C1....

How to use BeyondCompare from git mergetool in cygwin?

How to use BeyondCompare from "git mergetool" in cygwin? ...

Git & WinMerge (msysgit)

I've read about a bajillion Q&A's on this very topic, and followed all the instructions to the letter. But I'm still getting headaches trying to set up Git to diff and merge using WinMerge. I've taken the following steps using the Git terminal: git config --global diff.tool winmerge git config --global difftool.winmerge.cmd "winmerge.s...