
Does Serena Dimensions have support for Maven Plugins or Ant Tasks?

There is a lot of contradicting statements regarding whether ANT or Maven support Dimensions (NOT PVCS). Does anyone with real hands on experience know if there exists a reliable, production grade/ready plugin or task for Dimensions? I basically just need to be able to use Maven (preferably) or Ant to grab some revision in Dimensions and...

Get remote image dimensions

Given a URL to an image (and not the image itself), what's the most efficient of getting it's dimensions? I would like to change the height and width attributes in the image tag (<img>) if it is greater than 200x200. However, if it's smaller than that, then I'd like to keep the size as it is. (I'm using ASP.NET/C#) ...

Make a <div> square when there is a dynamically changing width based on percentage

I am working on a web app that will generate an NxN grid based on the user's selection of N. I want the total width of the grid to be relative (ie 100% of the available space) so that users can print on various paper sizes. I can easily calculate the width of the squares in the grid by % (ie: 100%/N), but I am having issues calculating t...

Why is sum(X, 1) the sum of the columns in MATLAB?

>> X = [0 1 2 3 4 5] >> sum(X, 1) ans = 3 5 7 sum(X, 1) should sum along the 1st dimension(row) as per the document says: S = SUM(X,DIM) sums along the dimension DIM. But why does it actually sums along the 2nd dimension(column)? ...

RoR - Paperclip - How to set minimal width of an attachement

Hi, my layout's requirement is to keep all thumbnails at 80px height, not higher, not smaller. In my model I set the style to :thumb=> "500x80>", so basically almost every picture which is not too wide gets its perfect miniature with 80px height. Sometimes, however, my pictures are narrow and high, so the thumb can have unclickable dimen...

Are all canvas tag dimensions in pixels?

Are all canvas tag dimensions in pixels? I am asking because I understood them to be. But my math is broken or I am just not grasping something here. I have been doing python mostly and just jumped back into Java Scripting. If I am just doing something stupid let me know. For a game I am writing, I wanted to have a blocky gradient. I ...

VBA to C# - Porting Userforms to Winforms?

I am porting a Excel-VBA based app which uses Userforms over to a C# Winforms application. How do I convert the Height and Width of the VBA-Userform to the same screen dimensions in the C#-Winforms application? Is there a ratio that can use be used? Currently the VBA-Userform has a dimension of 179.25 W x 245.25 H which is optimized f...

Bugtracker with Serena Dimensions integration?

So unfortunately I am not using a mainstream SCM like subversion. I am using Serena Dimensions. Is there a bug Tracker that supports this? ...

jQuery : add css class to menu item based on browser scroller position

Hi, I have a menu: <ul class="menu-bottom"> <li id="m1" class="active"><a id="1" href="#"><span>Link 1</span></a></li> <li id="m2"><a id="2" href="#"><span>Link 2</span></a></li> <li id="m3"><a id="3" href="#"><span>Link 3</span></a></li> </ul> I want that depending of browser's scroller position, the "active" class goes th...

firefox displaying .swf with wrong dimensions

I can't figure this one out. I have a flex app with fixed dimensions (950 x 700). I'm compiling the swf and using the default wrapper that flex generates. in some instances of Firefox, the dimensions are wrong. On top of that, with different domains, I get the .swf rendered with different dimensions (both wrong). Firefox 3.6.3 on one...

About curse of dimensionality

My question is about this topic I've been reading about a bit. Basically my understanding is that in higher dimensions all points end up being very close to each other. The doubt I have is whether this means that calculating distances the usual way (euclidean for instance) is valid or not. If it were still valid, this would mean that wh...

Is it (width, height) or (height, width)?

Is there a convention for the order of (height, width) in function arguments or when displaying dimensions? ...

Firefox / IE textarea sizing quirk - workarounds?

Try out this code in Chrome, Firefox and IE: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <title>Textarea problem</title> <style type="text/css"> html, body { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #co...

Is there a programatic way to get standard dimensions in the IPhone SDK

Is there an object or function call that will provide standard dimensions for various user interface elements in the iPhone SDK? Specifically I'm looking for the width of the whitespace gutter the Interface Builder normally recommends you put get between controls and the edge of a view. In windows there is a function call called GetS...

Set the width and height for a TTLauncherItem

I have this: _launcherView.pages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [[[TTLauncherItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"New Note" image:@"bundle://Icon.png" URL:@"ht...

Loading Dimension Tables - Methodologies

Hello, Recently I been working on project, where need to populated Dim Tables from EDW Tables. EDW Tables are of type II which does maintain historical data. When comes to load Dim Table, for which source may be multiple EDW Tables or would be single table with multi level pivoting (on attributes). Mean: There would be 10 records - ...

how can I represent 4 dimensional data in 3 dimensions(RGB) or 2 dimensions(XY grid)

I want to represent 4 dimensional data in RGB colors so that when clustering is done similar nodes have similar colors or by position on an XY grid. how can this be done? ...

Numpy array dimensions

Hello, I'm currently trying to learn Numpy and Python. Given the following array: import numpy as N a = N.array([[1,2],[1,2]]) Is there a function that returns the dimensions of a (e.g.a is a 2 by 2 array). size() returns 4 and that doesn't help very much. Thanks. ...

Resizing Page Elements based on Window size

Problem: My Client wants me to create a launch webpage for his product such that there should be no scroll on the page, be any browser or window dimensions. Doubt: Is this possible using CSS and Javascript? Some Early Diagnosis: This might be a little similar to this or this but the difference is that I want to resize the dimensions of...

Determine actual viewing size in browser

I am trying to determine the actual viewPORT size of the current browser window. I've tried: window.innerHeight/innerWidth document.documentElement.clientHeight/clientWidth document.body.clientHeight/clientWidth All return the full page size and NOT the viewing area. What I'm trying to ultimately achieve is forcing a popup menu to...