
Why might WS_CLIPCHILDREN be necessary for the display of DirectShow window on XP (but not Vista or Windows 7)?

I wrote a program to play MPEG video on a window (of course, DirectShow will open its own window as the sub-window of that window). On Windows Vista and 7, the program works fine. But on XP, the video is only visible when I set the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style on the outer window (i.e. not the DirectShow one). Is this a bug in XP or some model ...

Using DirectShow library to edit and save an mp3 file

I want to read an mp3 file, crop section of it, fade in & out and finally save it as a new mp3 file. I found a library called DirectShow that apparently can do this, but I can figure out how to do it. Has anyone done something like this? ...

How to modify the properties of a DirectShow Filter Output Pin on the fly?

I have a DirectShow source filter for receiving a Network stream containing RFC2435 data (MJPEG over RTP). The properties of the source filter's output pin need to be set-up prior to receiving the stream which is the only source of the image's dimension data. The dimensions for the output pin are currently set to some default values (...

video capture from window display

Hi ! Pbm: I have a device that shows a microscope capture through usb port device interface. I would like to capture the video flow to process the images for research purposes. I've tried several available codes with directshow that works for webcams and similar devices but they don't work because the interface device is not known. Is ...

How do I write the audio stream to a memory buffer instead of a file using DirectShow?

Hi, I have made a sample application which constructs a filter graph to capture audio from the microphone and stream it to a file. Is there any filter which allows me to stream to a memory buffer instead? I'm following the approach outlined in an article on msdn and are currently using the CLSID_FileWriter object to write the audio to...

How to load image data from resource bitmap file for directshow filter ?

I need put one bitmap image to my directshow filter. Then user can use this bitmap image and do not care where is it. First, I import this bitmap file into resource bundle, and get one IDB_BITMAP1. Then, I need to read this IDB_BITMAP1 using opencv cvLoadImage or some windows image API to load this image into buffer. So question is h...

Getting the DirectShow VideoRender filter to respond to MediaType changes on its Input Pin?

Below is the code extract from my decoder transform filter which takes in data from my source filter which is taking RTP network data from an IP camera. The source filter, decode filter can dynamically respond to changes in the camera image dimensions since I need to handle resolution changes in the decode library. I've used the 'Rec...

Breakpoints not working in Delphi 6 DirectShow source filter

I'm trying to debug my DirectShow source filter. I'm using Delphi Pro 6 on Windows XP along with the DSPACK component library. I'm using Skype as my host application, which I set in the Parameters option in the Run menu, for testing my source filter DLL (ax file extension). Skype runs fine and I see a stream of my OutputDebugString me...

How to get IMediaControl.Run() to start a file playing with no delay

I am attempting to use DirectShow to play two AVI files consecutively (one after the other) so that there is no interruption in the audio or video when the player transitions from one file to the next. I have two custom controls on my form. Each one is pre-loaded with an AVI file, and before playback begins I set up all the DirectShow ...

how to set mediatype for prreview pin vc++ directshow

hai.. am writing simple appliaction for capture and rendering video in vc++ .and i set meadiatype for capture pin RGB24 AND 640*480 image size. Image is captured thats size.but i cant rendering preview.if i render that i get BLACk PREVIEW only.i checked also in GRAPH EDIT tool.but i cant get. am using wcsa400 card type cam and .net 20...

how to get video properties values(hue,brightness..)in vc++ directshow

`hai.. i have to get video procamp values in i wrote like this using IAMVIDEOPROCAMP interface.. IAMVideoProcAmp *pc; long Property=0; long *pMin=0; long *pMax=0; long *pSteppingDelta=0; long *pDefault=0; long *pCapsFlags=0; hr=Capture_Graph->QueryInterface(IID_IAMVideoProcAmp,(void**)&pc); hr=p...

Cross-platform DirectShow alternatives for real life graph

Today I have such graph. I run it on windows I need some easy crossplatform DirectShow like alternative where to reconstruct such graph will not be a hard task. Where can I get such alternative? *(and If you can presenta way to reconstruct such graph in It It would be grate!) BTW: By crossplatform I mean Linux Mac and Windows compa...

How to keep Watermark in my video

HI, I want to keep watermark into my video. How can i implement it using Directshow. Is it possible to create a filter for this. i want to fix watermark at the time of saving video to my machine. PLease give some suggestion and help ...

Inclusion of dshow.h results in definition errors

I am trying to do a few things using DirectShow for audio playback. I have a header file, at the top is: #pragma once #include <dshow.h> #pragma comment(lib, "strmiids.lib") and then it goes on to define a class. When including dshow.h I get the following complilation errors: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\include\dd...

Delphi - Message loop for Form created in DirectShow filter goes dead

I have a DirectShow filter created with Delphi Pro 6 and the DSPACK direct show library. I'm running under windows XP. I've tried creating the form dynamically when the container class for the DirectFilter has its constructor called, passing NIL into the constructor as the AOwner parameter (TMyForm.Create(nil) and then calling the Form...

Cross-Platform Camera API

Hi, I'm now building a video transforming filter that have to transform video frames in real-time. One of the key requirements of the filter is to have high performance to minimize the number of dropped frames during the transform. Another requirement that is of lower priority but also nice to have is to make it cross-platform (both PC...

DirectShow Filter I wrote dies after 10-24 seconds in Skype video call

I've written a DirectShow push filter for use with Skype using Delphi Pro 6 and the DSPACK DirectShow library. In preview mode, when you test a video input device in the Skype client Video Settings window, my filter works flawlessly. I can leave it up and running for many minutes without an error. However when I start a video call aft...

Watermarking + Directshow filter

I want to put a watermark on my video. IS it possible to do with directshow filter. Want to overlap an image on video like channel logo. so that image will be fixed when video is playing. Please provide some valuable help or samples (VC++) ...

Overlay bitmap on live video

Hi i want to Overlay bitmap on live video. Iam trying to do this with the directshow sample. I edited PlayCapMonker sample and added some functions to enable this. i did this with the procedure explained in below link Now i am gettting errors Error 2 error C4430: missing type specifier - int...

InvalidCastException when calling COM interface on Windows Mobile.

InvalidCastException when calling COM interface on Windows Mobile. I am trying to build a DirectShow source filter on Windows Mobile 5 based on the Generic Sample Source Filter (GSSF) sample from DirectShowLib. It uses C# configuration and callback functions with a C++ DirectShow filter. I have this working in .Net CF on Windows XP but ...