
[Android] Is there a way to disable all the items in a specific layout programmaticaly?

Hi, I have A game to which I recently added a global high score functionality which made a lot of people upset so I want to add the option of disabling it. What I did was this: in my settings activity view, I added the following: <!-- High Score Tracking --> <LinearLayout android:layout_weight="40" android:layout_width="fill_parent" ...

How to disable all buttons on the page while uploading?

I'm using json +jquery on client side. I want to disable all buttons found on the page while uploading file. Currently I'm disabling the upload button only using its id as shown below.. $("#upload_attachment_button").addClass('ui-state-disabled'); I wonder if there is a way to disable the rest of the buttons found on the page. I hav...

Disable the internet without touching the hardware

How would I go about disabling the internet on my computer without touching the hardware (modem, router, etc) and without disabling it from the Network Connections of the Control Panel. Is there a way to tweak it on the registry instead? I'm wanting to achieve this to control my younger sister's usage of our computer at home. She's kind...

How to disable hibernate caching

I am trying to write a unit test class which will have to use same query to fetch the results from database two times in same test method. But as Hibernate cache is enabled second time it is not actually hitting the database and simply fetching the results from cache. Can someone please answer how to disable caching in persistence.xml. ...

disable auto logout feature in asp.net

Im using forms authentication. I want my application should not logout the user automatically after sometime. ...

How can i disable all setTimeout events

hello. i am using ajax and asp.net . i have a javascript function which creates many setTimeouted other javascript functions . after asynchronous postback happened i want to disable all of this setTimeouted events. thank you. ...

force android to turn off data connection setting when all APN settings are failed?

I know a tip to turn off 3G connection programmatically is to change its APN(to turn off) and restore(when we want to turn it on). The problem is system setting still display ON even when it can't connect. can anyone know how to turn off the setting then there is no valid APN. Many thanks :) ...

How can i disable the excution of maven-war plugin by using variable in properties file

In my pom.xml, i used maven-war plugin to package different war files and properties-maven-plugin to read the properties file. <plugin> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <id>package-war1</id> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>war</goal> </goals> <configuration> ......... ...

Problem temporarily disabling a EditText field

I'm trying to create an activity which gets input in the following form: () Option 1 (a RadioButton) () Option 2 (a RadioButton) () Custom (a RadioButton) [ ] (a EditText) The idea is that the user can either choose one of the two predefined values, or enter a custom value. In order for him to enter a custom value, he mu...

Disable Drag & Drop of windows explorer using Delphi

Hi , How can i disable Drag & Drop item of Windows Explorer using Delphi APP ? I want to disable Drag & Drop that user can,t drag any file form Windows Explorer ... Regards, Silverboy . ...

Disable Visual Studio (ReSharper?) editor tooltips?

When I mouseover a method in my line of code, VS2010 shows a tooltip that tells me information about the signature and documentation of the method. How can I disable these tooltips (maybe ReSharper is showing them?)? ...

ajax.actionlink and disabling the link onSuccess in MVC 2

Hello, I have a scenario where the ajax actionlink text is 'Apply'..On clicking this and calling an action, i want the link to be disabled and to be changed to 'Application successful'. How can i do this? Thanks ...

WPF RichTextBox: Disable Dragging Text within , Allow Dragging Text outside

Hello, I have a UserControl with a RichTextBox in it. It must be disallowed to drag/drop Text within the RichTextBox so the user can not change the visible sort order of the strings in the RichTextBox. But... it must be allowed to the user to drag/drop Text outside the UserControl to the same kubd if the UserControl. Is that somehow p...

How to disable toggling with flex buttonbar

How to disable the toggle nature of buttons in spark:Buttonbar so that it would behave similar to mx:ButtonBar? ...

Disable div in jquery with shadowing

I'd like to show that a div is disabled not only by disabling the form controls but also by dimming out the div itself. How can I do this? ...

jquery ui connected sortables: cancel, disable, destroy... nada

I have two connected sortable lists. For the sake of my question, when I start dragging an item from #sortable1 to #sortable2, in the start event I want to cancel/ disable/ the drop in #sortable2 Nothing works? $("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable({ connectWith: "#sortable1, #sortable2", start: startDrag }); function startDra...

How to find some certain event handlers with jQuery?

As many browsers do not show tooltips on disabled form elements (as Opera does), I decided to emulate disabled button with jQuery. When disabling I just set control's class to disabled and for buttons/submit controls I add an event handler click(function(){return false;}) and I can unbind it later when reenabling the control. Now the ...

How to enable/disable auto brightness mode from API

Hi, I want to control the system settings "auto brightness", setting it ON or OFF.I'm able to control the brightness level but only if AUTO is OFF. From what I read until now there is a SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE in Settings.System but only for API level 8 or higher and also not recommended to mess wit it. But currently my phone has Android ...

Disable all controls on a page except controls in a particular div using jquery

I want to disable all controls in a page using jquery except controls contained in a particular div. $('input,select,textarea,div:not("#viewNotice")').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); I have tried using above selector, but its not working good. Here I am disabling all input, select and textarea controls leaving viewNotive div. Note: In...

Imitate disabled appearance of win forms control without actual disabling

I need to set appearance of a control to make it look like disabled control with grayed text and background. Is it possible to imitate disabled appearance of some control (for example of a button)? The appearance should be exactly the same as when I'm setting the 'Enabled' property to false. ...