
Why my Google endpoint is always the same?

always: i got wordpress openid ok. so i think is is just discovery phase got some probelms.. <?php $ch = curl_init(); $url = ''; $url = $url.'?'; $url = $url.'openid.mode=checkid_setup'; $url = $url.'&openid.ns='; $url = $u...

Discoverability of bluetooth device during Inquiry

On my device bluetooth properties give System.getProperty(""); as 1. It is not found by other device while it is making an inquiry itself. I want to my device to be discoverable while its doing inquiry. Is this possible ? Thanks in advance. ...

Other than UDP Broadcast or Multicast, what other methods can I use on a WiFI network to discover computers?

I've implemented a simple UDP ping/pong protocol to discover other computers connected to the same WiFI router. This works fine on many WiFI and Ethernet routers, but when I go out on the street to give it a try, many public WiFI networks seem to have either UDP Broadcasts/Multicast disabled, or UDP disabled completely. What other optio...

What are various methods for discovering test cases

All, I am a developer but like to know more about testing process and methods. I believe this helps me write more solid code as it improves the cases I can test using my unit tests before delivering product to the test team. I have recently started looking at Test Driven Development and Exploratory testing approach to software projects....

Getting the contract

Is there a way to get a contract from a running service programatically? I want to compare the contract of a running service from a referenced contract in the client side. For example I have two instances of Service1 running on different machines that has different implementations. They both have a contract named IService1 but differe...

Creating Service with Bluetooth activation in Android

Hi I want to create a service in Android which will initially ask user if they want to start Bluetooth and set the Bluetooth discovery. My question is: Can I launch in the service following activities? if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActi...

How to discover web servers on a local network?

Suppose I'm running several servers serving basic requests on my local network (say a home network, where all machines generally have an IP in the form K.K.K.x, where x is variable). Is there an easy way to discover all such servers? I would need to find each IP on the network running a particular java server application. ...

Name and parameters of parent function

I'm trying to figure out how to get the name and parameters of a parent function. Example: function foo($a,$b){ bar(); } function bar(){ // Magic Print } foo('hello', 'world'); Output: foo('hello','world') Any tips? ...

How are clientside security vulnerabilities generally discovered?

I mean in operating systems or their applications. The only way I can think of is examine binaries for the use of dangerous functions like strcpy(), and then try to exploit those. Though with compiler improvements like Visual Studio's /GS switch this possibility should mostly be a thing of the past. Or am I mistaken? What other ways do ...

Service Discovery in J2ME

Hello, I have an application to run on a cell phone equipped with Wi-Fi and an application on a desktop which I want to communicate with. The problem is that I want to find in a Local Area Network the IP and port of the machine who has my service running. I can guarantee that there will be at maximum only one machine running it. I sea...

how to connect to a peer computer on same network using blackberry

Hey guys, i want to develop an application for my Blackberry smart phone that scans the WIFI network on which i am currently connected and show me a list of connected hosts (PCs), i also want to browse the files shared on those machine (obviously only those whom i am allowed to see) & transfer them to my device from the remote machine o...

Make Bluetooth on Android 2.1 discoverable indefinitely

Hello all. I'm working on a research project which involves Bluetooth and the Android OS. I need to make Bluetooth discoverable indefinitely in order for the project to continue. The Problem: Android limits discoverability to 300 seconds. I cannot ask the user every 300 seconds to turn discoverability back on as my application is d...

Network discovery in Java using multicasting

Hi, I'm trying to make a client/server Java App. Both client and server will be running on the same wi-fi network. Server will be running on a specific port that client is aware of. I am planning to send a multicast message from client through the network for that specific port to discover the server. However, I'm not too sure how I c...

How to periodically scan for bluetooth devices on android

Hi this may sound as a stupid question.But I was unable to find any answers for this, thus posting here. I am building an indoor application which continuously scans the bluetooth dongles located at different locations in a place like a mall or library.As I move in the mall with android phone in my hand I should be able to get the neare...

Python unittest and discovery

I have directories, which contain files named like: '' Each file is a test case. I would like to 1) run all the tests in a directory from the command line. I am using unittest2, since we are running Python 2.5.1. From one of these directories I tried typing this at the commandline: python -m unittest2 discover -p 'test_*.p...

Workflow 4.0, WCF and non-"WCF Workflow Service" definitions

Is it possible to create a WCF workflow using the standard (Activity template) Workflow activity templates? And, if so, where can I find some samples that DO NOT use the standard WCF service template (WCF Workflow Service template)? Explanation: I'm trying to discover, load and run workflows at runtime, including workflows with WCF ac...

Symbian C++ - synchronous Bluetooth discovery with timeout using RHostResolver

I am writing an application in Qt to be deployed on Symbian S60 platform. Unfortunately, it needs to have Bluetooth functionality - nothing really advanced, just simple RFCOMM client socket and device discovery. To be exact, the application is expected to work on two platforms - Windows PC and aforementioned S60. Of course, since Qt lac...

How to detect the NAT type without using STUN ?

I would like to detect the NAT type a network interface is behind, without using an external public server, as it's done in STUN (so, without using STUN clients). The NAT types I am interested are those as defined in, section 5 '5. NAT Variations'. ...

CXF DOSGI Discovery using Zookeeper

Hi, I am trying to use CXF Distributed OSGi Discovery for my project and I followed all the steps in the link I could see on the zookeeper server console that my cxf bundle has initaited the connection. But ,when I deploy bundles with remote services, it doesn't show up on zookeeper server con...

OpenID : fail Yadis discovery on with Janrain

Hello all, I have the latest version of Janrain's library (v2.2.2) for OpenID. The following endpoints will work : https:// com/user http:// .com/accounts/o8/id http:// user.myopenid. com But if I only use "", it will fail. The example given with the library also fails. Does anyone have the same issue...