
How would you attack a domain to look for "unknown" resources?

Given a domain, is it possible for an attacker to discover one or many of the pages/resources that exist under that domain? And what could an attacker do/use to discover resources in a domain? I have never seen the issue addressed in any security material (because it's a solved problem?) so I'm interested in ideas, theories, best-guess...

What are the criteria for judging codes in competition?

I'm sure you guys have joined or seen competitions with totally weird judging criteria. For example the C/C++ online competition from India few months ago judge by number of semicolons you use, where the lesser you use, the better your code is. Way to encourage unreadable codes. I mean, it's not code obfuscation competition! So I'm inte...

SAP Certification during recession to enhance career?

I have completed MCA (Master of Computer Applications) last year. Now working as a Jr. .Net Programmer in a small IT company. But I am not satisfied with my current position. I want something better than this. My educational record is good. But I haven't faced a single interview in last 5 months. So there is no hope to get a better oppo...

Quick project ideas

I'm interested in making some webapps or small applications that can be completed in an hour or so. I've made an image host, web availability checker and url shortners lately but fancy making another quick wee tool or service. Any suggestions? Heres the ongoing list: Image hosting website URL Shortening Service website utilising the...

What is the best method to construct a web interface to download large directories (not files)?

I'm not a web developer, but a senior developer has set me with the task of developing an internal web site that hosts licensed software for download by branch offices. The parameters for the project are: 1) It must have a web interface, to display meta information about the software. Use AD authentication, and log downloads. For these...

Good Nickname for Namespaces

I am a programmer who is still in high-school, which means I do this as a hobby (for now...). I love using C# and one good feature of C# is namespaces. But my namespaces names all suck (it's just my name). What would be a good nickname to use for my namespaces? P.S. One rule: DON'T USE AARDVARK (it's not my last name but it looks horri...

Which is more readable/writable—code that uses keywords for declarations or code that uses typographical symbols?

I'm implementing a programming language and I'm considering the following syntax: @NamespaceX { +@ClassY <> : BaseTypeA { +@NestedClassW<> { } +@MethodZ() : ReturnTypeC { //".?" is a null-coallescing member access operator @varD : ClassY = predicateP ? objectQ.?PropertyS ...

Writing larger programs for a small scale programmer

I'm a C# programmer who programs for a hobby (still in high school) but one day hope to make it a career. I've ran into a couple of walls when trying to write a larger scale program: 1) I can't think of anything to write! (this has to be the worst part, you guys have it easy because a customer knows what they want). 2) I can't go from ...

SharePoint Discussion Board "Last updated" field is not updated any more.

On of our SharePoint users informed me today about a strange behavior of a discussion board on one of his sites. Normally the standard "subject" view of an discussion list has a field named "Last updated" showing the date and time of the last post within the corresponding thread. On the discussion board of our user this field is never ...

Why there are no WYSIWYG rich text editors in Flash/Silverlight/Whatever?

Or are there? From a desktop software developer point of view (as opposed, perhaps, to that of a web developer), rich web application platforms, such as Flash or Silverlight, look like better tools for doing WYSIWYG text editors for the web. They are capable of more sophisticated input/output, data representation etc., and they are cons...

Skills needed for a Web Programmer

I am planning to take an independent study course for my CS degree. I would like to focus it on aspects of web design/management and web programing. I have decent skills in, HTML, javascript, css, php, and msql. I would like to learn how to refine what I know and learn some other things required to excel in the web world. So what are...

Flip the bozo bit (what not to say)

We've all heard somebody say something so stupid that we then flipped the bozo bit on them. After a long day of going nowhere with my code, I thought it might be nice to get a little comic relief and vent at the same time (and try my hand at creating one those "hot questions"). So here is my question: What is the best gem that you've ...

How to avoid Memory Leaks?

What are some tips I can use to avoid memory leaks in my applications? Are there any gotchas or pitfalls that I can look out for? ...

Do web sites really need to cater for browsers that don't have Javascript enabled?

Why do many professional web developers always insist on developing sites that accommodate for browsers that have Javascript disabled? Who uses browsers older than Firefox 2 or IE6? And besides tech heads and developers, who really has Javascript turned off anyway? Is it worth worrying about a small percentage of people? ...

During interviews, should candidates write code on paper, on a text editor, or an IDE?

This is something I've been wondering about over the past year, as I've been interviewing: Why are almost all interview coding tasks taking place using pen and paper rather than using a computer with a text editor or a full IDE? I've only had one opportunity this year to actually type in code. I can see many disadvantages for pen and ...

High to Low: How to get an understanding of what's going on "underneath" a scripting language such as Ruby or Python

For those who want to skip the text wall, the question is at the bottom. Background I'm a self-taught programmer, and I've found that I learn best using a top down approach. For example, I started programming by setting up a PHP application, and then when I wanted to add some functionality, I started figuring out how it worked. The big...

How far would you go to avoid reinventing the wheel?

It's pretty cliche that reinventing the wheel is evil. Of course, if there's a good canned solution, I agree. The question, though, is how far to you go to avoid reinventing the wheel when there is no optimal existing wheel? Here are some cases: The existing wheel is in a different language than you're using or want to use. You'd h...

How to get the most out of computing seminars?

Recently I signed up for DevDays London and I would like to know how people get most of the seminars like this. Skipping a session in favour of some good corridor discussion seems to be one. But do you do some preparation, for example do you check beforehand who is coming to that seminar and try to meet them? Or do you try to lobby you...

SharePoint related discussion

Hello everyone, I have some SharePoint related questions. Could anyone recommend some forum or mail lists which is popular and effective please? :-) thanks in advance, George ...

Is there any design methodology that you have used which did not work for you?

There are a vast amount of design methodologies out there, from agile to the old school waterfall...is there any well proclaimed methodology you have used which did not bode well for the project you were working on? ...