
How do I find/make programming friends?

I recently got my first programming internship and was extremely excited to finally be able to talk with and interact with fellow programmers. I had this assumption that I would find a bunch of like minded individuals who enjoyed programming and other aspects of geek culture. Unfortunately, I find myself working with normal people who pr...

SharePoint SPListItem.ContentType.Name - "Message" vs "Discussion" ?

I am writing a C# code to find all of our SharePoint Sites that have emails contained in the Email List page. It appears that some of our email messages are SPListItem.ContentType.Name = "Message" and some of our email messages are SPListItem.ContentType.Name = "Discussion" Aside from the confusion, this is forcing my to cycle through m...

Learn just in time Or Learn just in case

This is not a question but more of a discussion. A while ago I ran into a blog post which talked about learning just in time or just in case. It was about three years ago when I just started learning about OO. I have been programming since 1995 in procedural world. Over the last few years fearing my skills are facing Obsolescence, I st...

What does Ruby have that Python doesn't, and vice versa?

There is a lot of discussions of Python vs Ruby, and I all find them completely unhelpful, because they all turn around why feature X sucks in language Y, or that claim language Y doesn't have X, although in fact it does. I also know exactly why I prefer Python, but that's also subjective, and wouldn't help anybody choosing, as they migh...

Silverlight 3 released - Has the time come to take Silverlight seriously?

As an ASP.NET developer, I've been eyeing Silverlight from a distance for a while now. But I've been burned by jumping on the Microsoft bandwagon too early in the past when their projects get radically overhauled or binned. I've been reading some good reviews about Silverlight 3.0 recently. So have we reached the point where, as a mai...

Ways of producing XML in Java

What are the ways of producing XML in Java? Simple question, multiple answers possible. I'd like a small discussion about the pros and cons of the various methods, as it seems the current community's opinion is very focused: any way but not with println(). Why? Can you explain it? To make my question more community wiki, I'd also lik...

what should tell an empoyer in a thank you letter for programming job

It is not exactly the programming question, per se, but I couldn't find a more appropriate stackoverflow family site to post the following: I am sick and tired of writing (and reading, as I regularly interview candidates) a generic thank you letter indicating, It was nice meeting you, all of you are awesome, smart, and cool I am the ...

what is a reentrant kernel

What is a reentrant kernel? ...

What are the Perl user groups or discussion forums?

What are the Perl user groups or discussion forums? ...

Possible overuses of Extension Methods

I'm just coming over to .NET 3.5, and I've started using Extension Methods. My first thought is that these are really cool. I want to use them everywhere. I feel like I'm wielding an "Extension Method" hammer, and every piece of code looks like a nail. I should hold myself back and ask - can anyone think of situations where you could...

I'm a university student who hopes to intern for a large company (msft, apple, rim, etc). What should I learn?

I'm currently in the third year of my comp sci undergrad degree. Before graduating, I'd like to experience a co-op term with a heavyweight in this field. What topics do you think are most pushed for when trying to get a co-op placement with these companies? ...

Is converting asp xml code from aspx to code behind bad practice?

I find myself being constantly annoyed when looking at the XML "code" in the .aspx files, and i tend to remove it and write my own C# to replace the controls that are in the .aspx files ( Im currently writing my own replacement for the CreateUserWizardStep that was in the .aspx file ). I personally find that XML code tends to not provid...

What are things that make a programmer's life miserable?

What are things that make a programmer's life miserable? ...

What is the relative complexity of game architectures relative to other types of systems' architectures?

I always thought that game architectures were more complex than most other types of systems. Then I read some of the posts on SO and it makes me think that maybe it isn't a complex as others. It might be that I don't know enough about the domain of these other systems and that makes it seem more complex. What do you think? Do you thi...

starting out with html 5

Should I start using HTML 5 in my websites? The new technology looks really cool. I'm not sure about this but does IE8 support it? I'm just looking for some opinions on this matter. Tell me what you think... ...

Massive MySQL Query

If we have table such as this message: Id (INT) | message(TEXT) | date(TIMSTAMP) And lets imagine that there is constantly data comming into this table. For example 1, 'Hello World', 12345678; 2, 'Yoooo Whats Up', 12345679; 3, 'My name is Hal!', 12345680; Now this table is huge and is never deleted SELECT * FROM ar...

PHP, MySQL | Windows vs Linux

Well the title does the explaination. Which one is faster PHP/MySQL on Linux or on Windows. Question 1 I know that MySQL is slower on Windows, because i tried to run a C++ program on Windows to access MySQL, it took a year every time it had to open a connection. When i ported the exact copy into the linux enviornment it was lightning f...

Why doesn’t WPF support C++.NET - the way WinForms does?

As a C++ stickler, this has really been bugging me. I've always liked the idea of the "language-independant framework" that Microsoft came up with roughly a decade ago. Why have they dropped the ball on this idea? Does anyone know the reasoning behind it? ...

simulation of static class in java

What do you think of the following way to simulate a static class in java? You can add non static methods but you wouldn't be able to call them. /** * Utility class: this class contains only static methods and behaves as a static class. */ // ... prevent instantiation with abstract keyword public abstract class Utilities { ...

what does "engineering judgement" really mean?

Hi, When there is no explict rules about something , I ofter hear the words "use your engineering judgement to make the decision". How do you understand "engineering judgement"? What are the things we shared or believed in in common as an (software) engineer when we make decision? What is your personal "checklist" when you are making a ...