
Agile and story huddle

We have adapted agile methodology for development. User requirement are captured in the form of story which can be picked for development by developer. Before picking a story a developer is suppose to have a huddle with Business Analyst and Quality Assurance member. A lot of time is wasted waiting for business analyst and QA member to be...

Why can you reflect and call a (not so) private method in Java and .Net

In both Java and C# it is possible to invoke a private method via reflection (as shown below). Why is this allowed? What are the ramifications of doing this? Should it be taken away in a future version of the language? Do other languages/platforms allow this?If I have this class in both Java and C# Here is the example public cla...

Does the business logic falls into Model in MVC?

Hello all, Quiet a few times i have read this issue and still i was not able to find it exactly. Does the business logic falls into Model or in the controller in MVC Pattern? Thanks ...

Why is GW-BASIC still taught in schools?

I dunno about the US of A and the United K , but in India , schools still teach GW-BASIC. Yes, it's the one in which you could do this: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 GOTO 10 As far as my experience goes, even writing assembler is easier than this mess of a language. It could easily be replaced by something like Python. Also , when last ye...

Is there anything exciting in perl 5.11 (to become perl 5.12)?

Perl 5.11 is now released! Is there anything really exciting in this release, or is it mostly maintenance patches? (From what I've read so far, it appears to be a rollup of improvements we have already seen in prior releases.) the CHANGES file Jesse Vincent's announcement chromatic's blog post 5.11 is the development release of what...

Would a cloud-based compiler be feasible?

Would it be any practical benefit to write a cloud-based compiler, that would spread compiled units of code on different machines in the cloud? Could there be a benefit from obtaining a software-as-a-service architecture right within the app just after compiling, or would the inherent latency make such an approach impractical? ...

Pros and cons of database events

I am considering rewriting part of an application's data model update methods to include support for registering to events coming from the database. Are there any reasons why this would be a bad idea? Should I limit myself to receiving events fired by CRUD operations, or could I program more of the business logic around event notificatio...

Is it reasonable to save data as python modules?

This is what I've done for a project. I have a few data structures that are bascially dictionaries with some methods that operate on the data. When I save them to disk, I write them out to .py files as code that when imported as a module will load the same data into such a data structure. Is this reasonable? Are there any big disadvanta...

Joomla - Different forum per page

Hi, I'm fairly new to Joomla - so hopefully this isn't too simple. My client would like to have a separate discussion forums per "Page". For instance, say you user groups Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 and have Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3. Each Page will have a discussion forum that will only be accessible by the corresponding Group. To ha...

Should Senior Developers learn F#?

I've been wanting to learn F#, but I can't see its usefulness (for business purposes) for the following reasons: Not many people are fluent in F#. If a company implements a business solution in F#, the cost of programmers goes up and the maintainability of the software is curtailed. C# and F# both generate IL and run on the CLR. Since ...

Is the public UDDI movement dead or, was it ever alive?

I am trying to find some public UDDI registries to interact with, for learning purposes. But it seems there are none available. I popped the following question on SO to see if someone knows about any public registry still hosted, but got no answers. The IBM, Microsoft and SAP public registries were a test of the UDDI technology. I quote...

How to overcome the external disturbance while coding?

I am not sure whether this question has been already discussed or not, but I would really like to know What are the ways you follow if you get extreme/moderate disturbance while you are coding (office/home/anywhere). ...

Percentage Probability of writing code from scratch as compared to refactoring allready written code as new comer in Software Industry ?

Hi, This question is to discuss about what is the percentage probability as a new comer in software industry to write code from scratch as compared to refactoring allready written code ? Please share your thoughts and opinions. Thanks. ...

Going Open (almost): Moving from MS/ASP to LIN/Py

I'm doing a case study (well, hoping to) on a migration from Win/ASP/SQLServer to a Linux/Pylons/Pgsql codebase. I was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts, pointers or experience in making such a dramatic shift. ...

Mixing Vb.net with C#

Hi We have an existing project - asp.net website using Vb.net - that was developed +- 2 years ago. The client would now like to add a substantial list of features to the system. My Question : What are the pros and cons of writing all the new features in C#? All our new pages and new assemblies will then be done in C#. Some of the dev...

Looking for a good embedable discussion thread

I'd like to embed a discussion thread on a website. Doesn't need to be anything complicated, just need to be able to post comments. Threading would be nice, but isn't strictly necessary. Google wave would be perfect, except most people don't have wave accounts yet. Is there anything else out there that I can embed on a page that would fa...

Long-running transactions structured approach

I'm looking for a structured approach to long-running (hours or more) transactions. As mentioned here, these type of interactions are usually handled by optimistic locking and manual merge strategies. It would be very handy to have some more structured approach to this type of problem using standard transactions. Various long-running i...

Fun Ideas for an embedded senior design project?

I have a class called Senior Design next semester and we are looking for fun or interesting ideas that anyone might have for an embedded project. We will have Electrical Engineers, Computer Sciene, and Software Engineering majors working on this. All suggestions are welcome. Some ideas we are thinking about now are: Software Define...

SOAP or REST as a Client

I see multiple questions asking which is better, SOAP or REST from the development of the Web Service itself. However, not a lot of discussion of the pros/cons from the client perspective. If you were to write an Application and have a choice between two Web Service APIs that are similar in every way except one is SOAP and the other is R...

What are the reasons to use the id attribute for CSS purposes?

I've always used the class attribute, never id for the purpose of CSS selecting and styling. I know that the id must be unique, but that doesn't seem to be a reason to use it for CSS. The only reason I have used the id attribute is for JavaScript and form labelling. I find mixing id and class for the purpose of CSS can cause confusion,...