
Definition of a simple MAP Reduce API

I am developing a distributed processing API in Java, Erlang and Ruby. What basic commands can I include from which I can build mapreduce, pipelining, and all the most used parallell algorithms on top of it. ...

topics in distributed systems

what do you think is an interesting topic in distributed systems. i should pic a topic and present it on monday. at first i chose to talk about Wuala, but after reading about it, i don't think its that interesting. so what is an interesting (new) topic in distributed systems that i can research about. sorry if this is the wrong place to ...

Hadoop streaming job : stuck

Hi, I am running a hadoop streaming job. It got stuck due to no reason. I am not sure how to cancel the task, so that hadoop schedules another task for the same job. I tried killing the job, but it still doesn't work. Anyone know, how to do this? Thank you Bala ...

Sphinx search distributed index tuning

I'm deciding how to split 3 large sphinx indexes between 3 servers. Each of the 3 indexes is searched separately. What's more effective in terms of performance (speed of search): to host each index on separate machine Example machine1 - index1 machine2 - index2 machine3 - index3 or to split each index into 3 parts and host each ...

What is distributed storage/cache?

What's the difference between distributed and cluster? ...

Efficient algorithm to distribute work?

It's a bit complicated to explain but here we go. Basically, the issue is "How to break up problems into subproblems in an efficient way". "Efficient" here means, the broken up subproblems are as big as possible. Basically, it would be ideal if I don't have to break up the problems at all. However, because an worker can only work on spec...

Simplest distributed persistent key/value store that supports primary key range queries

I am looking for a properly distributed (i.e. not just sharded) and persisted (not bounded by available memory on single node, or cluster of nodes) key/value ("nosql") store that does support range queries by primary key. So far closest such system is Cassandra, which does above. However, it adds support for other features that are not ...

Jini : single server with multiple clients

Hi all, I have a question about how to make multiple clients can access a single file located on server side and keep the file consistent. I have a simple PhoneBook server-client Jini program running at the moment, and server only provides some getter functions to clients, such as getName(String number), getNumber(String name) from a Ph...

Best strategy for moving data between physical tiers in ASP.net

Building a new ASP.net application, and planning to separate DB, 'service' tier and Web/UI tier into separate physical layers. What is the best/easiest strategy to move serialized objects between the service tier and the UI tier? I was considering serializing POCOs into JSON using simple ASP.net pages to serve the middle tier. Meaning...

Can sphinx be used over cassandra?

I am planning to build a cassandra store system and also I need a full-text(Chinese) system too. Can sphinx be used on cassandra? (sphinx supports xml format but I am not going to use it, cause it is slow and much of time are spent on xml parsing). Or you can share your experiences if you have ever built a full-text searching system over...

Distributing cpu-bound compression jobs to multiple computers?

The other day I needed to archive a lot of data on our network and I was frustrated I had no immediate way to harness the power of multiple machines to speed-up the process. I understand that creating a distributed job management system is a leap from a command-line archiving tool. I'm now wondering what the simplest solution to this t...

What kind of storage with two-way replication for multi site C# application?

Hi I have a web-based system written using asp.net backed by mssql. A synchronized replica of this system is to be run on mobile locations and must be available regardless of the state of the connection to the main system (few hours long interruptions happens). For now I am using a copy of the main web application and a copy of the mssq...

Advice on building a distributed application?

Hi Guys, I'm looking into building a distributed application and would like some advice on the best way to go about it. My system will comprise of a central management web application where tasks will be defined, and a number of task runners which will be installed on different machines to processes those tasks. What I need to work ou...

how to share the paint application to others in visualC++

Hi, Recently i designed an MFC paint application so can anyone provide me idea to how to share this application to others so that when i draw on this application others also can watch what i am drawing. ...

Erlang: How to view output of io:format/2 calls in processes spawned on remote nodes.

Hello, I am working on a decentralized Erlang application. I am currently working on a single PC and creating multiple nodes by initializing erl with the -sname flag. When I spawn a process using spawn/4 on its home node, I can see output generated by calls io:format/2 within that process in its home erl instance. When I spawn a proce...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Remote Procedure Calls.

Hi Can anyone please provide specific links which cite the advantages of RPC over other inter process communication models. Also whether RPC is best suited for TCP/IP or HTML or similar other transfer mediums. Thanks and in advance. ...

Is there an use case for non-blocking receive when I have threads?

I know non-blocking receive is not used as much in message passing, but still some intuition tells me, it is needed. Take for example GUI event driven applications, you need some way to wait for a message in a non-blocking way, so your program can execute some computations. One of the ways to solve this is to have a special thread with m...

How to use a DHT for a social trading environment

I'm trying to understand if a DHT can be used to solve a problem I'm working on: I have a trading environment where professional option traders can get an increase in their risk limit by requesting that fellow traders lend them some of their risk limit. The lending trader can either search for traders with certain risk parameters which ...

Efficient multiple services exposed over .NET remoting using more channels or end points?

I am using remoting over TCP for a prototype distributed server application where I want to have varying multiple services exposed from each remoting server process. In some cases I want the services running from the same process but I don't want whatever is using the service to care about that. I am wondering is it more efficient to h...

SQL Server and distributed databases. How synchronize?

Hello everyone, I'm planning a project for managing multiple distributed databases and I am raising the question of how to efficiently synchronize the data. The project will be developed with technology. NET and SQL Server. There will be a local database in which the company will load data, some of these data (not all) should be synchr...