
Bottom positioned DIV

Hi, This is driving me crazy. I'm trying to get the footer div to be at the bottom of the page even if the main content doesn't fill the height of the browser. The below code works except for when I shrink the browser up and then the footer div overlaps the wrapper div, then the scroll bar appears. I want it to bump up against the wrapp...

Need help getting DIV inside DIV to stretch to width of contents in Firefox

I am using a layout similar to the one from Dynamic Drive here: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/layouts/item/css-right-frame-layout/ The main content area (white) has overflow set to auto. I have given the innerTube inside this main content area a border. However if the contents within this innerTube are greater than the width of the ...

Div does not expand to maximum width

I have the following css class: .CtractLabel { font-weight:bold; padding: 2px; text-align:left; /* width:120px; */ width:150px; float:left; border-bottom:solid 1px #aaaaaa; border-right:solid 1px #aaaaaa; background: white url('../Images/GridHeaderBg.gif') repeat-x bottom; } On my page, I have a a d...

how to maintain spacing between two fluid divs?

Hi, I have a parent div with two child divs (one floated left and one right) inside the parent. The web page must work on both 1024px definitions and 1620px so they need to be fluid if expanded in width. All margins look fine with the exception of the vertical space between the left and right divs. I am using jquery to maintain equal...

How can I achive a non-scrolling filled-page layout in ASP?

The master page currently looks like this: (No, I don't work for Google. The images are placeholders.) <body> <form id="frm" runat="server"> <%--Header (Main Logo)--%> <div align="right"> <asp:Image ID="HBannImg" runat="server" AlternateText="Google" ImageUrl="http://www.google.com/intl/...

Compatability problem on Mac browsers*

Hey everyone, I'm designing a little website ( you can see it here ) but I'm getting conflicts with something going from Mac based web browsers to PC based browsers. It seems to pop up on all Mac browsers and not on PC browsers. I have tested on Safari and Firefox on the Mac and Firefox/IE on PC. The image on the left is from a PC, the...

I am looking for a clean HTML tutorial.

I've been doing web programming from 1999 to 2004 and it looks like a lot has changed. The layout is no longer done with tables, but with DIVs, etc... I am looking for a tutorial that combines CSS and HTML and DIVs, etc... and teaches you how to layout a page. I don't want a tutorial that focuses on a specific one technology, but more...

<table> vs <div> (yet again)

I generally agree with the idea that web site layouts should be done with <div>s instead of <table>s. However, I have a situation where this does not work - or at least, I have not found any solution. I have a dynamic site where many customers share the same template (they can pick one from a set of available templates). A template defi...

Footer Overlapping Dynamically Generated Table

On an aspx page I am working on, a table is being generated server-side, and looks fine on the page. Also, on this page, there is a small footer. The end result is that when the content in the table gets long enough, the table extends past the footer, but the footer does not re-position itself at the bottom of the table. What kind of css...

Help with an absolutely positioned image css stuck to upper left of browser.

I am a beginner to all things css and I've tried repeatedly to position an image(transparent png)over a centered table, but for some reason the graphic won't budge from the upper left corner of the browser. Absolute positioning should allow me to place the element anywhere I want. If someone could help determine what I've done wrong, I'd...

Display a grid using divs

I'm trying to practice some CSS/HTML, and I am listing what should be done in a table using divs. The issue I am having is that when I am setting the margin's, the text isn't lining up into columns properly because some text is longer than others, so it results in a jagged table. e.g. 123 hello coool 123 asdfasdfsadf cool 123 hello c...

problem with floating divs in CSS

Hello, I am trying to put 2 columns into a website, I've got that to work fine but for whatever reason, the rest of the page doesn't change size to suit the content in the left column. Here is how it looks: www.kelownafoodspecials.com/indexsides.php. Pretty stuck so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, K ...

Fluid width layout using CSS

I am trying to put together a page that has a header that spans accross the page. the header contains menu items and looks something like this (ASCII rendering below) <------ Fixed Width ----------> <----------- Variable Width (Depends on Screen Width) --> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

display webpage inside other webpage without frames

Hi, i'm looking for a way to display a web page inside a div of other web page. i can fetch the the webpage with CURL, but since it has an external stylesheet when i try to display it, it appears without all his style properties. i remember facebook used this technique with shared links (you used to see the page that was linked with a fa...

how to evenly space layers within a container layer

I have a container layer with a width of 850px. Inside of that i have 4 layers displayed as inline-blocks floating left, each of which are 100px high and 200px wide. How can i space them so the outside ones line up at the edges of the container div but are spaced evenly within? css #content { width: 850px; margin-right: auto...

Css trick to conjoin divs.

Is there a way we could conjoin three divs together? Hello <div class="mainContainer"> <div class="LeftDiv"></div> <div class="CenterDiv"> <input id="txtTest" type="text"/> </div> <div class="RightDiv"></div> </div> World! what we need here is to present the code this way: Hello<*LeftDiv*><*CenterDiv with the ...

How do i make a border with css around some elements without specifing an absolute width?

i am new to css and would like to draw a border around this: <form name="SomeForm" method="post" action="SomeAction"> <fieldset> <legend>Details</legend> <div class="menu"> <p><label for="UserName">Username</label><input name="UserName" id="UserName" type="text" value="#data[1].username#"></p> <p><label for="Passwo...

How do I find the DIV in which my cursor is placed at any moment

How do I find the DIV in which my cursor is placed at any moment, so I can change the formatting of that area. ...

Is there a way to place content in bottom of a div using only one div?

My css is this: .stage{ width:960px; background-image:url('stage.png'); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat-x; min-height:400px; float:left; text-align:center; } This places the background image of the bottom of the div, and the content is centered. But I cant figure out how to place the c...

A problem with Div Layout

Hello! I have a HTML file like this (I only put the body of the page): <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div class="divBody"> <div id="divHeader"> </div> <div id="leftColumn"> Welcome! </div> <div id="rightColumn"> </div> </div> </form> </body> And it css f...