
Expand or shrink depending on the screen size using css

I'm pretty rubbish with CSS, I muddle through and rather than bash my head against a brick wall... www.SchofieldBell.com I have the book part of the page in the middle by placing everything inside #wrapper: #wrapper { BORDER-RIGHT: 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px solid; ...

centering divs does not work as it should

I have been looking around for solutions, and tried to implement what is often suggested, but I am not managing to horizontally center a div within another div. With my CMS I want to show up to four info blocks towards the bottom of the page. So, I am trying to put between zero and four divs within two container divs. The four divs get ...

Div sections shifts when i resize the window

hello all I have placed 2 divs side by side, one conatins the logo and second contains the text fields. when i view this page at larger resolution, everything is ok. but when i resize the window, the second div also gets shited and comes below the 1st div. But i want them to stay there side by side, at any resolution. kindly provide th...

Orientation for a div

Hi, Is there a way to change the orientation for a div using css. ie I need to display a div in a slanting position. Is there a way by which I can define the four corners of the div (x1,y1) , (x2,y2) , (x3,y3) and (x4,y4) Edit Is there a way to do it using javascript or C#?? Is there a way to change the orientation of an ima...

adding runat="server" changes the behaviour of the layout

Hi, I have a page with some controls, usercontrols etc. when I change a div from plain <div id="foo"> to a <div id="foo" runat="server"> the layout complete changes. why is that? and how can I prevent it? I'm using 2.0 .net framework Is it because .net changes my id, which obviously I don't want? ...

ScrollHeight not updating in IE8 using JQuery

I am trying to append some text (divs) to a scrollable div and then automatically scroll the the bottom. For some reason, when I try to do this in IE8, it is not working. Uncommenting the 'alert' lines show that IE8 returns two values for the ScrollHeight attribute. Does Jquery appends run asynchronously or does the DOM take time to r...

Using XSLT, how to turn each tag into a div with a class matching the tag name ?

Hi all, Using XSLT, I'd like to be able to transform this : <doc> <tag1>AAA</tag1> Hello ! <tag2>BBB</tag2> </doc> into this : <div class="doc"> <div class="tag1">AAA</div> Hello ! <div class="tag2">BBB</div> </div> ...but without specifying explicitly any tag name in the stylesheet (there are too many in the real worl...

jQuery - Define a div as a grid

Is there anyway to give a div the "grid" option in jQuery? I don't want to draw a grid on the div itself. The idea is for smaller layers to snap into the bigger div, in a grid like manner. ...

Is the <div> tag ever an undesirable alternative to the <p> tag?

I see the <p> tag used a lot in the code of others but have never used it in my own work. I'm wondering what advantage this gives over using a <div> tag? Are there any benefits I could get from incorporating the <p> tag into my pages? Is there any disadvantage in only using <div> tags without <p>? ...

jQuery - Sortable with divs

Is it possible to sort div layers? Examples only show list items being sorted. I currently use one function to control dynamically created divs (based on a MySQL result). This one function keeps the movable layers in one div. ...

ASp.Net Gridview wider then parent DIV

The problem page: http:// www . webeerlieve . com/ShowThread.aspx?ID=521 If you put your browser into 1024x768, you will see the GridView table will extend past the div "postbody". I don't know how to stop this from happening. ...

css and div tag layout problems

I have a header bar that spans horizontally across my web page, which is comprised of one div tag and three nested div tags. HTML: <div id="top-bar"> <div id="leftTop"> LEFT </div> <div id="rightTop"> RIGHT </div> <div id="centerTop"> CENTER </div> </div> CSS: #top-bar { margin: 0;...

Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery

I would like to show divs at a specific interval (10 seconds) and show next div and as go on and repeat the same. ** Sequence : ** On 10th second show div1 , hide other divs , After 5seconds interval Show div 2 and hide other divs, After 5 seconds interval Show div 3 and hide other divs, and repeat the same for every 10 secon...

How to make div having rounded corner with two colors??

Hi every body!! Can anyone suggest me how to create div with rounded corners but with two different color like in this example Here is the code I have used to make div with different color but did not work CSS: .roundcont_n { width: 250px; background-color: white; color: #000; } .roundcont_n_u { width: 250px; ba...

Showing/Hiding div

I am using asp.net ajax control toolkit 1.0 on vs 2005. I am using the collapseablePanel and AlwaysVisibleControlExtender control. When I use these, I notice that it my panel flashes for a few seconds before it is hidden. To avoid this, I have decided to place it in a div to make it hidden. I want it shown when I use the control. Her...

How to make simple sliding down divs with jquery

Ok, I'm new to jquery and just learning. I have a bunch of div's that I'd like to have sliding down every 2 seconds or so in one box. So for example, maybe a picture of an apple, then replaced with an orange, and so on.... Is there a simple way to do this with jquery? (I don't care about whether the visitors hovers his mouse over the di...

Showing/Hiding div CollapsePanel after ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock

This question is an extension to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/920384/showing-hiding-div. As stated, I found a workaround to prevent a Collapse panel from flashing upon load. My solution was this: In header: function showDivs() { divMenuContent.style.visibility = 'visible'; divMenuCont...

Dynamically Add Div Table Rows in VB.NET

Hi, Im a VB.NET beginnger, can anyone tell me how I can dynamically add a div table row or how I can loop a section of html? thanks. ...

Queuing and stop propogating a click event to inside a div in Javascript

I'm trying to implement a "wait for 3 seconds to do this operation" <div>. So, I have a <div> that has a bunch of elements in it that I want to be unclickable for say 3 seconds (a timer, or some other event), but somehow capture the events in a queue, and then fire them after the period (or some event of my choice) has elapsed/performed...

CSS Layout with Pixel And Percents

I have a div which contains two nested divs, one that specifies a height of 65 pixels (header), the other which specifies the height as 100% (content) and it is supposed to take the rest of the space veritically. When the page renders, there is a scrollbar on the right because of the height specified of 65 pixels of the header. What am ...