
How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections?

I want to generate a Listview that has some dividers between some of the entries, like it can be seen in some of the property sections. See the example below. I try to generate a List that consists of some textviews followed by one of the fancy dividers explaining the next part of the list and then again some text views. How can this be ...

Android Listview ArrayAdapter example

I am suing cusotm row view in Listview widget. i am having getview method in my implementation. What i want that i want to hide divider image of 2nd row how can i do it ? ...

Using an empty column as a divider in a JTable.

I'm trying to use an empty column as a divider between pairs of columns in a JTable. Here's a picture and code for what I have so far. I know I can change the look using a custom TableCellRenderer. Before I go down that road, is there a better way to do this? Any ideas appreciated. import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; pu...

How to change the divider height of listview dynamically?

Hi, I have a listview in which there should be different divider height between different rows. So, how can we set the divider height dynamically? Suppose, I have 10 rows and there should be a divider height of 5 between first 2 rows and then there should be a divider height of 1 between next 5 rows and so on. Can someone let me know ...

Help with odd number dividers (digital)

I am reading this: http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/AND8001-D.PDF On page three, the logic equations is given for the divide-by 9 DFF circuit. How do I obtain the equations through k-maps? I know to use k-maps, but I dont know what and how they are filling the k-maps with to obtain: Ad = A*B* Bd = A*B + AB* Cd = ABC* + CB*...

How to make divider part of each item in listview in android?

I wanted to change the divider height dynamically. From whatever I have searched it seems that it is possible through setting divider as part of each item in listview. But I am not very clear with this. So, can someone be more specific as how can one make the divider as part of item in listview? ...

Android inflated view is empty

I am trying to add a divider between entries in a vertical LinearLayout, to emulate the appearance of a ListView. (I can't just use a ListView in this particular situation.) This is what I have in list_divider.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <View xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:backgr...

dividers between TabWidgets

Hi, Is the android:divider attribute under the TabWidget working? I tried the Tab Layout tutorial from android just to test (http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-tabwidget.html) and set the android:divider to some image (for now I used the android vertical scrollbar as the drawable to really emphasize if its get...

Android ListView Divider

I have this code: <ListView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/cashItemsList" android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" android:divider="@drawable/list_divider"></ListView> where @drawable/list_divide is: <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res...

android: changing a divider with setDivider in a ListActivity without a custom ListView?

I can't seem to get a customized divider, using a Drawable I've defined, to work when using a ListActivity and not creating a custom ListView. It almost seems like when the VM creates its own ListView for me, with the ListActivity, it uses a theme with the default divider provided; and if I try to provide one, no dividers appear in the ...