
SQL Server 2000, Do queries executed sequentially ?

I am not sure if my question is related with the tool for executing the queries. (I am using Query Analyser, Access and AQT generally). For example I have two queries. SELECT * FROM Table1 SELECT * FROM Table2 So, do the queries executed sequentially or at the same time? If the are executed at the same time, how to make them execute...

Sequential Guid in Java

Considering the post I've made about the sequential guid performance on Microsoft.NET framework (see does somebody have a proper, sure, fast and well working Java implementation of the same algorithm impleme...

sequential vs. binary search

Consider a file on disk containing 100 records. For both searches, what is the average number of comparisons needed to find a record in a file. number of comparisons if the record is not in the file the average number of comparisons if the record has a 68% chance of being in the file the number of disk accesses in the previous 3 quest...

sequential search

For sequential search, what is the average number of comparisons needed to find a record in a file? ...

Sequential workflow console application template missing in VS2010 Ultimate Beta2

Hi, I am using VS2010 ultimate Beta2 and under Visual C# -> Workflow -> I don't see the Sequential workflow console application or state machine console application Could someone please advise why these are missing in VS2010. I am able to see them on VS2008 ->Workflow. Thank you ...

sequential search homework question

Consider a disk file containing 100 records a. How many comparisons would be required on the average to find a record using sequential search, if the record is known to be in the file? I figured out that this is 100/2 = 50. b. If the record has a 68% probability of being in the file, how many comparisons are required on average? This ...

Resharper Unit Test Runner executes unit tests sequentially or in parallel?

I would like to know if Resharper Unit Test runner runs unit tests sequentially or in parallell (each on its own thread). I am using MBUnit test framework. Thanks. ...

Sharepoint sequential workflow error ( sometimes )

Hi there , My problem is We create 3 approval stage workflow with Vs 2008 for sharepoint 20007. This workflow finds managers from the active directory and assing one task for each manager. Sometimes , after second task creation , we have an error something like "workflow-XXXX cannot be started sharepoint workflow history. If this erro...

Concurrent Generation of Sequential Keys

I'm working on a project which generates a very large number of sequential text strings, in a very tight loop. My application makes heavy use of SIMD instruction set extensions like SSE and MMX, in other parts of the program, but the key generator is plain C++. The way my key generator works is I have a keyGenerator class, which holds ...

Sequential (comb) GUIDs for Oracle

We are in the process of switching from the C# Guid.NewGuid() random-ish guid generator to the sequential guid algorithm suggested in this post. While this seems to work well for MS SQL Server, I am unsure about the implications for Oracle databases, in which we store guids in a raw(16) field. Does anyone have any insight as to whether t...

Switching to sequential (comb) guids - what about existing data?

We have a database with 500+ tables, in which almost all the tables have a clustered PK that is of datatype guid (uniqueidentifier). We are in the process of testing a switch from "normal" "random" guids generated through .NETs Guid.NewGuid() method to sequential guids generated through the NHibernate guid.comb algorithm. This seems to...

A couple of questions about NHibernate's GuidCombGenerator

The following code can be found in the NHibernate.Id.GuidCombGenerator class. The algorithm creates sequential (comb) guids based on combining a "random" guid with a DateTime. I have a couple of questions related to the lines that I have marked with *1) and *2) below: private Guid GenerateComb() { byte[] guidArray = Guid.NewGuid().T...

java -> System.gc(); Does this call opens a new Thread or not?

For example I such a code ... get some memory and lose all the pointers to that memory so that System.gc(); can collect it. call System.gc(); do some other tasks; Here does the "do some other tasks;" and "System.gc();" works in paralel or does the "do some other tasks;" waits for "System.gc();" to be executed Thank you ...

SQL Server "Group By" for an interesting case

Hello, I have a table like that ID ORDER TEAM TIME IL-1 1 A_Team 11 IL-1 2 A_Team 3 IL-1 3 B_Team 2 IL-1 4 A_Team 1 IL-1 5 A_Team 1 IL-2 1 A_Team 5 IL-2 2 C_Team 3 What I want is grouping the same named teams which are also sequential teams (Which is according t...

Trouble with a sequential search algorithm

Also why does this give me an error because I used bool? I need to use this sequential search algorithm, but I am not really sure how. I need to use it with an array. Can someone point me in the correct direction or something on how to use this. bool seqSearch (int list[], int last, int target, int* locn){ int looker; looker...

Help with odd number dividers (digital)

I am reading this: On page three, the logic equations is given for the divide-by 9 DFF circuit. How do I obtain the equations through k-maps? I know to use k-maps, but I dont know what and how they are filling the k-maps with to obtain: Ad = A*B* Bd = A*B + AB* Cd = ABC* + CB*...

How to sequential filter/Select multiple combobox w/ just one DataSet

Hi! I´m communicating via webservices with the Server (where's installed the database) and the c# application. So, i dont have direct access with the database Somehow, i receive a DataSet with 3 tables inside: And would like to populate 3 combobox like this: Which (as you already see) has a sequential logic. If i perhaps select "...

Trying to fadein divs in a sequence, over time, using JQuery

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to make 4 images fade in sequentially when the page loads. The following is my (amateurish) code: Here is the HTML: <div id="outercorners"> <img id="corner1" src="images/corner1.gif" width="6" height="6" alt=""/> <img id="corner2" src="images/corner2.gif" width="6" height="6" alt=""/> <img id="co...

play wav files one after the other in java

I'm trying to play a few WAV files after each other. I tried this method: for (String file : audioFiles) { new AePlayWave(file).start(); } but that plays them all at the same time. So i need a function that looks like this: public void play(Vector<String> audioFiles); the vector contains the files, eg: "test1.wav","test2.wav" ...

Fire a jquery loop to iterate before animation callback is complete?

I am trying to make a sequential animation, where a loop iterates through a list of elements .post's and fades them in slow. The difficult part is having it so that the next iteration begins fading in before the last one has finished fading. All I have so far is a simple sequential animator that fades them in one after the other. $(".po...