
How do I detect if a formset has any errors at all in a template?

Thanks to the fantastic inline model formsets in django I have a pretty advanced form with 4 inline formsets. In the template I display each formset in a tab. Everything works really slick but I would like to color a tab red if the formset in that tab has any validation errors at all. So I tried this: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <l...

What triggers form validation for a Django formset?

I have a from based on ModelForm and use formset_factory to create a formset based on two dictionaries. There is also one extra form. In my view, I use the formset JS plugin and I delete the two forms with data. When I POST the remaining empty extra form, it fails validation because of a required field. I don't understand why that form...

How to delete choice in checkbox list depending on previous choice in a Django form?

I have a form (not a model one) for a rsync front-end type. So I would like that when the user selects the source, it will get deleted from the destination choice. I'm new to python and django so forgive my ignorance. This is my from django import forms class ChoiceForm(forms.Form): source = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[(1,...

TypeError when saving a formset

I've declared a formset like so: class BaseFeatureFormSet(BaseFormSet): def save(self, commit = True): feature = Feature(name = self.cleaned_data['name'], type = self.cleaned_data['type'], premium = self.cleaned_data['premium'],) return feature Fea...

How to create an empty model formset in django running on google app engine

Hi, I'm using app engine patch for an application on app engine. I have a model formset which works great for editing objects, but I can't use it for adding objects because I can't create an empty formset. I want the user to be able to add multiple records at once, which I was I am using formsets. In django, to create an empty formse...

Get ID of total_form_count?

When using a formset, you need to add {{formset.management_form}} to your form. This renders 3 fields, one of which is TOTAL_FORM_COUNT. I want to get the ID of this field so that I can modify its value via JS. How can I do that? I'm trying stuff like formset.management_form.TOTAL_FORM_COUNT and .fields.TOTAL_FORM_COUNT to get the field...

Why does formset.empty_form contain errors and forget initial values?

formset.empty_form is great for generating a blank form that I can use in my JS. However, once the form has been posted, empty_form suddenly contains error messages and it magically forgets all its initial values. Why is that? Instead, I have to do this stupid hack to get an actually empty form empty_form = MyFormSet().empty_form Reg...

Passing instance/default value to a ModelFormSet for the empty forms to use, in a view.

How do i pre-populate the exclude fields in a ModelFormSet. AuthorFormSet below doesn't take an instance argument here, only queryset. So how do i force the empty forms coming in not to have a NULL/None user attribute. I want to be able to set that user field to request.user class Author(models.Model): user = models.Forei...

FormWizard and saving data

Hi guy's, im trying to use django formWizard, all is fine, but im getting an error in the last step after submit Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vacantes/webapps/django/lib/python2.6/django/core/handlers/", line 100, in get_response response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) File "/h...

How do I change a TextInput value through ModelForm in Django?

I have a ModelForm as follows: class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm): title = forms.CharField(max_length=200) body = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) new_status = forms.CharField(label="Status", max_length=1, widget=forms.Select(choices=APPS_ARTICLE_STATUS)) tags = forms.CharField(label="Generic Tags", max_length=200...

How can i Make add items list using modelformset ?

How can i go about making list that do this in Django. I want it to look like: Item A add Item B add Item C add where items are from Item models. When the add button is clicked, the item will be added to a list model. I use modelformset so that i could get Item list which is already populated in the Item model. I have...

Need Formset for relationship model with forms for all instances of one ForeignKey

I have a ManyToMany field with a relationship model. I want a formset, filtered on one of the keys, which shows a form for each of the other keys. My guess is that a custom manager on the relationship model is the key to solving this problem. The manager would return "phantom" instances initialized with the appropriate ForeignKey when n...

Adding Multiple Models to inlineformset_factory

I have a model like below. class Content(SimpleModel): title = models.CharField(max_length=255) body = models.TextField() slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50) def __unicode__(self): return self.title class MediumStuff(models.Model): meta_value = models.TextField() meta_key = models.SlugField('Fie...

[Django] Multiple (model)forms, one page, signals: validate on submit, not on edit.

I am generating multple forms on one page using signals like: def send_articleform(sender, form, request, type=None, nid=None, **kwargs): if sender == 'article': if nid == None: if request != None: formset = modelformset_factory(Article, form=ArticleModelForm) form['article...