Running a plain python interpreter in presense of ipython with shell

I have ipython installed, I want to run a plain python interpreter instead with shell. So I try, python2.5 shell --plain Which gave me an error, and text which suggest that --plain was passed to ipython So I read, which suggets shell --plai...

How do I preload imports into Django's shell command?

When I run shell on my Django project to take a peek at something there are common imports that I always want to run at the start of the shell (e.g. I always want to import my model files.) How can I have these run automatically everytime I run the shell command? 2nd related question, when I hit the up arrow I get the "^A" ch...

Django's shell won't indent

I seem to have run into a strange bug or more likely some setting I am unfamiliar with on my system that is not allowing me to tab when I am in Django's shell (python shell is how I run it). For obvious reasons this is proving to be annoying since I can't do any loops or conditonals in the shell. If I hit tab it completes all ...

custom django-admin commands - AttributeError: 'Command' object has no attribute 'stdout'

Following the example of writing a custom django-admin command here, I've created the following custom command: from import BaseCommand, CommandError class Command(BaseCommand): args = '' help = 'Test command' def handle(self, *args, **options): self.stdout.write("Hello World!") Surpri...

Non local connections for django project server

I ran the command python runserver It started the server up, but when I navigate to http://myipaddress:8000, my webbroswer doesnt connect. I also tried with my iphone safari brower and got the same thing. I am using Mac OS X 10.6 and am connect to the the internet through my router. Any suggestions on how to all...

Dump data from django Feincms

I'm using feincms in a django project and I want to use dumpdata but I get nothing: python dumpdata feincms [] ...

Where does django dev server ( runserver) get its path from?

I recently moved a django app from c:\Users\user\django-projects\foo\foobar to c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\foo\foobar (which is on the python path). I started a new app in the django-projects directory, and added foo.foobar to the INSTALLED_APPS setting. When I try to run the dev server ( runserver) for my new app, I get the e...

Django not finding apps in virtualenv when using syncdb

My problem is in getting syncdb to run within a virtualenv. It was working fine at one point, but seems to have broken sometime around when I installed South and updated pip and distribute. Anyways, when the virtualenv is activated, I can import apps fine within the interactive interpreter. Running through mod_wsgi, the apps ... syncdb error, postgres_psycopg2

Hello, I'm trying to install a shopping cart plugin for django but having a problem when I run syncdb. When run, it installs 4 tables, then I'm getting the following error message: File "(mypath)/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/", line 44, in execute return self.cursor.execute(query, args) django....