
Django: Adding inline formset rows without javascript

This post relates to this: Is there a way to achive adding inline formsets WITHOUT using javascript? Obviously, there would be a page-refresh involved. So, if the form had a button called 'add'... I figured I could do it like this: if request.met...

Django - provide additional information in template

Hi all, I am building an app to learn Django and have started with a Contact system that currently stores Contacts and Addresses. C's are a many to many relationship with A's, but rather than use Django's models.ManyToManyField() I've created my own link-table providing additional information about the link, such as what the address typ...

Django parallel arrays in a template

I have 2 arrays that I would like to render in a template, one is the data to be output, the other is a formset for deleting items. since it seems django does not support boolean operators in the template tag, I have tried packaging the items, but they return the first item and the first form in 2 rows only. How does one package such i...

Django debug error

I have the following in my model: class info(models.Model): add = models.CharField(max_length=255) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) An in the views when i say info_l = info.objects.filter(id=1) logging.debug( i get an error saying name doesnt exist at debug statement. 'QuerySe...

Django foreign key question

All, i have the following model defined, class header(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length = 255) created_by = models.CharField(max_length = 255) def __unicode__(self): return class criteria(models.Model): details = models.CharField(max_length = 255) headerid = models.Forei...

Django Foreign key queries

In the following model: class header(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length = 255) created_by = models.CharField(max_length = 255) def __unicode__(self): return class criteria(models.Model): details = models.CharField(max_length = 255) headerid = models.ForeignKey(header) def __unic...

django views question

In my django views i have the following def create(request): query=header.objects.filter(id=a)[0] a=query.criteria_set.all() logging.debug(a.details) I get an error saying 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'details' in the debug statement .What is this error and what should be the correct statemnt to query this.And the mode...

django views getid

class host(models.Model): emp = models.ForeignKey(getname) def __unicode__(self): return self.topic In views there is the code as, real =[] for emp in my_emp: real.append(host.objects.filter( This above results only the values of emp,My question is that how to get the ids along with emp val...

Return template as string - Django

Hi All, I'm still not sure this is the correct way to go about this, maybe not, but I'll ask anyway. I'd like to re-write wordpress (justification: because I can) albeit more simply myself in Django and I'm looking to be able to configure elements in different ways on the page. So for example I might have: Blog models A site update me...

Django JSON serializable error

With the following code below, There is an error saying File "/home/user/web_pro/info/", line 184, in headerview, raise TypeError("%r is not JSON serializable" % (o,)) TypeError: <lastname: jerry> is not JSON serializable In the models code header(models.Model): firstname = models.ForeignKey(Firstname)...

Querying many to many fields in django

In the models there is a many to many fields as, from emp.models import Name def info(request): name = models.ManyToManyField(Name) And in emp.models the schema is as class Name(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=512) def __unicode__(self): return Now when i want to query a...

Django: Summing values of records grouped by foreign key

Hi there In django, given the following models (slightly simplified), I'm struggling to work out how I would get a view including sums of groups class Client(models.Model): api_key = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=250, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=250) class Purch...

Django view function design

Hi, I have the view function in django that written like a dispatcher calling other functions depending on the variable in request.GET, like this: action = '' for act in ('view1', 'view2', 'view3', 'view4', ... ): if act in request.GET: action = act break ... if action == '': response = view0(requ...

HttpResponseRedirect question

Cant we send a dictionary variable when using HttpResponseRedirect render_to_response('edited/display.html',context_instance=RequestContext(request,{'newlist': newlist})) //How can the dictionary and the request sent back again //sumthing like this return HttpResponseRedirect('edited/display.html',context_instance...

queries in django

How to query Employee to get all the address related to the employee, Employee.Add.all() does not work.. class Employee(): Add = models.ManyToManyField(Address) parent = models.ManyToManyField(Parent, blank=True, null=True) class Address(models.Model): address_emp = models.CharField(max_length=512) description = mo...

Django syncdb error

/mysite/project4 class notes(models.Model): created_by = models.ForeignKey(User) detail = models.ForeignKey(Details) Details and User are in the same module i.e,/mysite/project1 In project1 models i have defined class User(): ...... class Details(): ...... When DB i synced there is an error saying Error:...

How do I use Logging in the Django Debug Toolbar?

I would like to output debug messages in my django app at different points in a view function. The docs for the django-debug-toolbar say it uses the build in python logging but I can't find any more information then that. I don't really want to log to a file but to the info pane on the toolbar. How does this work? ...

Copying contents of a model

If there exists an old data of a model say , query=Emp.objects.filter( Is there a easier way to copy the same values into the same model again.. Now that the id will be different so.. I have this requirement. Thanks.. ...

Get the currently saved object in a view in Django

Hi, I has a Django view which is accessed through an AJAX call. It's a pretty simple one — all it does is simply pass the request to a form object and save the data. Here's a snippet from my view: form = AddSiteForm(request.user, request.POST) if form.is_valid(): obj = obj.user = request.user obj.sav...

Sort list of items in Django

Hi Guys, I have a Django view called change_priority. I'm posting a request to this view with a commas separated list of values which is basically the order of the items in my model. The data looks like this: 1,4,11,31,2,4,7 I have a model called Items which has two values - id and priority. Upon getting this post request, how can I ...